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Sorry for the delay on this week's newletter, people! As some of you may know, Discord's been a little cranky today, and it's really hindered my progress on putting together the newsletter for this week.

It will likely only be delayed until tomorrow, so don't worry! You'll be getting it soon enough! Ciao!

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Hey y'all, and welcome back to our weekly newsletter filled with Discord shenanigans and other bullcrap! Our captura contest is now in session, so I should have some neat results for you by next week's newsletter. Hype!

Beautiful, High Quality Artwork
This week we've seen some of the best darn artwork our creative members have ever made. Here are some excellent examples:



On a more serious note, we have some ACTUALLY good art (most of them by rabbitsandroses):



RP Updates
Well, now that all that fun stuff is out of the way, let's take a look at what juiciness has occurred since we last checked in!

As Vuko attempts to run for it, he gets caught from behind by a /RU Corp Specialist! He strikes the Warframe's back with a powerful taser- although it does little more than annoy Vuko. Vuko tears off the shocking tool before delivering a powerful blow to the man's head.

Shooting the console did not work. Now Frez has no other choice than to go with the remaining members of the Fortuna et Ops II's remaining security team and try to find another way around to the bridge. The civilians and other Corpus personnel stay behind in the computer room, in hopes that Frez and co. can find a way to lift the lockdown from the other side.
Sonera continues through the vents, but gets knocked over by a powerful roar that echoes its way through the vents. Upon reaching where the sound (and gunshots from earlier) had originated from, the Wukong would find a tall, massive room with a giant hole gouged into the corner of the ceiling. But listen...! Footsteps approach from below. Sonera conceals the Warframe's presence and prepares an ambush for any potential enemies and draw near...

The group is now on their way, following a path straight into the sandy interior of the tomb. Halcyon keeps his eyes on the canyon's cliff faces using his Snipetron, while Ifrit uses scanners to look for any possible Grineer on the lower levels of the ravine. The seems clear for now. Kára tries to strike up some friendly conversation with Atela, but Atela appears to lose interest and walks away from the Valkyr mid-sentence. Slightly depressed now, Kára now falls back to the end of the troupe's line, next to Halcyon. Geordie points out the doorway to the next passage and orders everyone to move out, deeper into the ancient structure.

Nothing new. Waiting to sort out some timeline discrepancies.

Kapak and Chegar's might combined make short work of the Oberon. Kapak ferociously leaps upon the fallen Warframe and proceeds to punch it 30 whole times- reducing the biological weapon to a pile of bloody, mushy pulp. Kapak also decides to take a bite out of the Infested Warframe's remains, since it not only tasted good to him, but also so that he could store some of the Warframe's genetic sequence in order to analyze a weakness or other useful information in the future. Chegar and Kapak then spot Tarnas, the infamous Infested Loki from earlier, watching them from down a hallway. Kapak suspects that the still, unmoving Warframe is just a Decoy, and begins to call Efahz to his side for protection.
Adrova seems to be alright, at least for the time being. He had a messy wound on his back thanks to the Valkyr, and his suit was coated in techocytic flesh nibs, but other than that the Crewman seemed to be fine. Well, stable, at least. Leveret is now on his way back to the others, where hopefully Kapak can put some more of his grotesque medical skills to work.

A wide beam broadcast ripples through the system, speaking to anyone that picks it up no matter if it’s a Grineer warship a Corpus delegate or a Tenno adventurer. The voice doesn’t sound like it came from the lips of a living soul, but it is more of a digital making that resembles the voice of a young man. It speaks out with a showman like vigor, each sylable loling off its “tongue” like a serpent. “Hear one, hear all! Feeling a bit under the weather? Want to break the boring daily grind? Want to go #*!%ing wild? Show off your skills maybe? Then do I have the thing for you! Turn those S#&$ burning ships back round here and endluge yoursef in Madam Bourgoars carnival! That’s right! A carneval of space shanking proportions, seen first ever here near Pluto’s orbit. Come and experience the luxurious zoo that would have awed even the void assed Orokin. The entricing games, stocked with unique #*!%ing prizes. Rides that will have you puking, S#&$ting and screaming at the same time! If that doesn’t tickle your Tigris then drop down to our food courts and dip that slutty tongue of yours in our special dishes that will have you babbling by the end of the day. So?! What are you waiting for?! Come down for the second best time of your life! Right behind a good morning S#&$.” The message is repeated again In the Corpus and Grineer language before fizzling out. To anyone curious enough, or is just looking for exactly what the broadcast said, then all it takes is to follow the source of the transmission which will lead you towards – yes, you guessed it – Pluto!
To the Carnival arrive a strange assortment of folk. A trio of "infested children" it seems, Frez the retired Crewman, Stahk the Corpus corporate slave, Leveret and a friendly Grineer Defector named Rakko.
The Infested bois wander their way through the excited crowd, until they happen upon a dunk tank stall called "Dunk the Fatto"- players would be tasked with throwing a ball at a target in order to try and get the fat man seated over the water tank to fall in. Will the Infested midgets participate? Or are they too stupid to comprehend how this game works? Also, what are they exactly??
Stahk approaches a shooting gallery style booth and is razzed by the muscular Ostron running the game. Perhaps he can overcome his lack of confidence to actually try and play the game!
Leveret and his Grineer companion pass by a strength-testing setup, where contestants would have to swing a replica Jat Kittag at an anvil and attempt to launch a linked weight as far up a scale as possible. Leveret decides to participate after being insulted by the employee stationed there, and summons his Tenno might to send the thing halfway up the scale.

The group of Tenno in Cetus decide to call it a day and go have a nice relaxing tea together. Zereth decides to get a move on with his life, however, accepting some money to pay for damages to his Sentinel before leaving the others to their social event.

Near the orbit of the moon of Io a void fracture poured into the emptiness of space, the fracture opened like a dark storm emitting voice tendrils that reached out trying to reach out into the emptiness of space finding some foothold. Through the storm and tendril’s, a massive Orokin vessel slips back into the reality that it had been denied since the end days of the Orokin empire. The glistening white hull of the ship was darkened in area from what looked like projectile explosions and plasma burns that had shredded through and ended many of the lives that took up space within its confines, giving a possible record of its final days during the fall. As the ship made its full shift into normal space the dark storm and tendrils of the void vanished as if it had never entered that realm of space. The space hulk of a ship now filled that void in space, resting on its emptiness with dead engines and possible a dead crew.
Inari: Within her orbiter on the far side of Neptune the young Tenno sat in meditation in her lounge, having been out in space for over a month had not helped her mood, as the lack of social interaction and missions was a bit depressing but the alone time had its own benefits. The thought of tea passed through her thoughts, and the memory of her last time on Cetus came up when she met a very social Tenno in a Volt and a more poetic Tenno in his retrofitted Loki frame. They had ended that day with good tea and light conversation after a pretty interesting tussle in the market streets, the Loki had asked for peace from the group and the two were willing to let bygones be bygones, though a Nekros that was with them was less inclined to join.
Standing from her meditation cushion, Inari walked out of her lounge towards the main deck where she kept her tea set and the small tea cup that the Loki had gifted both her and the volt as a small sign of friendship between the three of them. But before she could reach the tea kettle klaxons throughout the orbiter started blaring. Leaving the thought behind of the tea, she bore a hard right leading up the ramp into the main pilothouse, “Puck give me an update and please shut those alarms off!”
Cephalon Puck: Roughly two hours ago, the long-range radar picked up a ship exiting void space near the planet of Jupiter, it’s an Orokin ship….Capitol Class…….an Executor’s Frigate? None of my records show any of these ships surviving after the fall of the empire, it was said these ships couldn’t even leave their respective docks unless the Executor was aboard….strange
Inari: The blip on the navigation screen indicating were the ship was currently holding position over the moon of Io blinked in her face like a welcome beacon, however this was something that hadn’t appeared in the origin system for a very long time, and going into a situation with very little information and alone was a good mix for a bad situation. This left her with only one logical solution to this, going in with back up, “Puck, set course toward the frigate and I need you to send out a message on Tenno channels only, see if we can get any back up going into this, I don’t want to be walking into a death trap here.” She turned on her heels heading back down the ramp, that tea now sounded really good before going into the unknown.
Cephalon Puck: “Understood, little clown. Will transmit immediately”. The Cephalon watched as his operator walked back giving him the messages to send out for the assistance needed for this very large and possibly very dangerous new revelation.
--/ Orbiter communication priority 1--//Transmitter: The Midsummer Night --To any Tenno receiving this message, this is Inari, at 05:45 OST an Orokin capitol class frigate appeared near moon of Io, currently no reports, so threat and possibility of surviving crew are unknown, request assistance of any nearby Tenno for immediate investigation and possible retrieval of any data in the ship, rendezvous at given coordinates near the moon of Europa to discuss tactics and planning. --/ END TRANSMISSION

