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Crypt The Wicked Warframe


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     i just wanted to pitch my power ideas/concepts.

  hope you like it and would love to hear the publics feed back(public rules)

 my idea for a name is crypt btw

(below is some concept from valhaHazard)btw if anyone can tell me how to hide picks for space let me know lol



(this is devs concept i might have concept art coming in from valhaHazard soon which is amazing so far btw but i posted this so you guys can get an idea of whats using the powers lol)


CRYPT is a wicked warframe that can harness the power of dark energy.

      His abilities make him a living nightmare to enemies to the tenno.


 First:/ Harvester: Crypt summons a dark energy scythe to cut through enemies. part of the damage to enemies is turned to red orbs.(The Harvester skill would be a 180 degree cone in front of the player, with a range of about 25 meters. Anything within this cone would take damage, and anything killed would be a guaranteed Health Orb drop for the team.)




Second:/(i have a few choices) Tombstone: Crypt cast a solid wall of dark energy that prevents enemy fire and causes knock backs to  enemies that walk through.


Second:/Specter:Crypt becomes intangible allowing him to walk through enemies dealing damage and applying stun while leaving a trail of darkness behind.(Spectre would be a ghost form, giving you invulnerability for the duration of the skill, and allowing you to pass through small objects like crates and boxes, but more importantly, enemies. Enemies that you walk through would be given a stackable DoT effect. The trail (similar to the trail seen on Volt's speed, but more like smoke or fog) could also be given a lingering DoT effect to enemies that walk through the trail, although smaller in scale to the damage if the player actually passes through the enemy. Seeing as the Spectre would be a ghost form, earthly weapons would not be useful as they would not be corporeal (or solid), so weapons would not be able to be used for the duration of this skill.)


Second:/Specter(other idea) Crypt summons a dark energy specter to his side to fight and attack enemies (slight aggro)




Third:/ Nightmare: Crypt releases a burst of dark energy to cause mass panic on the battlefield. (Nightmare should be thought of as mass-induced panic for a set duration. Taken from a similar concept to Nyx's Chaos, in that it affects enemies in a certain area to act a certain way, it differs in the actions that the enemies take. Chaos makes the enemies not able to differentiate friend from foe, making them attack anything and everything. However, Nightmare should be made to scare enemies into running and taking cover, unable to attack out of fear. If an enemy is unable to find something to hide behind, he may start to carelessly fire his weapon in all directions. Not aiming at anything, but hoping to hit the imaginary being that is frightening him.)



Fourth:/(new)Graveyard Crypt gives life to the essence of his defeated foes and summons them by his side with coffins from the shadows.(what basically happens is that by harnessing the power of dark energy Crypt can revive the essence since the bodies disappear. coffins made from his dark energy appear and ghost like shadows appear going into the coffins and this faint looking version of the faction you are fighting appear and wildly attack the other factions. the effects can be transferred enemies that have been turns will start gushing dark energy from their chest. the revived basically have the health of what ever it revived .when after the revived enemies are all gone effects where off no time limit but cant be stacked and effect better in area where alot of enemies have been downed) edited hope you guys like kinda struck me when i was listening to ashcorp and watching warframe profiles DE is so inspiring


Fourth:/(old) Graveyard: Crypt gives life to the shadows to imprison enemies in an ethereal coffin.(What we ended up with for Graveyard, was that "Crypt" would be able to use his energy to build a sort of coffin around enemies within a 40 meter radius, which would fall to the ground from a standing position. The enemies in these coffins would be effectively paralyzed until the power wore off and the coffin faded away to shadows. However, if the player or teammates were to come along and shoot/melee the coffins, the coffin would shatter, causing massive damage to those inside as the line between life and death was crossed.)



just thought for future references i thought i share a qoute from a book that explains what im going for with this frame


"I am a necromancer, true. But I don't raise. I lay to rest."


thank you for you guys time hope you all enjoy


Special thanks Omega224 and pettitheyeti.(Thank pettitheyeti for the new edits)

Edited by Masqurade_Blademan
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Let the Specter (2nd type) do damage/stun and this will be the most awesome thing I know.

