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Attention De_Steve: Rare Mats Stuck In Limbo.


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After doing some farming on Earth, the Neurodes drop rate doesn't seem That bad.


Did Vay Hek once, he dropped a Neurode.


Did Four E Prime runs, found another two Neurodes.


All of this in one night just leveling my new Acrid.


This might be a huge stroke of luck, but hey. I'll try this again in Europa and see if Control Modules actually something close to reasonably often.



... This might seem weird but you might wanna try your luck for CM on Neptune. I know you said you can't solo it but it seems that the higher level a planet the more the odds of it randomly dropping rare-grades from containers... :S 

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While this is the case you can still regularly do defence missions to wave 15 or 20 and you wont reliably get a single rare resource.  It is also quite tough expecting a new player to actually reliably be doing defence missions to the wave 15-20 point (without catalysts/reactors) when many people drop out long before then.


What are you talking about, I did Xini waves till 20 even with un-reactored frames and brand new or fresh forma weapons on Xini.


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Why not throw in multiple avenues on top of Assasination though? Even Steve supports diversity.


As for Material Rewards for certain mission types, they are also a probable avenue, but one of your choices is one I heavily disagree with. Rescue is far from being a simple matter as is. I wouldn't want the stress of taxi'ing an NPC around for mere resources. 


As for your personal experiences, you randomly got them and that's fine, but that doesn't help the fact that there are currently no surefire effective processes by which one can obtain "rare" materials.


Finally, as for your P.S., bosses drop common-grade materials and that's fine too, but back in update 8 I was guaranteed a control module every 10 runs from hyena for example. This isn't about what they drop exactly, but how frequently they drop "it", "it" being pretty much the materials in question.

Well, that's what I'm suggesting, having multiple avenues to reliably aquire resources. The reason I think it shouldn't be Assassination is because those missions already have a reward for playing them. Rescue, Sabotage and now that I remember, Exterminate have no reward for completion and I think that should be resources. We need reliable ways to get resources, we need reasons to play missions which currently have no reward attached. If we put rewards as an end of mission bonus that helps both.

I know you have issues with Rescue missions, I do too, but would you rather have them with a resource reward or none at all. Think about it.


Also, you called me out on putting forward personal experience as an example, but every post in here from OP to mine is also personal experience. Xylia also appears to be having similar results, they drop pretty commonly from regular missions.

And just to wrap it up, are you saying bosses aren't dropping any resources at all? That I haven't seen, but I don't grind bosses for resources....

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Playing today with a couple of friends we found that the Hyena drops nothing at all while we could get from 0 to 3 control modules from the Raptor per run. I don't think all bosses should drop resources in those amounts (though I wouldn't complain!), but they should at least drop some, especially if they are high level (like Hyena or Phorid).


I'd really like some official word on the rare resource issue.

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Well, that's what I'm suggesting, having multiple avenues to reliably aquire resources. The reason I think it shouldn't be Assassination is because those missions already have a reward for playing them. Rescue, Sabotage and now that I remember, Exterminate have no reward for completion and I think that should be resources. We need reliable ways to get resources, we need reasons to play missions which currently have no reward attached. If we put rewards as an end of mission bonus that helps both.

I know you have issues with Rescue missions, I do too, but would you rather have them with a resource reward or none at all. Think about it.


Also, you called me out on putting forward personal experience as an example, but every post in here from OP to mine is also personal experience. Xylia also appears to be having similar results, they drop pretty commonly from regular missions.

And just to wrap it up, are you saying bosses aren't dropping any resources at all? That I haven't seen, but I don't grind bosses for resources....


Well, I wouldn't call it calling you out on your personal experiences really. We've all had our own experiences to draw from in order to comment on the subject. And as for wanting to give people reasons to try other gametypes, I respect that as well unless it falls into the time =/= reward paradigm I've spoken of. As for my saying bosses are not dropping resources at all, i'm saying the rate at which they're dropping them is uneven. I can't exactly say they don't drop them at all due to the lone rare-grades dropping once out of 150 runs for example, but it still stands to reason that the ratios are thusly, imbalanced... And when I say imbalanced I don't mean "Devs please take a look at this" imbalanced, I mean imbalanced as in "IT'S GONE, SOUND THE ALARM!!! WE'VE GOT BUGS" imbalanced. 

