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The problem with Umbra and the Onslaught


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I have been testing these bugs out and I can confirm it's both a problem and very annoying. I'll explain on why both Umbra and the Onslaught has a problem.


When playing as Umbra, switching over to your Operator for a bit, and with the passive the Umbra acts as a friendly AI that fights for you as an Operator. However, when you switch back to your Warframe, the Transference Static is applied out of nowhere. Say you want to use your operator to regenerate some energy for your Umbra, well when you're done with that, you'll get that Transference Static debuff that will drain your max HP for a minute.


And now the Onslaught. We all know host migration is very annoying, however with the problem I have with it is that when host migration happens in Onslaught, it's as if the migration is completely frozen and are forced to close the game while losing your progress and rewards. Finding this out when it happened a few times makes me upset that I lost the rad relics I wanted, that one captura scene in Lua and all that.


Alright, if this has happened to you let me know so I don't feel like I'm the only one with these bugs here. Hopefully DE will see and try to fix it.

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We were just doing Onslaught and we also encountered some weird behaviour in relation to Umbra, namely that if you go through the portal as your operator, only your operator will pass to the new zone, while Umbra will remain on the other side. If you get shot down you will get kicked back to the old zone as one would expect and thus having to go through the portal again, but it also happened if you attempted to use tranferrance, however more seriously if the portal closes while Umbra is still in the old zone and you then get shot as your operator you enter a glitchy dead state that you cannot be resurrected from and even if your party completes the onslaught (in the same zone by surviving and letting the efficiency time out) then it will be counted as a lost mission for the Umbra player who will then recieve none of the obtained rewards.

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Alright, so we just did another run to test more things out. First of all, normal behaviour for going through as your operator is that the warframe gets pulled through to the exit point, so if you try the similar thing where you wait until it'd been closed to then get shot and forced back, all will be fine.

Second we tried going through as the Umbra operator, first to confirm that transferrance also wrongly tosses you back into the old zone, but during our testing we also experienced Umbra deciding to stroll through the portal, so apparently he can go through the portal... he's just not always in the mood, which makes me assume that he will go through if he happens to wander into it while he's running around on his own.

Finally we tried once more but was having a weird occurance where I as Trinity was already in the next zone, having no enemies spawning when the Umbra operator went through, spawned on the opposite side, instantly died, entering a state where there wasn't even a health bar, no dead state, the screen was entirely greyed out. Strangely enough they still got messages about rewards and results but upon returning after the mission ended the result screen was entirely bugged out and the onslaught summary particularly had a weird thing where every icon there was for a split second replaced by what looked like excalibur's glyph, possibly excalibur umbra's glyph, too short to recognise.

Glitchy death screen of first round of tests, frame 1

Glitchy death screen of first round of tests, frame 2

These are screenshots from the glitchy death screen of the previous run, which flickered back and forth between the two shown about half a second each.

Undeath screen

Glitched out mission success(?) screen

These are screenshots of our test runs, showing what was seen during the glitched out not really dead dead state and the following summary. Note for all four screenshots that the name shown was not that of the Umbra player, but my own (which I censored out), for reference I was host so that might be why it picked my name.


Alright so we did a few more tests... we tried three times to reproduce the situation where you go through as the Umbra operator and Umbra is left behind, but each time Umbra decided he got bored and followed along, so that could be an indication that a prerequisite for it happening is that Umbra is downed while on his own in the previous zone, so that he cannot physically reach the portal before it times out. We did however also run into an additional bug where on the third attempt I went through first as before while the Umbra operator was waiting on the other side, trying to wait for the counter to be close to zero, during this time I was having no spawns as previously experienced in the new zone.

Meanwhile in the old zone, Umbra got fairly low on health though not downed and he ran to the portal, stood on top of it, but did not go through. When the timer then went towards zero the Umbra operator went through at which point Umbra followed along, but then afterwards upon transferring back to Umbra in the new zone we found that past this point the Umbra player was incapable of using transferrance, even after switching zones again.

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