Dr. Breezy begins a roll call to make sure all parties are present! Everyone is there, except two, which was slightly disappointing. Nonetheless, the present individuals are eager to begin their own interviews, since the lack of presence by those absent was definitely not their problem.
Back on Earth, the village Kapak and Isa have honed in on is revealed to be called 'Kawamo'. Kapak has been asked by his guide to wear a strange looking garment, although the man fails to give the hesitant Nidus a good explanation as to why he should. Kapak loses his temper a bit due to being so on edge that he stomps his foot and cracks the marble foundation of the building the two were standing on. He wanted some answers and he wanted them now!!
Isa however, has been regarded as an angel by the primitive people. It's no doubt that these strange people are far less developed than the Ostrons due to the lack of nearby Sentient remains that could be used as hunting or fighting technology. Isa is also hesitant to reveal her Operator form, and is also suspicious of the fact that Disruptis never made any mention of the Kawamons in his broadcast...

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak & Lekalis:
... Indeed, foggy memory or dream, voidly manipulation or something else entirely, lingered still in the aura of The Corpse of The Strider; breaking away from its air seemed to take effort unto itself. An effort, not upon the bound nerves and musculature of the Nidus' Warframe, but upon a distant meat and bone rent asunder by the void and pieced together by the powers that be. It was as if Kapak had strode through water, that he managed to tear himself away from the aura of the Corpse. Kapak's head would sting, still, a lingering sensation as he pulled farther away. What felt like fingers dragged their ragged nails across his skin, tugging at sinews and veins and nerve pathways.
It insisted, it carved, this ephemeral entity that whispered into the back of his mind, gouged the message into the back of his eyelids; cutting through reality like one would carve into a pumpkin. The letters seemed to be there infront of him, yet vanish with every blink. There was a pause to the intrusion, before it whispered into his ear; a melancholic, gilded tune that ran like a river. Its will of its tide, undeniable. Only sorrow is with us now..., it mused Something cold and pure, it yearned Find the peace within ourselves, it knew No need for a cure, it insisted, in a breathy tone, as those nails dug deep then... let go.
The words behind his eyelids changed, shifted, then paused.
Like a distant whirlpool, the lusting Charybdis, fingers graced and soothed Kapak's shoulders and spine, drifting into and past the flesh of his Warframe with the cool touch of the Void. Whispers wormed into every passing phantom, a thousand voices unto a thousand more. Do you hear them too..?, a tune like a song wove through the touches of the sea of voices, ... Do you remember the sorrow? The blood on your hands, her hair in a pool of blood. It is so hard to remember the sorrow. Share it with me. Forget them not, with me., the words invited Kapak, desperately tugging at his arms and scalp, Remember me... say my name..? In the glaze of liquid, what could only be a bubble floated in the distance; a perfect circle, a sun amidst a burning sea.

And that'll do it for this week of the Newsletter! Lot's of juicy stuff happening! Two new RPs, tons of art- next week will be just as awesome! Hope you all have a good one. And remember to leave comments, questions and concerns in the thread! Ciao!

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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Just an update for everyone- since Fridays are usually pretty tiring days, I think I'll be moving the newsletter back by an single day- yes, Saturday will now be newsletter day! This just kind of works better for me and means I can focus harder and produce a higher quality newsletter. See you tomorrow, Tenno (and Grineer)!

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Hello everybody! I hope you guys have had a great week!
Things are heating up in our RPs! We've got some very interesting events going on in there! Also, our captura contest entries have all been submitted, but I won't be able to show those off until next week.

I revealed more of hand and arm this week in a scandalous picture of my desk!

By comparison, Daak showed us his terribly messy desk!

Oh man! And here is a small collection of awesome artwork brought in by some of our members this week, including myself, Lekalis, and Leveret!





RP Updates
Alright, this week RPs got really crazy and awesome so let's just dive on in to the action!

The last thing that went though Brass’s head was the image of a demonic Warframe lumbering towards him like an infested leaper. Well, that and the Warframe’s fist. The specialist crumpled to the ground. He hadn’t been wearing his Bee helm, only a standard issue replacement. He hadn't spent the time to retrieve one, a mistake that now nearly cost him his life. Or maybe it even did. The other specialists around him took a hint. They couldn’t get their weapons charged quick enough to fire in time before being wiped themselves, and that would be unnecessary. The officers watched as Vuko took off down the hall, unmoving. Vuko moved swiftly down the hall. Right as he was coming up to the hallway split, panels slid out from either side of the wall. They exposed columns of unknown, bulbous mechanisms. He had a split-second to react.

Frez and the guards reenter the fan room and spot the giant hole. As they look around, Sonera descends from the vent and appears before the others. The appearance of the Tenno startles the others at first, but soon enough, they begin to praise and rejoice at their new chance to survive. How will the Tenno provide them with aid?

The group continues down the winding path towards the tomb, circling through a tunnel...only to be shot at by a lone sniper! Everyone takes cover as Kara's kavat signals danger. Halcyon and Ifrit search the opposite cliff for the shooter, soon catching sight of the gleam of the barrel of a Vulkar shifting as the sniper searches for targets.


It turns out Adrova isn't stable after all. Fueled by anger and fear, Leveret begins forcing aside the crates that were blocking his path back to the rest of the group. Meanwhile the Loki - which wasn't a decoy - cloaks and attacks! Chegar uses his weapon to swirl the ashes of the ruined Oberon into the air in the hopes of spotting the Loki, but only manages to make the rest of the group struggle to see. Suddenly, Chegar and Kapak's encounter with the Loki is interrupted by Leveret's panicked message over the comms - Adrova has stopped breathing. Kapak ducks out of the fight and scoops up Efahz, instructing Leveret to protect Adrova's body at all costs and head back to the hangar. The Loki takes his chance and chucks his kunai into the air, switch-teleporting with Chegar and causing the infested blades to land in his back. Chegar races to catch up with Leveret in the hanger, trying to heal Adrova with his Vazarin powers, but it doesn't help. Only then does Chegar realize his frame has been contaminated with the infested strain, and it's spreading fast! Kapak's beaten-up landing craft arrives in the hangar, and a strange Cephalon tells Leveret to board it. Chegar is forced to stay behind, and he can only hope he can meet up with Kapak before the infestation spreads too far.

