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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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In-Game name: Chattokung

Why you want to join: Making new friends and Looking for Squad for grinding stuff and EXP


Already in a clan


Hi, I'd love to join your clan :) 



IGN: bertuzzy


Reason: Your clan looks really awesome and I immediately wanted in. Oh and the clan emblem is way too awesome.

Already in a clan


IGN: TwistyReptile

Reason: I would like to join as the thread caught my eye and after doing a bit of research I was dead set in joining.

Already in a clan


Hello I'd like to be part of this clan.



Already in a clan... and this is what happens when I am gone for a week and nobody else is looking after the thread -_-. Apologies

to all I missed.

IGN: NinjaCl0ne (with a zero)

I want to join to learn more and go much more indepth with warframe through a clan and not just by soloing all the time.


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I want to join 


warframe ID:  VyralVanKill



I want to join this clan becuase my old clan was getting old and i just wanna find a clan thats much more fun and active


Already registered in the website

Edited by VyralVanKill
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In-Game name: Happyshinigami

Why you want to join: I am looking for a active big clan to join so I can have a big group of people to play with and chat with.

Side notes about me: I am rank 10, highest conclave I can get is 1800 and I'm usually on during the night, my time zone is cst.

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Also if you can plz invite me tomorrow, I need to leave my cure clan tonight. I dont leave clans often dont worry, this is a friends clan and it has been just me and him for a year or more. But if you can plz give me a reply saying if I am allowed in. I did register to the website. Am looking forward to hunting with yous soon!

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Sorry been dealing with school... and it looks like there hasn't been looking after the thread while I have been away... great... -_- Ok downloading U14.5 ATM, I'll send invites to all who are still waiting after I am able to get in, however if you are already in a clan you are gonna have to leave it and request another invite if you are still interested in joining. To those who didn't get an invite yet sorry and to those still waiting, be patient for just a little longer OK?


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my in-game name is mhinz


I want to join because I was kicked from my other clan for not going online for the two weeks I spent traveling even though I told the clan leader that I was going to be away and I am just looking for a good group that I can have some fun with.

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