Maybe it should leave the trail of darkness or something


1st skill is also very creative. I like it

Edited by Sindyr
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Let the Specter (2nd type) do damage/stun and this will be the most awesome thing I know.

Maybe it should leave the trail of darkness or something


1st skill is also very creative. I like it

thank you came up with that one on my own lol. yeah i will change specter then i think that should be nice

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Make the Specter deal 500 damage per hit with Hate scythe. That would make my day. (And if he had invunerability and a 30 sec duration.)

Name is also awesome.

i was planning on adding no use of weapons while using specter. thus justifying kinda a longer power duration. though using  a scythe would fit harvester covers the scythe love lol.(i think)

Edited by Masqurade_Blademan
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Whoa, no weapons? So does this mean Crypt must have Energy Siphon equipped to be anything close to useful? See, depending on your energy pool, you start with a certain amount of energy. I start with 100. If I can't slash open containers with a sword or shoot them with a gun, I have no idea, besides Energy Siphon or constant multi-player games, how I can keep fighting.


Also, I suggest you don't add any damage bonuses to be given by scythe weapons, though visual effects unique to scythes would be fine. I mean, It's annoying enough to farm Reaper Prime or Hate as it is.


On another note, I love the concept art. That picture alone convinces me that we desperately need a Necro 'Frame.


Edit: punctuation

Edited by Tyranthius
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Whoa, no weapons? So does this mean Crypt must have Energy Siphon equipped to be anything close to useful. See, depending on your energy pool, you start with a certain amount of energy. I start with 100. If I can't slash open containers with a sword or shoot them with a gun, I have no idea, besides Energy Siphon or constant multi-player games, how I can keep fighting.



um no weapons while in specter my bad. your intagible how you going to hit them

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The design council is probably figuring the moves out

yeah but at least i can give them an idea or two i hope lol. i have a couples of friends in design council and i hope to be there on day plus i messaged de Steve so idk im just hopeing they see it  

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what do you mean to much

Out of lore/

Too OP/

Too different from the other frames/

Not useful/



I was talking about this >>

i was planning on adding no use of weapons while using specter. thus justifying kinda a longer power duration. though using  a scythe would fit harvester covers the scythe love lol.(i think)

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 First: Harvester: Crypt summons a dark energy scythe to cut through enemies. part of the damage to enemies is turned to red orbs.
Second:(i have a few choices) Tombstone: Crypt cast a solid wall of dark energy that prevents enemy fire and causes knock backs to  enemies that walk through.
Second:Specter:Crypt becomes intangible allowing him to walk through enemies dealing damage and applying stun while leaving a trail of darkness behind.
Second:Specter(other idea) Crypt summons a dark energy specter to his side to fight and attack enemies (slight aggro)
Third: Nightmare: Crypt releases a burst of dark energy to cause mass panic on the battlefield. (enemies run and hide from fear)
Fourth: Graveyard: Crypt gives life to the shadows to imprison enemies in an ethereal coffin.
thank you for you guys time hope you all enjoy
Special thanks Omega224 and pettitheyeti for 



As Masqurade said, I was helping out with some of the ideas behind the skills on this. Since he just kind of gave a summary, I will try to elaborate on some of the ideas.


1st: The Harvester skill would be a 180 degree cone in front of the player, with a range of about 25 meters. Anything within this cone would take damage, and anything killed would be a guaranteed Health Orb drop for the team.


2nd: Spectre would be a ghost form, giving you invulnerability for the duration of the skill, and allowing you to pass through small objects like crates and boxes, but more importantly, enemies. Enemies that you walk through would be given a stackable DoT effect. The trail (similar to the trail seen on Volt's speed, but more like smoke or fog) could also be given a lingering DoT effect to enemies that walk through the trail, although smaller in scale to the damage if the player actually passes through the enemy. Seeing as the Spectre would be a ghost form, earthly weapons would not be useful as they would not be corporeal (or solid), so weapons would not be able to be used for the duration of this skill.