The Infested critters accept the challenge to "Dunk the Fatto"! The smallest of the trio goes first, but unfortunately he is trash and completely misses the throw. The ball careens way to the left, out of sight. Well, nice try.
Stahk continues to be nervous, obviously disturbed by having to... dare I say, TALK to people. The Ostron ahead of Stahk seems to be in a bad mood, and Frez at the back of the line begins to think of how he will approach this shooting gallery.
Leveret's operator and the Grineer defector have remained at the stall for the strength test. There's an improvement upon their previous attempt, but not by much. Should they try once more and score even higher? Or move on and explore the rest of this funhouse?

So far, the only Tenno responding to the message is Geordie. He's eager to discover rare relics and treasure on this ship...but will any other Tenno appear, or will it just be Geordie and Inari against whatever dangers await them?

The gathering of Tenno and Cephalons enter the elevator into the heart of the base, but not before getting caught off guard. The lights dim, and the party is engulfed in darkness. They are left wondering; is this a power outage? Or part of a test?
Kapak and Isa are finally getting somewhere, but the villagers have some bizarre 'rules' to follow- Kapak decides to wear the garment to satisfy the villagers while Isa begins to find her own way around Kawamo.

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak & Lekalis:
Kapak is continually haunted by bizarre visions, although unknown if they are memories, premonitions, or the memories of someone else... Lekalis? Kapak sees visions of a woman from his past as well, a Sentient war, the Orokin Remnant. Lekalis' voice guides Kapak's soul through these strange dreamscape... what else will Kapak's feverish mind see?

Tune in next week for what happens next!

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Hello again! It me! It's been a stressful week for me, but I still want to get out some delicious juiciness to you people! Let's begin by showcasing some art!

As many of you may know, Inktober has begun! And while I unfortunately don't have the time to participate, some of the others do! First up, let's take a look at Lekalis' first entry.

poisonousinktober.png"Once friends betrayed so ruthless, Now dead his friend and friendship. Once friends betrayed so heartless, Memories crushed to ashes."
There's a secret riddle hidden in this picture! Y'all better brush up on your Norse Runes!

Next up, we have Lev's beautiful art of Vok Vok from Saga of the Strider!

And here's also a chikkin drawn by him

Bok bok!

This next one isn't really an Inktober thing, but is still a really nice drawing. It's a shiny gemstone drawn by Ella!

Hallow's Eve Draws near- the Portal between our world and The Other opens soon!

So as many of you may know, October is a very, VERY spooky month. And on the spookiest day of this month WE WILL BE OPENING UP THE SERVER FOR VISITORS FOR 24 HOURS! That's right, come Halloween Day, anyone and everyone will be able to join our Server as a temporary member, which will allow you to mix and mingle with actual members of our server all day long! More details soon to come, but mark it down in your calendar!

Recruitment Update
A couple members were talking with me just this morning, and we have a mutual agreement that we could use some more people. We just recently lost a few of our newer members (thankfully we didn't have any story interruptions!), so we have some gaps to fill. So! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Basically, we will (possibly) be recruiting two people very, very soon! Disruptis, the owner of Tales of the Awakened is currently on Vacation for (Canadian) Thanksgiving, so I'll have to discuss this with him once he returns. Please note that this early recruitment will mean that you will be UNABLE TO JOIN IN THE WEAVER'S MANIFEST. Don't worry though, there are plenty of other fun RPs to join in, as you'll see below!
So, if you were thinking of joining, make sure your applications and character bios are all set, just in case!

RP Updates
This week I bring you the continuation to what craziness sparked off last week! Let's dive right on in and check out what's happening.

Vuko is led into a trap! The mechanisms in the walls turn out to be some kind of field emitters, and although the daring Veiled Tenno tries to disable the apparatuses, it is no use! Vuko is caught, and now the person behind it all walks out to meet him head on: Dr. Deco, the head scientist from earlier! Rather than killing or doing something nasty to the Tenno however, Dr. Deco offers the Warframe bound Operator a coffee. Vuko is indignant of course, cursing the doctor and threatening his life! Not a great way to make friends.

Frez explains to Sonera the entire situation, and Sonera seems eager to help! Frez isn't a hundred percent trustful of the Wukong- likely due to the fact that he had some bad past experiences with Tenno attacks. Well, what can you do when you're aboard a ship full of vacationing Tenno? Nevertheless, Frez accepts the Tenno's aid, and they begin to plan out their next steps.

The sniper fires at the group, but misses! Not by much though- the Ballista's bullet misses Cyrus' leg by mere inches. The jig is up, though, as Ifrit and Atela make short work of the lone Grineer Markswoman. With the immediate threat gone, the group begins to relax and regroup. Additionally, it was likely that the rest of the Grineer forces nearby were aware of their presence. Time to move more carefully.

This RP is still on hold. Soon!

Kapak, Efahz, and Adrova's corpse all make it aboard the rusty, scratched up Liset and zip out of the Infested ship's hangar, zooming towards Kapak's equally roughed up Orbiter. Chegar was unable to disconnect from his Warframe- now he is being enticed by a strange voice, and finds himself travelling back into the dark depths of the ship...
Kapak is stressed out now, though. What was thought to be a simple operation to bring Adrova back to life has now gotten extremely complex! Adrova's blood was for the most part, outside of his body- his own boots sloshed with the crimson liquid of life. The mutant Nidus rushes Adrova into his operating room, built within the Helminth Infirmary, Leveret's operator and Efahz in tow. Efahz seems to be losing it, mentally speaking, but Adrova appears to be on the road to success. After a quick stitching up, Kapak partially Infests the Corpus' body in order to force it to breath, metabolize, and further heal. A crude diagram is pasted below that displays how Kapak's surgery process works.
The final step is nigh, though! Kapak prepares his observers for the finishing touch by... telling them to turn around? What is happening now!!??

Stahk lets it rip! He nails every single target at the shooting gallery, even sniping the tiny little bell at the side after it ringed! The attendant, surprised by the bell being shot, presents Stahk with a big bag of... something? He instructs Stahk to reach in and grab a paper from within.
Leveret's Operator and Rakko try one more time at the hammer booth, this time sending the slider three quarters of the way up! Darn, son!
The Infested rugrats squabble and bully the poor third of their group responsible for completely missing its shot. The second member winds up and believe its can do much better than the rest- after doing some flexing and then spinning the ball on its claw, the ball tips off and rolls away, lost in the crowd of people behind them. Uh oh.

It seems like this won't be a duo mission as another landing craft starts approaching the area. A dull white Xiphos waddles forwards, it's flight pattern erratic and wiggly and yet it's not jerky but more as if the one operating it is cruising along and enjoying the freedom of having the space to make wide movements. No attempt is made to communicate with the others as it passes the Orbiter and the docking craft to approach the rogue ship. However, it makes no attempt to board it as it circles around it in it's wiggly flying pattern as if it's a paper plane going up and down in the wind.

The group cautiously exits the elevator, venturing through the darkness. They fear that they've been led into a trap- is this '/RU Corp' really what it is? The Cephalon-piloted MOA lights the way, and reveals some Grineer architecture- it sticks out like a sore thumb amid the rest of the clearly Corpus-designed facility.
Back in Kawamo, Kapak walks with his 'tour guide' trying to learn and see as much as he can about this place. The village was incredibly far southwest of Cetus, so Ostron interactions have been minimal. The Grineer haven't paid much mind to this place for... well, bizarre reasons. Something's definitely up, isn't it? Kapak follows the green masked man until the stop for a moment inside a bamboo forest- bamboo! A plant that was grown in Tenno dojos, but no one thought that it still grew in the wild. This place amazed Kapak more and more by the minute. He requests the ability to obtain a sample.
Isa is also asked to depart from her Warframe, but refuses due to her own mistrustful reasoning. Looks like she will have to wear one of those bizarre garments as well. She uses her Archwing to fly across the village and meet Boonka, a rather distinguished looking man who bore a purple skull mask just like the others of Kawamo. Supposedly he had what she needed.

