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What are the best press a single button Frames?


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5 hours ago, Wordse said:

I am all for trivializing game play by setting up correctly.

DE has already stated, many times, that they don't view this as healthy for the game.

They're even working their way through the game, one frame at a time, and removing such BS.

Where will you run to when "4 the win" is truly dead, if you're so desperate to not actually play that you came to the forums for help?

I'm giving you the best advice I can: Don't get emotionally invested in a game that only fits your preferred play style on account of mistakes which are slowly being corrected. Instead, get into something meant to be boring and zero-effort. Like...

Huh. The closest thing I can think of is Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, but you have to unlock Surge and Mine commands before you can spam them.

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20 hours ago, Wordse said:

After the nerfs and damage changes are there any Frames that stand head and shoulders above others in non interactive / non intensive game play? 

Frost built either for Range>Strength>Efficiency or Strength>Range>Efficiency. Press 4 once every minute or so, wipe the whole map.

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3 hours ago, DjKaplis said:


If I understand correctly you are looking for sort of relaxed and often solo oriented gameplay.


Right now maybe something like  Iron skin Rhino, Wukong built for Defy or Inaros with good AoE weapons (Lenz, Zarr, Ignis, Amprex, Angstrum, Kulstar, Atomos...etc) or good nice range melee (polearms, whips, some zaws, galatine prime) could be to your liking. They are not like ember was in the way that they kill stuff with 1 button but rather in a way that they are just very hard to be killed and you can just focus on killing enemies with your AoE weapons.



Equinox 175 range, 200str, 190efficiency, around 40duration, augment for 3rd. Approx values. This build I can use for cc on night form or good damage on Maim without building up the nuke when I feel like just running through lower missions.

Oberon modded for range, efficiency and decent str can do good damage by putting hallowed ground / Reckoning (augment is good vs high density of enemies). Or hallowed ground augment that lets you detonate it...you can experiment on what you prefer. It is possible to build him to be able to do lvl 50-60 missions quite easily without shooting a wep even once.

Octavia and her mallet.

Mag and her 3rd and 4th.




This is the best help I have gotten so far I think the Defensive route sounds like what I am gonna be moving toward modding to be more survivable I guess I can play around with weapons and see which ones require the fewest inputs on my end probably the AoE guns thanks! 

3 hours ago, VentiGlondi said:

You're forgetting that this is a multiplayer game. You're having fun at the cost of 3 other people in the party not being able to have any.

By taking your fun away 3 other people get to have more fun, which results in 200% increase of average fun.

I tend to play solo the only time I play with other people I switch to a different frame usually something I try to mod to be survivable so my lack of aim or reaction time isn't slowing people down. Am I bad at the game? 100% yes but I suffer through that part to get back to the stuff I enjoy I can see other people playing this stuff in the hopes of topping damage numbers or intruding on other peoples games but thats not me. So by taking my fun away your not increasing any fun just sorta making so I have to play frames I find boring and don't contribute to the team in anyway and that sounds like a bad time.

13 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

DE has already stated, many times, that they don't view this as healthy for the game.

They're even working their way through the game, one frame at a time, and removing such BS.

Where will you run to when "4 the win" is truly dead, if you're so desperate to not actually play that you came to the forums for help?

I'm giving you the best advice I can: Don't get emotionally invested in a game that only fits your preferred play style on account of mistakes which are slowly being corrected. Instead, get into something meant to be boring and zero-effort. Like...

Huh. The closest thing I can think of is Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, but you have to unlock Surge and Mine commands before you can spam them

Alright cool they are taking it out sounds like a fun inclusive experience.
When press 4 is entirely gone and the game is only for the top best players only and people who lack the skill are just playing to hit re spawn 4 times I will....press respawn 4 times and then wait for the mission to complete

I appreciate the effort I suppose but I do find this game fun and I don't think these were mistakes I thought there were interesting and fun ways to build your frame that rewarded modding with fast and efficient results at a base level I am still interacting by inputting a command even if you seem to disagree. Also what you find boring might be super fun and exciting for others not to mention there is a solo mode I can tuck my self into for all the great p4tw game play and keep it away from other people save my clan who are cool with this.

