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20 hours ago, MissMoomin said:


I submitted a application some time back. And haven't recieved any feedback yet 😕

Ah Ye, we haven’t started combing through our applications yet since we’re actually trying to get rid of some of our inactive members first.

Sorry about the long wait!

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Just now, samuelx43a said:

hullo!, I have been filling the application form from the link, and currently working on the bio, but do I have to post something on this thread?

This looks quite interesting, and I'd like to see how I do with it.



Nothing is required in this thread!

By the way, it's good to see you again! We RP'd together way back in Sharpstriker's RP back in the day, if you remember. You were the British Inaros fellow, and I was the strange Nidus!

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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Nothing is required in this thread!

By the way, it's good to see you again! We RP'd together way back in Sharpstriker's RP back in the day, if you remember. You were the British Inaros fellow, and I was the strange Nidus!

indeed I was, and I am planning more or less to stick to that!

That is good to know. Just saying, I like collecting stuff...

The bio has been done and sent, have a nice read!

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29 minutes ago, samuelx43a said:

Pardon the possible double post, but is everything ok? haven't heard any kind of response

Oh yeah, everything is fine! We haven’t accepted anyone yet. I don’t post on here often because it would just be fluff.

Do you think I should maybe post some news updates about what’s happening in the server perhaps?

We’ll be accepting TWO of the many applications as soon as some of our members get back from various vacations. Please note that even if you are not accepted into this first round, there is always a chance for you to be accepted another one. I know that this requires a TON of patience, but I really appreciate it.

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3 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Oh yeah, everything is fine! We haven’t accepted anyone yet. I don’t post on here often because it would just be fluff.

Do you think I should maybe post some news updates about what’s happening in the server perhaps?

We’ll be accepting TWO of the many applications as soon as some of our members get back from various vacations. Please note that even if you are not accepted into this first round, there is always a chance for you to be accepted another one. I know that this requires a TON of patience, but I really appreciate it.

its cool if I'm not one of the "chosen" but I supose for other peeps news updates in the server would be quite a good idea

wait, other rp topics? do tell!

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So making a application once I get home... Also, I have done quite a bit of the Warframe missions, yet for personal reasons (Computer is s**t and I sometimes have trouble playing cause of frame drops), I haven't gotten too far.


I know this limits my ability to be accepted, but I'll give it a shot!

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Hey all! Hopefully this little newsletter thing goes well and you all enjoy reading it! I'll try my best to make sure that I make it as entertaining as possible, and in the meantime, all you applicants out there, stay patient! We're currently in the middle of Season 1 of The Weaver's Manifest (which is the central story our server uses to chronologically organize ourselves), and we'll be adding our next applicants right before Season 2 starts (not sure when that will be exactly, but likely soon. Who knows? More on that in the future.)

We're Goofy.
To kick off this first newsletter, I'm pleased to present to you a single Discord message that gives y'all a great idea of what our server is like:
Outside of Warframe, we saw a ridiculous NC domination on Tuesday thanks to some suicidal Reaver pilots in Planetside 2. My hat's off to you, sirs! You know who you are.



In the meantime, our weird Cephalon friend and the Server owner Disruptis engaged in a heated rap battle on the topic of stagnant RPs!



We're Also Talented.
image0.jpgHere's a neat picture drawn by Leveret (aka rabbitsandroses) of a map drawn in the sand for one of our RPs (more on that below).

Also, some Sentient Fish by yours truly!

Daak also graced us with a real neat sword that he built!20180904_195517.jpg

Lastly, some of the art that Leveret and I worked on got featured on PrimeTime episode 217 this past week! Unfortunately he wasn't credited live, but I figured it would be nice to show our work here. The first image is Lev's rough sketch, and the second is my finalization!



RP Updates!
So now comes the 'main attraction' shall we say, for our newsletter. I'll be doing a little summary of what's exactly going on in our current RPs every week. Of course, as this is the first newsletter, I'll be giving a slightly less detailed summary due to the fact that I'll have to explain the premise of these RPs as well.

Forgotten Island follows the daily logs of Vuko Drakkainen after he washed ashore a strange, desert island in the middle of Earth, stranded with no ship, no Warframe, nothing. The only thing he has left is Garhul, the loyal Kubrow of the late Devros von Inie, a great friend to everyone from the Orokin Remnant, and an amazing cook (at least, in some peoples' opinions).
Vuko struggled to survive, but day by day managed to pull himself through. That is, until recently, where he has ended up mixed into some strange conspiracy of sorts. The latest of his foggy memories reveal that he's now commanding a decrepit Ivara with a prosthetic leg, attempting to escape a strange facility that he's never seen before... In the meantime, Cephalon Elo disciplines members of /RU Corp for breaking protocol.