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak & Lekalis:
This RP is temporarily on hold due to my procrastination and laziness! Hopefully an update will be out by next week.

And that will do it for this week! For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, I wish you all the best. Have a good one, folks!

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Wait. You said that you will need 2 more people soon because some people are leaving. Does that mean that there is a limit to how many people are allowed in the server? Oh and will you be taking in the people with the best applications, or the people who first applied? On a side note, when we applied right here on the forums, I couldn't get in simply because of the amount of people that were applying, and you said that I would be at the top of the waiting list when it opened up. *wink wink* Not calling you out for that, just thought I'd mention it. But I did take a while to finish the new application so yeah 

On 2018-10-06 at 2:33 PM, Almighty_Jado said:

the earth is flat


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2 hours ago, (XB1)CosmicXplorer said:

Wait. You said that you will need 2 more people soon because some people are leaving. Does that mean that there is a limit to how many people are allowed in the server? Oh and will you be taking in the people with the best applications, or the people who first applied? On a side note, when we applied right here on the forums, I couldn't get in simply because of the amount of people that were applying, and you said that I would be at the top of the waiting list when it opened up. *wink wink* Not calling you out for that, just thought I'd mention it. But I did take a while to finish the new application so yeah 


There's no limit as to how many people we have- we simply can't take everyone at once because we need to make sure that they are "trained" before we start adding more and more people. The people who left were relatively new, so we now have room to take on two more people to train. Once those two people are sufficiently comfortable as to how we operate, we will accept another two!

To answer your second part, we have switched to quality over first dibs, because we find people with higher quality characters and writing skills are usually more invested into RPing and will take less time to respond, become more engaged with the story, have a better eye for canonical Warframe lore, and are ultimately less likely to leave or otherwise fall off the face of the Earth. Now, I do admit saying you'd be at the top of the list, but due to the change in how we're accepting people, I'm afraid I can no longer guarantee you at the top of the waiting list- simply because there's no list.



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Goooooooood morning ladies and germs! Apologies for being so late with this week's newsletter- I got extremely caught up in all the great stuff DE delivered to us as ended up procrastinating. No worries though, we are back on track!

The Art Segment Again
Alright, let's go ahead and take a look at what nice art we got this week.

Actually, we didn't get much art this week. Everyone's been a little busy as of late, but what we DID get was this neat little cartoon of the characters from the Project Telos RP all resting after the events that transpire there- more on that below!

Hallow's Eve Draws near- the Portal between our world and The Other opens soon!

So as many of you may know, October is a very, VERY spooky month. And on the spookiest day of this month WE WILL BE OPENING UP THE SERVER FOR VISITORS FOR 24 HOURS! That's right, come Halloween Day, anyone and everyone will be able to join our Server as a temporary member, which will allow you to mix and mingle with actual members of our server all day long! More details soon to come, but mark it down in your calendar!

Recruitment Update
Our members have begun to sort through and vote on everyone who has applied to our group thus far- but it's not too late to try to jump on the train! Our voting doesn't finish until the end of October, meaning you still have the opportunity to edit or submit your application now!

RP Updates
As per usual, our RPs have progressed, which means exciting new events. Let's see what's happened over the course of the week.

"Zaraza…" Vuko thought to himself as the tendrils grabbed his body. He started swaying his body back and forth, using his one free leg as a pendulum, in order to try and get loose. However, once Deco revealed himself, a much different plan of escape formed in Vuko’s head. He stopped trying to free himself, and instead let the tentacles hold him. In his true, Tenno voice, as his voice changer was damaged as well, he responds. “Coffee. So the torturer offers me coffee…” Vuko chuckles lightly, which makes him look almost psychotic. “Pathetic. Do you really think that after having done so much damage to me, I would just sit idly and have a drink with you?... WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!” He shouts with anger, and violence in his voice, another void energy crack appearing on his helmet as he does. He stays silent, until Deco tries to speak up, which he rudely interrupts. “Let me make this painfully clear, Corpus scum. Once I free myself, and I will, I am going to make your life a hellish nightmare for what short amount of time you have left. I am going to cut your leg off, finger by finger, bit by bit, and I’m going to feed it to you as you slowly plunge into the depths of insanity. You will beg me to end your miserable life. You will yearn for the sweet release of death. But I will not grant you that pleasure. Not until you pay for what you’ve done here. You will forever curse the day you crossed paths with Vuko of house Drakkainen!”
“Wh…” Deco begins to utter before the Tenno cuts him off. His eyes widen as he listened to the next speech. The doctor took two steps back from the Warframe, his face showing the first signs of true fear he had felt all encounter. Fear, for what the Exs were going to do with his ass if they found it he initiated hostile relations with a Target-HA. With a section-F relationship. “Wait… you’re... awake!?” Deco remarked with a tint of horror in his voice. He continued to back into the adjacent corridor’s wall, still clutching the remote’s button. “Hold on…"
“Of course I am awake you dimwit! Now come closer so I can rip your spine out and-“ Vuko started saying back at Deco, but stopped as he started disappearing from view.
Seeing his captor leave, Vuko started to try to free himself by violently shaking every part of his frame he could, while at the same time screaming his head off. “COME HERE YOU COWARD! COME HERE AND FACE ME...!"

The metal above creaked and groaned softly under the structural strain caused by such a gape.
"The doors ain't weak, that's for sure," Elax spoke up from behind Frez, "but they're not reinforced. You got a weapon big enough to blast it open?" He gave the Tenno a short bow. "Name's Elax, by the way. This here's Frez- he's a veteran when it comes to dealing with the Infestation. What do you call yourself, Tenno? Or, I guess, what should we call you?"
Sonera hummed under her breath, uncoiling her arms from behind her back to cross them over her chest. She dips her head down from the ceiling to look towards the one that spoke “I might, yes yes! Cannot blast, but can ram it! Or try at least try” She huffs through her nose, which came out as a hiccup on her Wukong. I glance at each of them as they get introduced. Smiling, she lifts a hand to bump her chest and say in her hyper tone “Yes yes, call me Stoirin or Wukong…I don’t really mind! Now…where is that door?” She looks about, waiting for them to lead her towards the thing that needs breaking. ”Standing still for too long! Move move!”
"Well, uh... I guess it's worth a try. We just have to be careful about noise. If we attract too many Infested, I dunno if we can hold them off." Frez always pictured most Tenno being a lot more... stoic than this one. Granted, he's never really talked to one, but still. Sonera seemed a bit odd. "Come on, let's get moving. We shouldn't waste any more time." Frez started backtracking down the vent, gesturing for everyone else to follow him. He was walking rather quickly, almost speeding up to a jog. As he walked, he attempted to contact the crewmen that had been with the civilians. "We're on our way back. We're bringing a Tenno with us. We should be back in a few minutes."
In less than a minute, Frez, Sonera and the rest of the party return to the computer room, and the remaining civilians and Crewmen are overjoyed to see the Tenno. A saviour to them in this time.
"I don't believe it! We're saved!" A crewman approached the Wukong and quivered excitedly. "Please, Tenno, we need that door broken down." The Crewman pointed to the door behind him.

