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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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In-Game name: Bionic711

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): I fluctuate between all three. Depends on what's going on with work/school/family.

Mastery rank: 9 with 250 points until 10

Why you want to join: Looking for a Clan that won't kick me out when I'm not playing regularly due to real life.  This clan description sounds like it may fit with my ever changing play times.

Sick of PUGs... 

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In-Game name: Bionic711

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): I fluctuate between all three. Depends on what's going on with work/school/family.

Mastery rank: 9 with 250 points until 10

Why you want to join: Looking for a Clan that won't kick me out when I'm not playing regularly due to real life.  This clan description sounds like it may fit with my ever changing play times.

Sick of PUGs... 






IGN: YesIAmGod



I need a clan 


IGN: YesIAmGod



I need a clan 


Please register on our website.

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n-Game name: MiniBird

Type of player: Casual

Mastery rank:4

Why you want to join: I would like to have more fun and interaction in the game as playing alone doesnt allow me to meet new ppl... i hope i can join this clan for more fun and i'll do my best to help the clan as much :D

Edited by MiniBird
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In-Game name: Stredx

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): Semi-hardcore

Mastery rank: 8

Why you want to join: Well, i'm a really old player, who used to be in the clan, but i left the game for a few months, and now i want to join back if possible. I have an old registration to the site - " Adely " and it would be really nice if i could join back again ^.^ thankies.

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n-Game name: MiniBird

Type of player: Casual

Mastery rank:4

Why you want to join: I would like to have more fun and interaction in the game as playing alone doesnt allow me to meet new ppl... i hope i can join this clan for more fun and i'll do my best to help the clan as much :D





In-Game name: Stredx

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): Semi-hardcore

Mastery rank: 8

Why you want to join: Well, i'm a really old player, who used to be in the clan, but i left the game for a few months, and now i want to join back if possible. I have an old registration to the site - " Adely " and it would be really nice if i could join back again ^.^ thankies.






It would be cool to join!

why: i have been playing solo for months and i would like to try being in a clan 




Please read the recruitment thread.

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In-Game name: Suds01

Type of player: Semi-Hardcore

Mastery rank: 7

Why you want to join: My previous clan was inactive so I had nobody to have fun with.







In-Game name: Undeadb1rd

Type of player: Casual

Mastery rank: 4

Why you want to join: I wan to join in a clan to have fun and get the feel of competing with other clans.



You're already in a clan

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In-Game name: Nexusty
Type of player: Semi-hardcore / hardcore
Mastery rank: 4

Why you want to join: Been playing solo since warframe came to steam, then quit for a few months and started playing last week again. Loving it and will be playing daily (or almost daily) since I'm done with school now.

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In-Game name: Nexusty

Type of player: Semi-hardcore / hardcore

Mastery rank: 4

Why you want to join: Been playing solo since warframe came to steam, then quit for a few months and started playing last week again. Loving it and will be playing daily (or almost daily) since I'm done with school now.



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