A large, Corpus run space cruiser completely designed for recreation. Anyone who comes aboard will find casinos and spas, with surpluses of wine and women. Rumor has it that Kapak “The Deceiver” is aboard it right now... and he decided to make a move. Together with a naive, happy-go-lucky Tenno named Sonera, Kapak has raided the Casino Ship's vault, stealing away with a large bounty of credits and platinum. However, things have gotten slightly out of hand, and now the ship is filled with Infested running amok! Curse that irresponsible Kapak! Kapak was last seen fighting against a massive wave of Infested monsters, while Sonera has gathered together a small band of survivors and has made her way to the escape pods. There, the survivors have begun to jettison to safety while Sonera in her Wukong fight off a mutant Infested spider. Meanwhile, a Corpus survivor of the Infestation, Frez, has teamed up with one of the few remaining security teams aboard the ship to try and make it to the bridge. The group has made it 90% of the way, but are now in the middle of a struggle against a massive, unknown technocytic lifeform!

An intrepid Tenno named Geordie, alongside his Corpus mercenary friends Cyrus & Halcyon, have decided to go on an expedition deep into the heart of an ancient Martian crypt. There, they hope to hunt down the remaining pieces of the Inaros Warframe that Geordie is eager to get his hands on. Geordie is joined by the Tenno Atela, a stranger named Ifrit, and a Valkyr that Cyrus and Halcyon appear nervous to see...

Dive back in time to a distant memory of Lekalis the Strider, and his small team that he lead against a dastardly Grineer commander in his fortress on Ceres. Lekalis, a battle-hardened veteran in the name of the Steel Meridian, leads his broken down but not out Loki alongside Leveret, a Tenno who is all too eager to help, Kamos, a Tenno all too eager to destroy, and Vok Vok, a Meridian Nox who coughs a lot for a Grineer with no lungs. Together, this small, quirky band will bring down one of the most dangerous Grineer officers out there.... or will they?

The Dunged Frostleaf is a famous, quaint little bar located at one of the outposts in the Orbs' Vallis on Venus. There, Tenno, Corpus, or anyone else are free to grab a drink to warm the soul for a little while. Cephalon Palak is always pleased to take your order! Sonera is happily enjoying herself before meeting an interesting Corpus lady named Enya, followed shortly after by Cyrus and Halcyon. Cyrus almost immediately begins to drool over the attractive Enya, but is interrupted upon meeting the familiar face of Geordie, a Tenno who he had worked with not too long ago! The group drinks together contently for a short while before suddenly, and without warning, an Ember barges into the establishment and immolates the whole room! Chaos ensues as those who are able attempt to rescue those who are not, and Sonera tries to fight off the Ember. After most people manage to escape, Sonera with her extremely damaged Wukong, offers to provide medical assistance to Enya, who has been injured pretty bad during the incident. The group moves to her Landing Craft and have now entered into Sonera's surprisingly Spectre-filled orbiter!

A mysterious Corpus ship broadcasts a distress signal. It catches the attention of Kapak, who boards the ship to discover that there are already others aboard, investigating the situation themselves. Kapak forms an alliance with Leveret and Chegar, two Tenno who are there with the intent to rescue their friends Adrova and Efahz, two Corpus Crewmen. Their REAL goal? To take down an evil Tenno named Clogori and his Infested, twisted Warframes. Chegar has now entered into a game of hide and seek in the dark with an Infested Loki named Tarnas while Leveret fights against an Infested Valkyr who had just abducted Adrova from above. Kapak protects Efahz while gearing up to fight against an Infested Oberon, mutant Warframe against mutant Warframe.

In the near past, Inari the Tenno is relaxing in Cetus, practicing art skills in the central tower above everyone else. She is interrupted by a shiny Volt, Geordie, who happened to be passing by. Slightly annoyed, she confronts the newcomer, and in the process runs into Zereth, a Tenno with a seemingly stuck-up taste for the ancient, refined ways of the Orokin. Shortly after, Vuko enters the scene, incredibly angry at- well, someone. He's followed by Kapak, who is soon scanned by Zereth's Helios Prime and identified as the criminal he is! After taking out the Helios in a rather aggressive and rude way, tension rise in the marketplace as the members of the Orokin Remnant: Lekalis, Vuko, Kapak and Muro, sqaure off against Zereth, Inari and Geordie. Luckily, before anything gets too hectic in the civilian-filled area, Lekalis diffuses the situation by inviting everyone to tea while Kapak escapes back to the Orokin Remnant's base on Lua. Vuko and Muro also disappear, but to one of the local bars, leaving Lekalis to his tea party with the others.