3rd: Nightmare should be thought of as mass-induced panic for a set duration. Taken from a similar concept to Nyx's Chaos, in that it affects enemies in a certain area to act a certain way, it differs in the actions that the enemies take. Chaos makes the enemies not able to differentiate friend from foe, making them attack anything and everything. However, Nightmare should be made to scare enemies into running and taking cover, unable to attack out of fear. If an enemy is unable to find something to hide behind, he may start to carelessly fire his weapon in all directions. Not aiming at anything, but hoping to hit the imaginary being that is frightening him.


4th: What we ended up with for Graveyard, was that "Crypt" would be able to use his energy to build a sort of coffin around enemies within a 40 meter radius, which would fall to the ground from a standing position. The enemies in these coffins would be effectively paralyzed until the power wore off and the coffin faded away to shadows. However, if the player or teammates were to come along and shoot/melee the coffins, the coffin would shatter, causing massive damage to those inside as the line between life and death was crossed.

Edited by PettiTheYeti
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As Masqurade said, I was helping out with some of the ideas behind the skills on this. Since he just kind of gave a summary, I will try to elaborate on some of the ideas.


1st: The Harvester skill would be a 180 degree cone in front of the player, with a range of about 25 meters. Anything within this cone would take damage, and anything killed would be a guaranteed Health Orb drop for the team.


2nd: Spectre would be a ghost form, giving you invulnerability for the duration of the skill, and allowing you to pass through small objects like crates and boxes, but more importantly, enemies. Enemies that you walk through would be given a stackable DoT effect. The trail (similar to the trail seen on Volt's speed, but more like smoke or fog) could also be given a lingering DoT effect to enemies that walk through the trail, although smaller in scale to the damage if the player actually passes through the enemy. Seeing as the Spectre would be a ghost form, earthly weapons would not be useful as they would not be corporeal (or solid), so weapons would not be able to be used for the duration of this skill.


3rd: Nightmare should be thought of as mass-induced panic for a set duration. Taken from a similar concept to Nyx's Chaos, in that it affects enemies in a certain area to act a certain way, it differs in the actions that the enemies take. Chaos makes the enemies not able to differentiate friend from foe, making them attack anything and everything. However, Nightmare should be made to scare enemies into running and taking cover, unable to attack out of fear. If an enemy is unable to find something to hide behind, he may start to carelessly fire his weapon in all directions. Not aiming at anything, but hoping to hit the imaginary being that is frightening him.


4th: What we ended up with for Graveyard, was that "Crypt" would be able to use his energy to build a sort of coffin around enemies within a 40 meter radius, which would fall to the ground from a standing position. The enemies in these coffins would be effectively paralyzed until the power wore off and the coffin faded away to shadows. However, if the player or teammates were to come along and shoot/melee the coffins, the coffin would shatter, causing massive damage to those inside as the line between life and death was crossed.

thanks for the edits

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We'd need to displace Volt for that, though. That never made any sense to me. Why does J-3 have Volt prints?

yeah it stumped me to i mean he pooped and threw toxic turds how does that have and thing to do with volt. plus new j3 golem has a scythe which pleases me and makes sense to drop the nerco frame

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The devs have officially stated that Volt will be moved elsewhere (joking that it would become alert-only like Vauban- again, they were just joking), and that the new warframe will be given to the J3-Golem.


Now that that's out of the way, this... isn't a necro Warframe. This is more like a "shadow" Warframe, maybe an "undertaker" Warframe to match the chef and stonemason Warframes that will come out after, or perhaps a "high school goth kids dabbling in drugs in the graveyard" Warframe (though I doubt he has nearly enough piercings for that).

But not a necro Warframe. There's nothing "dead" about any ability other than the one that turns you into a ghost. I know you were trying to avoid the "raise dead" new-age necromancy line, but he doesn't even call up ghosts like classical necromancy.

Edited by Archwizard
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