Atela continued looking through the scope, just to make sure that the sniper wasn't moving. She didn't cloak again, and the grey/green color scheme wasn't exactly blending in with the Martian landscape. Eh, no witnesses, right? "Target's definitely not moving. We, on the other hand, really should get moving. It's clear that they know we're here now." Atela finally said, lowering the sniper rifle. "We need to get to the tomb ASAP."
Ifrit chambered the next round, adding a replacement. "I agree with the frog frame, the faster we do this, the fewer barrels we have to stare down." He looked thoughtfully a the windforged metal on his Vectis Prime, before deciding to keep it on hand for a while longer. Kára opened her mouth to voice an opinion, but couldn’t bring herself to share anything. It wasn’t far into the mission, but the Tenno already felt a little stuck in a rut. She waited for Geordie to make a decision. Sauriv, not sensing any more danger, padded his way over to Kára’s position. Cyrus snorted at Ifrit's comment before quickly silencing himself. "Alright, Geordie! Let's get a'movin'."
Cyrus strutted over to the two sharpshooters, slinging his Snipetron over his shoulder and threw his hands over their shoulders and gave a hearty hoot. "My, my, excellent work! Really showing this old timer here how it's done, eh?"
Ifrit rolled his head as the elder Corpus slung his arms around them, politely drawing it away with a pat. "I bet you're... just as accurate up close... that's... a.... compliment by the way."
"I agree," Geordie replied to Atela and Ifrit, "If they didn't know we were here before, they absolutely do now. Let's get moving, we have a few more bridges to cross before we get to the tomb itself." After a quick glance to make sure nobody had been hurt, Geordie peered out across the bridge, scanning for other snipers before motioning for everyone to follow him across. Luckily, further gunshots rang out as he made his way over the sand-worn stone slab bridging the gap between the cliff faces. He ducked into the room carved into the rock on the other side, again waiting for everyone to cross before moving forward. The river far below crashed and roared yet louder over the bridge, creating an imposing noise to match the view.
Ifrit followed suit closely, before slamming against the safety of the next area beside the shiny frame. He quickly produced a small object with one hand and pressed it against the underside of his wrist, before quickly hiding back beneath his cloak.
Kára quickly peeked out of her current room and locked her eyes on a solid wall inside the next one. She reached an arm out and shot a blue string of energy onto it. The Tenno backed up a couple meters, then sprinted towards the exit and bullet jumped, tugging on the line of light. The resulting motion sent Kára speeding across the gap at the blink of an eye and crashing into the wall on the other side. A peculiar move. Sauriv sauntered across the first room to lay flat against the wall Kára had just flown away from.
"I don't see what the big deal was. It wasn't a small target." Atela shrugged, looking around again. Juuuuust in case there were any more Grineer waiting. "And keep your voice down. We don't want them hearing us. They know too much as it is." Atela also took a bit more direct approach. Putting the sniper rifle away as she followed the rest of the group, a bow materialized in her hand. She took an arrow from one of the many quivers Ivara is equipped with, and took aim. Completely still for a split second, Atela fired the arrow. It stuck into the cliff face, leaving behind what looked like a glowing zipline. As it turned out, that was exactly what it was. Atela ran across the rope, leaping and landing on the other side with everyone else...

...is still on hold.

In a display of power, what is not seen, but sounds like Kapak's operator enters the operating room and channels the Void into Adrova's newly repaired body. The Corpus is resurrected, and Leveret's Operator and Efahz are overjoyed to see their friend again... but also, deeply saddened, for the reborn Corpus' mind is now plagued by Amnesia. Perhaps Kapak has a solution to this as well?

Frez continues to study the shooting gallery's mechanics in anticipation for his turn. In the meantime, Stahk receives his prize- a stuffed plushie of the Corpus' infamous and lethal proxy known as the Jackal! Suddenly, Stahk's personal space is invaded by a mysterious man who offers him a drink and to talk... business?
Leveret's Operator and Rakko, the Grineer Woman, are still at the strength challenge. After attempting another swing, they fail to break their previous personal record. Rakko thinks that they can do it- go again!
The Infested Organisms at the dunk tank are given nothing but taunts from the fat man in the actual tank, and a lesson on how to throw a ball by the clerk who worked at the booth. Unfortunately, these three bizarre creatures are nothing more that complete imbeciles...!

Inari stepped down the ramp way from her navigation room, ducking her head under the edge into the main work space of her orbiter. Hearing footsteps coming from the landing dock, she took a right down the hallway to meet up with Geordie. Rounding the bend, she stopped when she caught a flash of the metallic green of Geordie's attire.
"Geordie, welcome to the Avalon" she smiled bowing politely, her ponytail slipping off her right shoulder. She motioned toward the back toward the front of the orbiter, "come, let's go to my quarters and we can start going over things there."
"Thank you! Indeed, lead the way." Geordie responded politely, motioning for her to, as he said, lead the way. As they headed for Inari's quarters, Geordie looked around at the decor. He always found it interesting to see what other Tenno's orbiters looked like.
"Has anyone else responded to the transmission yet?" he asked as they walked.
Inari nodded and walked in front of him seeing that he was eyeing the tribal Cetus markings that she had decorated the metallic walls of her orbiter.
"So how have you been since Cetus, Geordie?" she asked politely as they strolled past her transference room and into her personal quarters. The room was like most other quarters, with the long couch at the bottom of the short stairs. The design pattern continued into the room giving it a very earthy feel with the dark metallic green and the light brown of the decals. A huge aquarium showed off a very large sharrac floating idly with a few karkinas crawling around nibbling on the small plankton in the tank. The secondary aquarium held a few charc eels and a mawfish. walking over to one of her tea set, the Tenno started brewing a warm pot of herbal tea for the both of them, seeing as it may be a while for them to properly, look over any details of the frigate. Movement outside the viewing window caught her attention as she thought she saw a smaller ship circling her orbiter but the movement was too quick for her to properly register it. 
"I've been well, thank you! I finally got a chance to spend some time with my sister recently. It was a nice change of pace. And yourself? How've you been?" he asked, admiring the decoration of the orbiter around him before observing the fish doing, well, fish things. The movement outside the ship caught Geordie's eye as well. He peered out into the vast stretch of space beyond the window, combing through the glitter of stars for anything out of place as he politely waited for Inari to finish before speaking.
"I hate to interrupt," he finally asked, "But did you catch a glimpse of some movement outside just a moment ago?"
Outside, the Xiphos continued it’s circular motion around the Orokin vessel, cruising in a slow playful pace.It jerked ever so slightly to the sides to create unnecessary wiggles from its path. It doesn’t contact the other Orbiters but it doesn't seem to make a effort to appear stealthy. It's out there, it's wobbling, and it's waiting in silence…or maybe perhaps it's just scanning the strange ship for something.

Out of the ominous blackness of Eris’ graveyard, of an ancient vice that webbed its way across the planet's shadow, a beacon pulsed irregularly, like a diseased heart struggling with all its feeble might to defy the inevitable. However curious, was the fact the signal and an obscure message attached was only pulsing on the old Remnant encryption, however breaking its intended call to the larger audience on the occasional broken tempo;--------------------------------------- //COME TO BRIDGE //AID REQUIRED //IMPERATIVE ------------------------------

The Cephalon piloting the MOA suggests Sonera should go first- after all, a Tenno with a nigh-unkillable Warframe would make a better meatshield than a fragile Corpus robot. Kamos continues to suggest destroying things, almost completely convinced that everything inside this facility is a trap. The others try their best to calm the anxious Rhino, and continue to explore their surroundings- there's a few terminals nearby. Perhaps digging through them could yield some info as to what the Void was going on??
Isa and Kapak continue their own bizarre adventure in Kawamo. While Isa is presented with a garment similar to Kapak's, the mutant Nidus spies a bizarre robotic crow watching his movements from the trees. Yet, the villager says that it's not one of theirs. Who's watching Kapak behind that bird's cybernetic eyes?? He tries to capture the proxy, but it takes flight and escapes before Kapak could do it successfully...