Leveret, Sonera, Zereth, Chegar, Inari, Kamos and a Cephalon-piloted MOA arrive at /RU Corp's hangar, eager to begin their interviews to work with this intriguing shadow company. Some of the visitors recognize each other from their pasts, while the others grow acquanited with one another. Tensions were a little high at first, but everyone has agreed for the most part to come in peace. Well, at least for now.
Meanwhile, Kapak and Isa, the only known living survivors of the Orokin Remnant at the moment, reunite after receiving a bizarre message from their old ally Disruptis. He gives them coordinates to meet up at, located on Earth, at some far out, distant colony where the residents aren't even Ostrons. A village, located in the center of a river, surrounded in lush vegetation, absent of Grineer toxins. Kapak and Isa begin to investigate the weird place, weary of traps- just hopefully Isa doesn't decide to nuke the everliving shiza out of the poor souls!

Thanks for reading this week's edition of the TotA Newsletter! If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to post them here in the thread so I can improve for next time! Stay cool my dudes 😉

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12 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

We're Goofy.

To kick off this first newsletter, I'm pleased to present to you a single Discord message that gives y'all a great idea of what our server is like:

I'm Commander Vuko, and this is my favorite newsletter on the Forums!




My whole room smells like hummus now. No ragrets.

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Hey everyone! This week has passed by lightning quick! Fortunately there's been no shortage of interesting stuff, so without further ado, let's get right into the meat!

Wow Minecraft!


Jre1.8.0_181_Screenshot_2018.09.14_-_00.Just yesterday some of our members have decided to begin a modded Minecraft server, so that's pretty neat! Disruptis, the Discord server owner has volunteered to host the server on an old desktop! Time will tell how successful it'll be!

Wow Birb!




Leveret, who is studying taxidermy, has shared with us one of his latest works! Pretty good, eh?


Wow Dojo!




Leveret shows off some of his neat Meridian themed dojo fashion. Fun fact: I designed his clan emblem!


RP Updates!
Okay! Time to get to the main stuff, what's been happening in the RPs!? Let's find out!

Vuko, inside the Ivara Warframe, which is unfortunately not entirely functional, has successfully obtained a keycard to try and help him get out of the current mess. Suddenly, the scientists of the strange facility release a surprise glue-and-confetti blast, coating the Warframe's body in shiny plastic- effectively rendering the Ivara's invisibility useless! Vuko desperately tries to get through the security systems of the doors of the facility, by using an ancient hacking technique: pressing random buttons! Somehow, he's successful, and manages to open the doors and make a dash for it...

Sonera has successfully dispatched the mutant infested spider by locking it inside the nearest escape pod and launching it. After making sure the rest of the survivors are home free, the Wukong clambers back into the vents, trailing the sounds of weapon fire echoing through the vents. Where will it lead?
In the meantime, Frez and company have made it into the bridge's back computer room, where they are pondering ways to get past the bridge lockdown. The Crewmen of the ship cannot override it, and they don't have any tools or weapons potent enough to brute force their way through the door. Frez attempts to hack through the panel, and is unsuccessful. Then he decides to shoot the console instead of trying again. Hmm. Interesting choice of actions, but I won't judge. Maybe shooting it will work....?

The tomb raiding team discusses strategies and potential obstacles. Ifrit remains mysteriously quiet in the background, Atela offers to bring in her extremely confrontational friend Kamos, and Cyrus blabbers on about how good his brother Halcyon was as a Sniper Crewman back in the old days. Geordie agrees with Atela on the topic that run-ins with the Grineer (as Mars was currently Grineer controlled) could severely complicate the situation, so avoidance would be a great benefit. Ifrit continues to wait in the background, eager to get a move on while Kára, the Valkyr Cyrus and Halcyon had been nervous about, calls her Kavat onto the scene.

The flashback of the Strider ends, at least for now, as we jump forward in time. A mysterious message is broadcast to Lekalis' oldest friends:
Ifrit, Elo, Leveret, Kamos, Atela and Vuko have all responded to the call, and begin their approach to the location of origin on Ceres.

The group, now aboard Sonera's vessel, decide their adventures for the day are at an end. Enya is set to receive the medical attention she needed, while Geordie figures it was best to duck out while he still could- turns out the people who had started that fire were some bizarre cult that Sonera had been trailing for a while. Sonera suggests one last drink and then a fun group game before wrapping up their adventure! Yay fun!
Geordie alludes to a special mission that he could use Cyrus and Halcyon's help with in the future.

