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Vauban rework suggestion


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Well i dont know from what i can start i mean i wont say a lot but ill try hehe.

We have in game now khora warframe she have kitty with stances, but what if vauban could have mini robot that fly near him its like new passiv and his second ability will work like mode change.

His second ability compared to bastilla his 3 and vortex 4 is no that good because of range affecting more enemies and how fast u cast it, for bastilla and vortex u just have to press it when for his second ability u have to hold and it is not efficient to use also effects are not strong enought to hold it every time just tu put some radiation that is not guaranted enemies will not attack u.

This mini robot could have active mode like atleast radiation mine, robot can generate medium range radiation proc every 2 sec, same with shred reduce armor for enemies duration time 3 sec every 2 but it wont stack, bounce mode low range push that ragdoll enemies nice if u want to push through small places but there are alot enemies blocking it and u cant kill them fast enought.

And for his line mine mode maybe totally just change it to aoe bonus like hp/shield regeneration or projectiles distractor im not sure what can be good there, not a dmg buff bcs there are other frames and that its enought of it.

His Tesla, maybe change for smth like enemy radar single scan that will show enemies for 3 seconds on big range or aoe shock that will for a like 4 seconds distract enemies.

Thats how i see engineer warframe because who said he cant build robots ;D i know this will be hard to make or not im not proffesional i dont know how hard it can be just kid dreams.

Thanks for reading i know it probably is pain to read because misspellings, english is not my good side.

Numbers of skills are just for example.

Anyway thanks for dedicated time to atleast look at it hope u enjoy maybe use some of it to make vauban different. 

Have a nice day/night reading it :>.

Edited by Evli225
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