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak and Lekalis:
Kapak falls through a psychedelic, fiery, blood-red ocean, and the next thing he knows, he's drifting through the starlit space of the Origin System. A vision of his Cephalon materializes before him, warning Kapak against the visions he is seeing, saying they will lead him astray...
In a flash, Kapak finds himself marooned on the garbage shores of Ceres. He watches as a woman is impaled on scrap metal before his eyes, and he spies Corpus branding on her clothing. A cryptic message is broadcast to him; [(WE {c}an H{E}a{R} : th{E})m : (A)gain : together] [P{S}: (M)An(I)fest Lost shipMent 88]

AND THAT IS IT! Sorry for the day of delays, hopefully next week I won't be as procrastinatful as I was yesterday (yes, I know that's not a word). Also, that Chimera prologue though, eh? Pretty neat stuff! 

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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@ChrissySilly @MR_EMBREM_PL We were going over our applicants and found that we could not access your google document for your character sheet please make sure you are providing us with a Shared Link to your document- copying and pasting the URL from the toolbar will NOT grant us access.

Additionally, whoever you are, @ChrissySilly, you have applied using the wrong IGN, because there is no one named ChrissySilly who is registered on these forums.

Both of your applications have been cleared for now, and you'll need to resubmit them with the proper google drive link in order for us to view your bio properly.

Better hop to it! We have several members interested in what you bring!

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Yo yo what's good it's ya boi Kapkap comin' right at ya. It's been a busy week for all of us but at least we can all enjoy some new RP content and... PRETTY ART!
(Also sorry that this is getting shipped out so late. I had some real life deadlines to meet, but better late than never, right??)

Alright, first up is a nice piece of my own OC drawn by Leveret who's been keeping up with his art grind! Once Inktober is finished, I'll be posting a link to his post in the Inktober fan Art thread for you guys to display his entire collection. Here's another piece by him detailing the events of Project Telos!

Next up, our rarest appearing Artist but also an incredibly skilled one- Lekalis! This week he's gifted us with two very nice pictures. Once is The Strider himself receiving his badge from Cressa Tal, and the other is.... hmmm? A new side character perhaps...?

Hallow's Eve Draws near- the Portal between our world and The Other opens soon!


So as many of you may know, October is a very, VERY spooky month. And on the spookiest day of this month WE WILL BE OPENING UP THE SERVER FOR VISITORS FOR 24 HOURS! That's right, come Halloween Day, anyone and everyone will be able to join our Server as a temporary member, which will allow you to mix and mingle with actual members of our server all day long! More details will be in next week's newsletter, but mark it down in your calendar!

Recruitment Update!
Yup, we are STILL OPEN! Keep them coming, folks! Here's a quick sneak peek to see how our voting process works, with @(XB1)CosmicXplorer as our little example:
(all jokes, we just wanted to have some fun 'n make some memes ;))

Again, because it was a bit of a slow week, I'll be copypasting directly from the RP channels. Enjoy!

Deco turned his body to look like he was going to escape down the right hallway and threw his remote. A second after it left his hand, everything went dark. The lights had shut off. Not only that, but a familiar soft static sound filled the air. The sound of a nullifier. Vuko found himself unable to use his Warframe abilities as a few moments ticked by. Then suddenly, the mechanisms released his frame into the pitch dark.
After the lights went out Vuko started squirming even harder, and during those few moments he kept struggling and making unholy noises. Once the bubbles retract, and he drops down onto the floor, into the darkness, unfortunately overestimating his strength, he trips over as the unregulated prosthetic gave in to the side. “THERE IS NO POINT IN RUNNING.” Vuko says as loud as he can, now back on his feet. “I WILL FIND YOU. AND YOU. YOU WILL SUFFER. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” He continues to threaten the now unseen Deco, while breaking out into a maniacal laughter. He slaps himself in the head once. Then twice. And after the third smack a light finally flickers on and off a few times on his helmet, before finally turning on properly. Now able to see, he goes down the right corridor, looking out for any movement by scanning the corridor with his flashlight, while at the same time using his sentry sense. “CHIIIIIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP. COME OUT LITTLE BIRDIE. COME OUT AND LET US PLAY Á͈̯ ̞͢G̮̼̪A̲̰͔M̺̖̼Ȩ͉͍ ̯̻̭O̠̬̝F͓ ̸͕͉L̟̳̕I̘͖̼V̦̯͖E͚̜̩ ̢̯͇S̟K̬̣͜Ị̪͜N̷͓̲N̺̖͟I̱̭̹N̞̜̺G͓̣̟”

The Ivara turns and the Veiled Tenno finds himself faced with a long corridor with no end in his field of vision. The lights embedded in the walls and ceiling have small, blue LEDs slowly blinking in the dark. Other than that, not a thing is heard over the gentle hum of the station. He continues to go down the corridor, while slowly and ominously whistling. Nothing comes to his attention until he reaches the next left extending hallway, when his innate radar catches a blip on something 20 meters out at the edge of its range. The thing seemed to be on the same level as him, somewhere past the wall to his right.
“I CAN FEEL YOU, BUG. THERE IS NO POINT IN HIIDIIIING.” He continues to say, in a menacingly happy, yet insane, tune.
Vuko continues to progress down the hall, hugging the right wall.

Sonera hops after them, skipping along to a silent beat that is bouncing around in her head ”Pa da da PA du du PI ha ha Huf up a A!” Why walk when you can hop skip, twirl, wiggle and jump to your destinations?! Honestly, it not only keeps you light and sharp with silent steps but you also work on your dexterity on the way! Now isn’t that a treat!?
"Uh, Tenno?" Mino asks sheepishly as he watched the Wukong prance about the room.

"Oi, what the mu-" Cyrus couldn't do anything except stare at the Valkyr and Ivara as they bridged the gap in the blink of an eye. Even after working with and against Tenno for years, the Corpus mercenary couldn't help but watch in awe of their agility. "Geordie! Can't you make us one of those forcefields or some guts? You're that lightning Warframe, right??" Cyrus had again flung himself into the same room as Geordie and Ifrit, sending sand flying upwards.
 The room was considerably more filled with sand than the last one had been, but everyone managed to fit in the end. No more shots rang out as everyone else crossed the bridge. There was only one crossing remaining before the tunnel led to the platform with the doorway to the tomb. The Tenno could probably jump the gap, but the non-Tenno members of the group likely couldn't.
"Sure thing," Geordie replied, "I can toss one up for you next time you cross! Kára, you haven't said much, you doing all right over there? I'm sure we'll have something for you to do soon, I promise."
The cramped place was no strangeness to Ifrit as he ducked down to make way from bonking his head as he did so entering, causing the hood to slide off. With a quick hand he shrouded the helm once more, keeping the other tight to the receiver of the Vectis as he sifted to the opposite side of the room towards the next bridge, scanning ahead.

Image result for well were waiting

Kapak reveals his Somatic Chamber- a room that is mostly untouched by the Infestation that plagues the rest of his Orbiter. Everything in here seems normal, well, for the most part. His actual Somatic Link appears to be cocooned in thick, wood-like Technocytic growths not unlike the ones found spread all over the Orokin Derelicts. At it's center, a beating, fleshy 'heart'. Kapak's Operator lives in there?!
Adrova is served a nice hot meal of rice 'n veggies while Efahz and Leveret's Operator discuss things. Efahz thinks that due to his memory loss, Adrova isn't Adrova anymore. Should he be put out of his misery? Something does seem a little off about him... but that's to be expected. Right?
Kapak's Cephalon Helminth interrupts the gathering and informs the gang that their ally Chegar is in trouble!

