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Should I Keep Saryn If I Already Have These Warframes:



I have Rhino, Loki, and Ember as Warframes I plan to keep for the long term.


I'm currently playing Saryn and she seems ok so far, but I feel like she doesn't have any abilities that I don't already have on my other frames that they can also possibly use better. 


I don't want to waste a potato since I only have two left and a Vauban and Volt in my foundry I haven't tried yet with a Nova on the way.

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If you can, I suggest keeping all frames as they will probably get revisions later on.


Saryn is very similar to Loki for some of her abilities as Molt is Decoy and Contagion is similar to Invisibility. She is much more of an offensive frame though and she will melt anything up to around lv100. Personally I didn't supercharge my Saryn but that's just me.

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Personally, I say if you don't enjoy the Warframe, don't keep it.

Yeah, I think the same way which is why I got rid of every other frame I tried except these. I'm just undecided if Saryn is unique or redundant compared to the frames I already own. She's fun, but my other frames seem to cover all her bases for the most part. I'm not sure if I'm missing something with her.

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Warframes are super hard to get, and worth a lot of mastery. in the long run, even if you don't want a frame, it's best to max it anyway. Sell it then.

Yeah, I max all of mine then sell if they weren't to my liking. This one I'm just unsure of. Outside of venom I'm not sure what to think of her.


Every frame deserves a potato.  There will be an alert for another one soon enough.

I seem to miss them a lot, so I'm careful with the ones I use. I only have about 4 frames left to try with a potato. I'm just not sure if I want to waste it on a frame I'm a bit unsure about.


If you can, I suggest keeping all frames as they will probably get revisions later on.


Saryn is very similar to Loki for some of her abilities as Molt is Decoy and Contagion is similar to Invisibility. She is much more of an offensive frame though and she will melt anything up to around lv100. Personally I didn't supercharge my Saryn but that's just me.

I have about 6 slots, but don't really want to buy more since I don't really need to play every frame. I'd rather keep the ones that stand out the most to me. I keep Loki for stealth, Rhino for survival, and Ember for just rushing. I'm trying to figure out what role Saryn could play. 

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Saryn can potentially cover the roles of both Ember and Loki with Miasma/Venom and Molt, respectively.

Common uses of Saryn: Distract enemies with Molt, use Venom on one enemy, and spread the spores. Use Miasma in large crowds.

Alternative: Use Venom on one enemy and spread spores. (I forma'd my Saryn four times so that it could use nine non-ability mods and Venom.)

Of course, if you don't like her playstyle, then there's no reason to use her.

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