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Fusioned 320% Vitality Mod On Accident.



Hey. Im Playur... Just another player looking for some help :3

Today, half an hour ago or so I fusioned my Vitality mod on accident. I have worked really hard on it, and spent alot of fusion cores to get it up to 320%.

I was just wondering... Is there any way of getting it back? Im totally fine if it isnt. Its my own fault and responsebility. And I have learned now that if you play Warframe late at night and tired you will be punished, lol. 

But I asked in the Region chat ingame, if I could make such a thread at all, and a guy said that a friend of him did the same thing, and got his stuff back...


So again, I'm just wondering if theres any possibility at all to get it back somehow? :I

Thanks in advance for your help! :D


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