The tallest of the trio of Infested things picked up a ball and began to mirror the clerk's actions on how to throw. After rehearsing several time, it chittered and wound itself up to throw it for real. The muscular and short one, in awe of their (apparent) leader, stood in awe- and also coincidently, in his way. As the tall creature release the ball, it flew straight into the muscular one's face, since he was standing directly in front.

Seeing that Geordie had caught the movement as well, she lowered the data pad and called out to her Cephalon.
"Hey Puck, give us a quick once-around the frigate. Make sure we don't have any extra company that we don't know of." The Cephalon extended the its senses around the ship like extending it's limbs. The Xiphos ship was showing up like a bright spot with absolutely no sign of trying to hide it's presence.
"Little Clown, we do seem to have company. One small vessel is circling the Orokin ship, showing a sign of low level scanning of the vessel. Not sure what it's scanning for... want me to open communications to the interloper?"
The Tenno nodded and brought up her data pad.
"Yeah- go audio only please. If our guest isn't Tenno, I'd rather keep visuals to a minimum."
While tapping a few keys on her data pad, some static crackled as Cephalon tried to open communications:
"To the nearby ship: this is the Avalon, please come in. Again this is the Avalon, please respond with intentions." She looked at Geordie with an arched brow, the light of the data pad reflecting off her oculus lenses resting under her eyes as they awaited any response from he near by ship. The craft almost immediately ceased it’s wobbling around the Orokin vessel as the transmission hit it. It cut off the scanning procedure as if it got scolded by a parent not to do that, and just floated above the vessel, as if frozen out of fear or confusion…or maybe it’s acting like it cannot be seen when not moving. Whatever the reason for it’s sudden halt in it’s playful motions, it seems to be thinking something over as no immediate reply is sent out to meet the Orbiter. A couple of seconds of silence go by, like a Tenno standoff on who blinks first…errrr, who lights up first? Nevermind! The landing craft does a light jerk upwards and then…a buzz transmits out of the ship and through the static a very deep and gravely voice speaks through, in the most monotone and flat voice a boy can have, says.
“Hey…” A pause, the static still pulsating through, only the sound of fabric shuffling breaking the constant buzzing, “This…where…the Orokin vessel is…” Every last syllable is dragged out with deep rumbles, as if the speaker is growling under his breath or speaking through clenched teeth.
“Answering…call…” The pause came once more but this time nothing followed it, and the transmission cut off. The landing craft didn’t continue it’s pattern around the Orokin brigade, it just float there with no intention of getting close to the Orbiters.
Geordie raised an eyebrow as well as the gravely voice came through. He listened quietly until the transmission cut off, looking more and more curious.
"I don't think I've ever heard a Tenno with a voice like that," he commented, "Very unusual. Do you think they're trustworthy?"


Smoke bloomed out from dry lips, curling into a lune that made a waxing moon swoon in envy. "Marvellous..." The words came out like ice amidst the sweating interior of an ashen vessel. Coolant hissed and vents left a mist on the ground so thick it looked like snow. A metal hand, sharp and black as smoke, rose up to push back a strand of maroon hued hair; a few fell as they were cut on the backs of the digits which made the hand. "... Locillus, open manual override portals eighty-eight and one-oh-eight." Its tone was flat, monotonous with a lilt of a flower aflame.
"Understood." The rolling and churning tones of Locillus' synthesized vox echoed out from a meek projector that blinked blue as he spoke; a stark contrast to the vermillion banquet of industrial gore and electrical excrement that snapped and fizzled inside the interior of this dire vessel. Infront of the command seat, which was held aloft by a thousand spidery limbs, two rectangular screens of orange flared to life from two square pistons that had risen from the mesh floor below. The screens took a moment for their holographic displays to boot up and display a river of information that was of the Remnant's encryption. "Ports 88 and 108 have been compromised. PS Subroutines are moving, estimated time--" "-- 8.887, rounded, seconds. I know." "-- You don't. 5.223, rounded. Unscheduled entrances have been noticed and security has been escalated since your last interjection." The talons of obsidian hovered over the two panels, twitching with excitement as glyphs of Orokin design moved in ever erratic patterns; the sea held a billion tides amidst a whirlpool of Grineer texts, trashed with odd Corpus runes. The ice clucked its tongue, a glacier about to fall, as RED quirked her head to one side; twelve eyes, divided six and six to either socket, shifted, paused, shifted the other way and waited. "Amateurs." She mumbled and slowly let her fingers drift into the orange holograph; immediately the sea churned in and unto itself, reacting as water was want to do. With the nimbleness of a swallow, but the ferocity of a tiger, RED's sharp digits cut through the water and re-arranged the tides. "You won't crack it..." Locillus grumbled, "You know I don't like it when you talk and I'm busy." "... It's tuned to the Mantis' reactor's radiation flux and adjusted by the coolant disposed." he elaborated, "Fekhunderes" RED swore with a careless wave of her hand.
Locillus' blinking blue port intensified and a scream came out of it; a sound the Cephalon was clearly not designed to make. A sound like an atom being split, water squeezed through a tube too tight. Suffocated. Locillus' voice drowned t'ill there was nothing there but the whisper of the charcoal vessel's routines. RED's thumb dipped into the whirlpool's heart; piercing it. The text stopped; "...Radiation, coolant..." RED muttered to herself. A blinking counter in the corner of the screen counted down her actions. The Corpus sigils were a pain... New. But routine. She didn't distract herself with how much time was left. She spared half a second, it was her gut reaction, before her little finger pierced each sigil and held them in place. "...Hmhmhahahaahah." RED chuckled in victory as she flexed her fingers outwards, and the tide's stopped running, the whirlpool dispersed, and the debris organized into lines for a message to be displayed. She made idle clicking noises as she arranged the data to be coherent, her lidless eyes looked over the data and nodded to an soundless beat. "Beautiful... Beautiful, beautiful. Frippery, as always." she sighed, "Locillus, destroy Port 88 and 108. Thanks for the--" RED glanced to the dead port of Locillus' vox, "--Oh, right. Sorry."
With due haphazardness, she slid herself out of the seat, her metal joins scything through the air before her talon'd foot curled into the dark mesh floor. The Pulsing red of her ship's reactor below illuminated a similar obsidian array of sharp metal grafted to pulled meat; deep lines were gouged into her meat, winding about her knees, her thigh and waist. Mimicking the musculature beneath like a map marks the tides of an ocean. She strode forward with regimented fluidity, before her fingers dug into the socket of Locillus' port and turned; there was a synthesized, released, breath of air as the blinking blue light returned. "I did warn you." Locillus was silent, as RED rolled her shoulders and scratched at the pale mask of meat that held to her onyx skull. "You know my process; remove our trace, overflow the Ports with junk data... Ports should be shut down in a week or so." She mumbled the last to herself as she strutted underneath the two holograms, Port 88 on the left, Port 108 to the right; she gave each a proper salute, a fist over her heart and a bow of the crown. "You've served my warband faithfully, Port 88 and 108. Now you will die." She swiped her hand upwards and the arms rescinded into the floor below her.
"Send a return message, Locillus." RED decided, turning to face the shut window port of her vessel. She sauntered up to it and placed her razored digits against its surface, she lightly dragged them across the metal, and still, sparks fluttered down into the engine below. "This... is a distress beacon. There won't be a reciever." Locillus informed, "I don't care. The Gryphon has slept too long." Her fingers curled around a lever, she pulled it up with such force that it jammed open, sparks exploded out and smoke billowed forth. More mist clouded the floor. "Send a return pulse along the same frequency:" The blast-shudders that shielded the window shuttered and sent shrieks through the hull as it drew back. The sun blinded her for a moment, she flinched and raised her arm with a toothy grin. "The Red Sol rises. Break. To meet the Blue Moon. Break. Inspect Alternative Methods When Arrival Roams. Capitalize all first letters. End." Her arm fell and she let the sun bathe her corpus, she felt the singe against her skin as she relished the moment. She heard Locillus sigh and she chuckled again. RED cleared her throat and her smile faded as she shuffled over to a panel and brought it down, "Eris..." she muttered and aligned her coordinates with it. She sniffed and felt blood in the back of her throat. "... already?" She scoffed and shook her head before her vessel jacked into the rail system from its inky void and blinked through the system, towards the Infested cell of Eris.
Immediately, a tendril of infested flesh cut itself in twain across the wedge shaped ramming prow of RED's vessel, shaking it but not disturbing the glass. Blood smeared across the prow before being swept off into a new orbit. The red stained the black shell, evaporating off the angular plates. RED swore and made two long strides before hopping up into her command seat, it bucked as she drew up command holograms and turned the ship to avoid another tendril that almost seemed to try and lash out at her dark vessel. The engine inside whirred and roared as the thrusters hidden inside the hull made RED sweat; more coolant spilled out as she turned the vessel again, and found a safe vector. She pulled down a slab that displayed a local radar, and then another which she dialled into the hijacked distress-beacon's coordinates. She wiped her brow with the meat of her bicep and began to guide the ship towards the distress-beacon's coordinates; her eyes peeled for any hints, a ship with an intact bridge would be a start, she imagined.
Those who chose to follow the scent of curiosity, would find a new, short-ranged message of anonymous origin coming from the source; from the near-devoured bridge itself.———————————- //THE TWILIGHT WANES … ... ... //HURRY ——————-
The source however, was to be expected; a vessel of ancient senility, of the lost Orokin age. The bridge and engineering decks having the worst marring of the blight while the midst seems to have the lesser evil, as veins connected either side. While it was hard to make out in the coned lights of RED’s vessel, it had its own uniqueness to it Thankfully, a single location was the only point of safe entry, a massive functioning landing bay with several distinct flag lights spearing the shadows of a nearby hulk. To the RED, there was plenty of room to land, should she choose. However, anywhere else than the bay would likely lead to certain doom, or worse...
After receiving the Remnant signal, Isa had set off for Eris. She tracked the message in her orbiter to its source on Eris.
"Ziton. Scan the area for Tenno energy residue and scan for a weak point in the hull to blast through near the bridge. Deploy proxies to prepare breaching charges." She said, seated within her transference chair. She closed her eyes, moving her consciousness into her Saryn now. Inside the shining warframe, she quickly made her way through the orbiter to where the archwing was stored. She looked down at the doors of the orbiter as she felt her golden wings affix themselves to her back. The doors open and she plummeted out, boosting herself as she did so. The artificial gravity of the ship lost its hold as she exited. She then flew her way out around the Orokin vessel to monitor the proxies planting the charges. It was rather quick, and once the charges were deployed, Isa detonated them, blowing an entrance. With the hole open, she would fly her archwing inside.