Chegar fights off Tarnas, managing to scare the Infested Loki away using his Nekros' Terrify. He rushes to where Kapak is, who is protecting the Crewman Efahz from a savage Infested Oberon. The Oberon is disarmed by Kapak and receives a surprise attack from behind, taking on the full bite of Chegar's blade. Kapak's taken quite the hit though- with the amount of radiation the Oberon has output, there can't be an absence of consequences for Kapak's own mutant Warframe, right?
Meanwhile, Leveret continues to hunt the Infested Valkyr who has Adrova in her grasp. Quickly, Leveret uses his operator to Void Dash and nab the innocent Corpus, which appears to be successful. With Adrova back out of the enemy's hands, Leveret seems to be home free. At least, for now. Who knows who- or what- else is hiding in the darkness here?

The green Volt continued to take interest in the unusual way Lekalis spoke. It was unusual, but it somehow...worked. He found he didn't have much to say, and instead followed the Loki quietly. Eventually, the shimmer of the teacups caught his eye. "Say, those cups...I don't think I've seen anything quite like them. Where are they from, if I may ask?"

The seven individuals who had arrived in the hangar, and are collectively spooked by a random lamp. Yup.... a lamp... anyways, the hangar doors finally open to reveal the current receptionist, Dr. Breezy, a level D researcher of the /RU corporation. Some of the group begins to move forward to proceed to their scheduled interviews, while others take a quick moment to more properly greet each other- Leveret and Chegar are pleased to finally meet again!
Back on Earth, Kapak is greeted by a mysterious man, one of the masked members of this strange, isolated society. After being requested (and denying) to proceed in in his operator, Kapak begins to follow this weird man into the enigmatic oasis village. Isa, however, is slightly less patient. She has entered directly into the middle of the village already, where the local 'savages' refuse to speak to her directly- that is, until she unloads her rifle and scares the bajingas out of them. Fortunately, before things could get any worse, a local woman begins to speak to Isa.

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak & Lekalis
Just under 4 months since the fall of the Remnant, Kapak mills about in his Orbiter, attempting to distract himself with his many biological experiments. However the Nidus has taken to a slightly insane habit of talking with an empty Warframe- Lekalis' deserted Loki, which had been left behind the day of the Remnant's destruction. After attempting to recreate some of his seemingly late friend's famous tea, Kapak toasts to the Strider before succumbing to a strange... dream? Vision? Memory? Kapak can't tell, but it is filled with vivid, visceral imagery which he can neither fully comprehend or rationalize. The vision ends as one of Kapak's teacups spills to the ground, giving his ship's flesh covered walls and floors a little burn. This further baffles Kapak. What's real? What's not? He decides to take a quick nutrient bath to clear his head, soothing his mind with an ancient Dax war song...

Well, congrats! You made it to the end of this week's newsletter. Hopefully you all enjoyed it and maybe found the RP summaries a bit more interesting now that I can get into more detail. I'm told that we're holding a server-wide captura contest, so we'll see how that goes! Please leave comments in the thread, or questions about the RP server! 😄

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2 hours ago, (XB1)CosmicXplorer said:

Any way I can submit an application without my email? I just don't really want my personal info to be revealed, if you get my drift.


We highly encourage making a new gmail account or using a spam one for the server. We need an email to be able to give you access to the google drive we store all our character files and logs in.

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12 hours ago, Disruptis said:

We highly encourage making a new gmail account or using a spam one for the server. We need an email to be able to give you access to the google drive we store all our character files and logs in.

Exactly! If @(XB1)CosmicXplorer uses a new separate gmail ccount to isolate your personal one, that is totally acceptable. But we definitely require you to have a gmail account if you were to get accepted

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6 hours ago, (XB1)CosmicXplorer said:

Sorry if I'm being a pain in the neck but around how many applications are you going through? School is busy lately and I was wondering how long it would take to get in.

Currently we have 15 applicants. I can't say for sure how long Season One will be, but we've only just started due to people coming back from vacations and such. Once season one ends though, I can guarantee that every single applicant will receive some kind of feedback as to why they were not picked and how they can improve for next season (assuming that the individual WASN'T selected).
Honestly, I'd love to give you a rough estimate on how long it will be, but if there's one thing I've learned from game developers, it's to never put out a date unless they're 100% certain their work will be done at that time. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. Thank you for understanding!

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