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Welcome To Find A Ghost Clan!


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Once again, we, Highwinds, are recruiting more members!

We are an active, experienced and end game/event oriented clan with some high scores on the leaderboards!
We're looking for active & hardcore as well as friendly players to join our ranks!
Feel free to check our recruitment thread for details and requirements ^-^ : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/317608-highwinds-is-recruiting-once-again/

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New player looking to learn

Warframe: Loki

Waframe account name: Kytx

steam: Kytz

Rank 11

Level: 1

Almost everyday, but break occasionally

I like to duel

willing to pay

Love helping to assist people on missions

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New Player looking for fun and friends


Warframe: Volt (One and only... until I finish building Rhino)

Account Name: DK_Tenno

Steam: Don't exactly have it downloaded yet. Anyone interested is Hwankyu19908

Mastery Rank: 4

Like to do void missions. Haven't dueled yet, might as well try.

I like to spam Speed and troll sometimes.

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Hi! I'm the warlord of a ghost clan called beneluxy, if you are looking for a ghost clan and/or just want a friend to play with you please give me a reply and i will probably invite you, we are only 3 members in and we would really appreciate the support.


please reply to this topic with:


-your Username


-your Mastery rank


-and your most used Warframe 

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Looking for a small clan to hook up with.




Mastery rank 4


Currently play my Rhino and my Valkyr; will have nyx within 4 days.


Play-style is generally defensive, however, I'm equipped to do stealth play as well.

Edited by Yawyna124
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Hi, I'm relatively new to warframe I'm interested to join a clan.
My IGN is FZXiHei, mastery rank 6 and my timezone is GMT+7.

I play warframe for 4-6 hours a day. I don't use teamspeak. I can only speak english and indonesian.



found a clan already. thanks for offering.

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Hello. I am a veteran Warframe player who runs a Ghost Clan. My clanmates and friends stopped playing Warframe awhile ago, after DE didn't follow through with their "end-game" promise.


I am still playing/enjoying Warframe though, and would like to find some fun, mature people to play with.


I am at GMT -8 (United States), and usually play weeknights for an hour or 2, typically from 10pm to midnight. I have a family and full-time job, so I don't have time to play more than that during the week unfortunately. (I am more active on the weekends though.)


If you are someone who is a casual player looking for someone to team up with, I love helping others, have a good sense of humor, and would love to find some good people to game with.   :)


Please PM me (here in the forums) if you are interested, or would like more details about me or my clan.




Edited by Fayde8
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tenno's i am veteran in playing warframe for about 4 or 5 years i started my own clan its small but friendly and fun. I seek mature and active players only no drama or disrespect in any form or fashion i started my clan on my own dojo is finished it took alot of time and im very proud of what i have done so far dojo have 3 dueling rooms obstacle course all labs done also have can emeblem done AoM is the name of the clan also have a steam group page for you there are also updates on there as well so if you on steam that is plus. i'm also looking for players in the U.S only as i am central time and i am the only warlord i have a warden also there will be always be promotes in the clan to move up. If you have any questions or feel this is clan you can see your self in please contact me here or in game my name is Tiara504 until i wish you luck!!! Also my name on steam is lightstar504

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If anyone's looking for a small clan with lots of space let me know. I'm the warlord of a ghost clan. I build it for the research labs, then I build more and more rooms and now I just want to share it. Beware, the Dojo could be considered "huge".


If you join, you get the benefits of the labs and my assistance (I'm mr 18). That's all I can promise really. However you can help make the clan grow if you're up to it. All the research is done. You can even join, grab some blueprints and leave if you want. I won't ask anything from you. 


I like helping and answering questions so if you're new, feel free to send me a message anyway. I will help as best as I can (one exception, no taxi's).


I'm usually online during the evening (west european times).



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Hello, I am looking to be apart of a Clan, here's a little about me.... 


I have been playing for a few weeks now currently level 17 Excalibur would be higher ranked however there is some sort of bug with the Rank missions I have completed it twice but it doesn't progress me....looking into that...moving on! 


Large clans intimidate me, rather, I'm looking for a clan with or is wanting the potential to have a tight knit together, build friendships, have fun, and progress through the game. Although I am relatively new, I am not looking for handouts or freebies from anyone. As I progress I would help other clan mates grow if I was able too. 


Preferably a clan that uses voice chat because that just works better during missions. I am patient and really looking for a permanent home, I am not a clan hopper by any means.


Amount of play: I am generally on in the evenings for a few hours during weekdays, sometimes more on weekends. I live in the US w/ eastern based time zone. I preferably would like state side clan mates, nothing against our overseas friends, but its just works better for most people when we are on similar schedules!


Like I said, I am mostly new, but learning more about the game every day. Looking forward to joining a clan and the future to come.



In game name: Vidamento, but I go by "Vida" for short. Feel free to message me in game or through forums, give me a little description about your clan in general. Thanks for looking!    