Sonera sneaks off, away from the others to go explore. The Wukong bound Tenno finds herself within a room filled with mechanical, industrial equipment. Some kind of assembly line, perhaps? Also, there's a big gun in this room! Some kind of electrically powered mass driver.
In the meantime, the others allow Aurelia, the MOA-piloting Cephalon to hack into the nearby terminal. It seems to have something to do with a bizarre 'pedestal' in the center of the room they're in. The terminal displays a message:

(Note: Sorry for the low quality. Disruptis actually made this as a file in C# and uploaded it to the discord as an executable. If you really want to see a higher quality version of this gif you can dm @Disruptis and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to share it with you)

Kapak finds himself on a second, larger island in the middle of Kawamo's river. Here, there are more people, more development, although it is clear that they are a few decades behind in terms of technology here.
There's a building here, however, and decorated with traditional ceremonial Tenno architecture! Apparently, Disruptis waits within...

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak and Lekalis:

AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDD CUT! That'll do it for today's newsletter- 30 minutes to spare before it's technically 1 day late! Unless any of you guys have any questions, comments or concerns, I'll see y'all next week! Cheers 😄

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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On 2018-10-21 at 10:22 AM, DaMadReaper said:

Any news on when you guys are gonna do the actual recruiting?

On 2018-10-14 at 7:17 PM, Almighty_Jado said:

Our members have begun to sort through and vote on everyone who has applied to our group thus far- but it's not too late to try to jump on the train! Our voting doesn't finish until the end of October, meaning you still have the opportunity to edit or submit your application now!


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I've submitted an application. 

I forgot to list my characters focus school which is Zenurik.


I would also like to mention that I disagree with some of the feedback on the quiz. "Transference possible by non-Tenno" I haven't done the silver grove yet as I keep getting distracted with other things. However, we can't be sure that Ballas was using Transference to speak to Umbra. That could have been a totally different ability or something involved with the warframe creation process.

Based on what we see in the cenimatics for being dropped off on planets or docking at a relay, your Orbiter is your Landing Craft. It's two words for the same thing. 

I forgot that Yuvan referred to the vessel used in continuity, oops.

No idea what I was thinking with the bursa

I missed the check all that apply, however the third item for use of an Oro. We don't know for sure if the Oro is involved in continuity at all. It can be implied for sure due to the "resurrection" properties of Oro, but when the Oro causes you to return you don't need a new vessel to do so.


If that came across as argumentative, I did not mean it as such. Just wanted to give some feedback on some of the questions stated answers. 


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1 hour ago, Tali_Zorah said:


No worries! Discussing lore is and always will be a major thing in our community.

Transference was definitely used by Archimedian Sylvana in order to pilot the Titania Warframe to Earth. This is one of the things explicitly stated in the quest, so we know it to be true!

The Orbiter is actually a separate ship from your Landing Craft. The actual Orbiter ship is a massive ship (as seen below) that the Landing Craft docks onto.
Image result for tenno orbiter

These Orbiters can also be seen in game at Tenno Relays. They can be seen flying around the Relay in space.

Here's also some unused footage that helps explain how the Orbiter/Landing Craft thing works:


Lastly, for the Oro issue, yes, its exact nature is still largely unknown. However, what we do know about current Warframe lore is that the Oro is the Warframe equivalent of a soul, so it is likely that it is involved in some way during the continuity process. Especially considering Kuva, which is a vital part of Continuity, is the blood of the Oro [citation needed, @Disruptis may know where to find that).

Always happy to have a civilized discussion 🙂

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2 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:



I figured that something definitive happened in Silver Grove. Haven't done that quest yet as I just haven't taken the time to go scan all the leafy things. 

Oh wow, I didn't know that there was a larger ship... I wonder how that will play into Rail Jack. 

And fair point on the Oro. A derivative conclusion but a solid one none-the-less.


If you have a moment to take a look at the application I submitted, I've got more story I could put into the bio but I wasn't sure if you wanted a detailed page or two as an overview or like the character's life story. Regardless, would love some feedback on how I can improve it either way. 



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Hope you all like my application ... I mixed in a lil' IC sass to some of the lore responses, where applicable. 

Will the PM about my application be coming through Discord, Forums, or Ingame, out of curiosity? 


~Mater vult,



P.S. Never RP'ed in Warframe before, but I really, really, really want to ... Did not even realise that this side of the community existed.
P.P.S. Oh, dear. I just realised there's a deadline/waiting list to this... 


Edited by StrikerSkirata
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@StrikerSkirata never fear! You are not too late! In fact, you’re just in time! Can’t guarantee that you’ll get in, but I can guarantee that your application will be looked at!

No worries though- we will be recruiting another 2 people about mid December, so if you don’t make it this time, there’s always next time!

You can expect the PM about your application to reach you on the forums. Cheers!

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