KH:BBS While fun was not a very long experience and after getting strong enough magic yes it resembled what I was looking for but it was over before I knew it. I think your actually trying to help but ignoring my investment into the game already all the time I have spent grinding and getting Mastery is a little incongruous with what you seem to intend.  
Alternate avenue would be me playing the team aspect for out of necessity and exposing others to my lack of ability  and providing nothing to the experience anyway. While I do hope they keep some giant AOE toggle abilities in the game if its that much of a problem I suppose just cutting a part of the playerbase out of the game is fine but why not work to make both play styles work together. 

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Here are the most boring/OP/efficient frames to play for various things...  This list mostly just works on the star chart. With long duration missions, sorties, and ESO, you typically have to work.

Exterminate: Ember is still the trash mob queen.  Press 4 and run around to pick up energy.
Defense type: Banshee is less interactive with RQ.  Pop an energizing dash and continue to look at the ground and press 4. (I hate this build for the record)
Mobile Defense:  Limbo. low range high duration cataclysm / stasis combo means unless there is a nullifier you can go get a cup of coffee while the timer runs out. 
Survival: Hydroid. Make a max duration, max str, low range pilfer build,  place tentacle swarm in a doorway every 40 seconds and have your vacuum sentinel collect loot until you wanna leave. if you wanna double your loot bring a Nekros to stand next to you haha. See limbo nullifier comment.
Rescue, Spy, and Sabotage: Loki;   Make max speed and duration build, press 2, and just run to the objective.
Capture,  Assassinate: Volt: high str high duration.  Sprint to the target put a shield down and shoot.

Honorable nuke mentions

Frost: Avalanche is a great nuke,  combined with a Trin or a Speedva this is one if the fastest ways to clear a defense.

Equinox:  Maim is a great nuke,  but you have to charge it first and pay attention. Probably the best Sanctuary Onslaught frame.

Honorable durability mentions:
Rhino: with the Iron Skin augments you don't have to worry about damage for the most part
Chroma:  Icy Queen Chroma mitigates a lot of damage and makes boring weapons more powerful fun.
Nyx assimilate build... you are invincible... technically... I think... I haven't played this

Regarding the overall tone of this thread.  Warframe is built around giving the player super space ninja abilities.  The effects of abilities largely should be OP and super fun.  I think that DE has done a great job with the balancing act so far to give us a lot of fun options.  I think it's okay to have frames that are better at tasks than others.  If you look at this list,  other than Loki, most frames are still one trick ponies as far as various missions are concerned,  and still for the most part they don't take anything away from anyone.  I mean I'm happy to see a limbo put a bubble around the mobi-def terminal, so I can go cut loose and kill things.  You know, have fun for a minute.  And Honestly,  even though that Limbo may only have a single kill at the end of that mission type... that guy is a star in my book for taking one for the team.

I mean,  look at it this way... should we make all frames the same speed?  because having a max speed frame that can run and capture a target before the next guy makes it boring for him?  Some people need to harden up a little, if they're concerned with being the guy that does the objective the best they can build a frame that does it, they can sit in recruiting asking for support frames to join a party, or they can run solo.

There is a mention above about a build which I personally don't like... You wanna know what I do?  If I go into pub Hydron and see a Banshee,  I just leave and reload.  It takes 15 second to do it,  and I don't have to ruin that guys fun.  Not everyone has the same definition for what they consider to be fun, and the community should be supportive of making the most fun options for the most amount of players.  If I notice I'm the second Limbo in a party? 3rd Saryn in ESO? The point I'm getting to is that if you load up something that isn't going to work in a pub party, you should really just reload.

Another note,  If DE takes away all of the super powerful options for various things I'll leave the game.  I'm here to feel like Goku in Super Sayain mode.  If this turns into another super repetitive loot grinder I'm out.  I bounced out of Diablo 3 for just this reason.  Blizzard literally broke every build I made. I enjoy that I have options to sit there with a melee Volt and go berserk,  or if I'm not in the mood, I can load up an Ember and just run through a mission for the damn 30th Nitain I need for Vauban prime.

Long Story short,  keep up the good work DE 🙂

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