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It's just that I've seen every boss I've fought recently drop rare mats and during U7 and U8 I stopped grinding bosses for resources because I had the exact problem you seem to be experiencing.  From my perspective it seems like things are as they always have been and people are just using the announced drop table changes as an excuse to complain about not getting the things they want.

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It's just that I've seen every boss I've fought recently drop rare mats and during U7 and U8 I stopped grinding bosses for resources because I had the exact problem you seem to be experiencing.  From my perspective it seems like things are as they always have been and people are just using the announced drop table changes as an excuse to complain about not getting the things they want.


I won't lie to you, i'm thinking of making a 10-run pass on Hyena in order to gather evidence and solidify/finalize my case, but from the Orokin Cell incident i'm still fairly convinced that drops are partially skewered. 


As for new drop rates being something to complain about, I don't know about you, but I used to get a control module off of Hyena once every 10 runs... And I was damn willing to make those 10-run passes just for 1 Control Module. Now, I don't think i'll get much out of him even if I try... So IDK.

Edited by EdwardMarlus
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Yeah I'm against making bosses the main source of resources again because, hey, they already drop blueprints and we could do to give people a reason to run missions outside of Mobile/Defense and Assassination. How about instead of giving them back their drops, bosses no longer drop rare mats reliably but sabotage/rescue missions have a material reward at the end. Or even simpler, make them more readily available from random drops.


As for whether or not the drop rates have gone through the floor, no they probably actually haven't. In the last hour I got 8 Neural Sensors doing random runs of Jupiter. A range of missions, Raid, Rescue, Spy, Sabotage, Assassination. Yesterday I got more than 10 Control Modules over the course of a number of alerts on Neptune, getting 2 a mission on average and 3 quite often. Lately Neurodes have been raining from the sky as well, enough to build a Vasto and 4 alternate helms. All this without even bothering to grind.

This means that either I am the chosen champion of the RNG gods or that the RNG is actually being nice for once but people are too busy grinding the same old for nothing.

P.S It was pretty common before U9 for bosses to drop common materials instead of rare. This isn't even U9 new, this is old hat.

I have actually been testing the solo (to avoid annoying other players) drop rates on rare materials (to show myself its simply observational bias) and from what at least with juipter thats fairly lucky.


Using the defence missions on juipter (as it was faster approach), I went about doing a test on the count from cylinders and didnt include locker counts (they werent consistent enough for my tastes).  With about 2000 containers destroyed (slightly over that) I found that I only earned 11 Neural Sensors from that 2000 odd cylinders.  The 11 neural sensors included any I got from lockers as well (to bias the drop rate towards the materials).  About half the drops I got were even 2 at once though I was looking for an average drop rate.  Of course that doesnt include kills, since I quit the missions (it wasnt about kills/farming so much as an interest in the numbers) before triggering them.


Currently I'm moving through Saturn and including lockers (as its taking allot longer dooing complete missions) and finding that to be much worse, given im currently at just over 400 containers + kills (as its harder to track just during missions and again with some bias towards the drop rate) and still no orokin cells have droped and collected.


The current need (presuming your building all weapons and warframes at some point and without polarising) is;

56 control modules (plus catalysts)

46 gallium (plus catalysts)

129 morphics (plus catalysts and reactors)

27 Neural sensors (plus reactors)

72 Neurodes (plus reactors)

94 Orokin Cells (plus catalysts and reactors)

With about 80 weapons, 15 frames and 3 sentinals that may need catalyts or reactors, it makes for allot of rare resources that are needed, before the Dojo is even considered.

Edited by Loswaith
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The current need (presuming your building all weapons and warframes at some point and without polarising) is;

56 control modules (plus catalysts)

46 gallium (plus catalysts)

129 morphics (plus catalysts and reactors)

27 Neural sensors (plus reactors)

72 Neurodes (plus reactors)

94 Orokin Cells (plus catalysts and reactors)

With about 80 weapons, 15 frames and 3 sentinals that may need catalyts or reactors, it makes for allot of rare resources that are needed, before the Dojo is even considered.


Wow, that's some math there Los... All of this is definetily something to think about, especially when the rare-grades get horribly scarce.

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Thats even obsolete now with the latest reinforcements.. so the drain is growing all the time.


The maths isnt that bad, all the indivdual numbers are on the wiki for anyone to see.

I was quite supprised at the number of Morphics actually.  I suspect a somewhat reasonable droprate on them and that you get them before you realy need them can cloud the actual amount you do need to not feel quite so extensive.

Edited by Loswaith
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