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Призрачный Taaffeite клан ведет набор игроков любого возраста с 3 ранга для совместной игры. Требования быть в группе vk,RC есть, но не обязателен, остальное либо в лс, либо читать в группе vk id "clan_taaffeite". Эмблема имеется. Додзе скоро будет полностью отстроено, Рады видеть всех!

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If your looking to join a clan with mainly new players and some vets to help out then join us Kratos Parakletos clan is only 6 days old we currently have 13 members and the following this are done in dojo

-Research labs all 4 of them (research almost completed on each)

-trading post

-dueling room

-obstacle course

We help majority of our new players lvl up their gear, run them through all bosses, excluding mutalist, void runs and OD runs to include vault runs.

We will work with you and be patient.

Send message in game to me (Toker) or send me message here I am constantly checking my inbox.


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~~~*~~~WELCOME TENNO~~~*~~~

AOM, A Clan First Founded BY TIARA504 AND SINSABRE WE Been Together Ever Since!

TIARA504 AND SINSABRE(Myself, and Head Warlord)

AOM Rules:

1. R E S P E C T.
Respect The Clan, Other Members, Other Players, And Other Clans. Period.

2. Don't Be A D-Bag.
This means, it's okay to sware, just don't go around Calling people names,
this go's Double for, Sexist, Racist, and Homophobic Terms, and names, I just won't have it.

3. No Taxing Unless In Times of Great need.
AOM won't be using tax, unless we NEED it, so, During Dark Sector's and such


1. Must Understand Above Stated Rules, Not Reading Them Isn't an Excuse For Not Following.

2. Must be over 18 Years old, Sorry, but Thats just the way things are.
(Exceptions made on Case by Case)

3. Must Have a Basic Concept of English.
We Don't Mind if your grammar or Spelling is not good, As long as we can at least understand you.
4. Mastery level 6 or higher 


AOM currently has all Research's done, (amazing huh?)
AOM Doesn't Like TAX.
AOM has been working on it's Dojo, and Clan, Privately for some time, Just to get ready for this day.
AOM has 3 dueling rooms obstacle course trading post everything you need and want
AOM will being having ts3 coming soon as more players come to the clan.
AOM has clan eleblem done
How To Join AOM:
Please Post The Following, with your Info filled in, this helps us figure out who's gonna be with us, so we can try an keep a balance of Newplayers Vs Pro's.
Location, does not matter, to be accepted or not, but its nice to know what time zone everyone is in, AOM is North American ZONE based.
Steam is not needed but, its nice to have
Please have, the why you'd like to join and be do not write small paragraph

Est. Time Playing Weekly:
How Long Have you been playing Warframe:


We also have a steam group page : http://steamcommunit...lphasOfMastery#

"Thanks For Taking the time to read this and hope to see you on the battle field"
Good Luck Tenno
Tiara504 you can contact me here or steam lightstar504

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~~~*~~~WELCOME TENNO~~~*~~~

AOM, A Clan First Founded BY TIARA504 AND SINSABRE WE Been Together Ever Since!

TIARA504 AND SINSABRE(Myself, and Head Warlord)

AOM Rules:

1. R E S P E C T.
Respect The Clan, Other Members, Other Players, And Other Clans. Period.

2. Don't Be A D-Bag.
This means, it's okay to sware, just don't go around Calling people names,
this go's Double for, Sexist, Racist, and Homophobic Terms, and names, I just won't have it.

3. No Taxing Unless In Times of Great need.
AOM won't be using tax, unless we NEED it, so, During Dark Sector's and such


1. Must Understand Above Stated Rules, Not Reading Them Isn't an Excuse For Not Following.

2. Must be over 18 Years old, Sorry, but Thats just the way things are.
(Exceptions made on Case by Case)

3. Must Have a Basic Concept of English.
We Don't Mind if your grammar or Spelling is not good, As long as we can at least understand you.
4. Mastery level 6 or higher 


AOM currently has all Research's done, (amazing huh?)
AOM Doesn't Like TAX.
AOM has been working on it's Dojo, and Clan, Privately for some time, Just to get ready for this day.
AOM has 3 dueling rooms obstacle course trading post everything you need and want
AOM will being having ts3 coming soon as more players come to the clan.
AOM has clan eleblem done
How To Join AOM:
Please Post The Following, with your Info filled in, this helps us figure out who's gonna be with us, so we can try an keep a balance of Newplayers Vs Pro's.
Location, does not matter, to be accepted or not, but its nice to know what time zone everyone is in, AOM is North American ZONE based.
Steam is not needed but, its nice to have
Please have, the why you'd like to join and be do not write small paragraph

Est. Time Playing Weekly:
How Long Have you been playing Warframe:


We also have a steam group page : http://steamcommunit...lphasOfMastery#

"Thanks For Taking the time to read this and hope to see you on the battle field"
Good Luck Tenno
Tiara504 you can contact me here or steam lightstar504



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