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Magnetic Option in New Sabotage *Still* Blocks Consoles


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After forgetting why I swore to never play magnetic sabotage again, I tried it out once more, and was instantly reminded of why. When a lockdown occurs in rooms that have but one console for some stupid reason, there is a significant chance that a magnetic bubble blocks access to the console, and thus the ability to complete the mission.

This issue dates back to March of 2016 at least, and I'm quite surprised that it still exists. This thread from March 2016 details the issue from an earlier time: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/619484-reactor-sabotage-magnetic-hazard-blocks-consoles/


I encountered this issue today (June 29, 2018) while on a Grineer new sabotage. In the following screenshot, I am locked in the room via the lockdown mechanic and cannot leave. You can see the *only* console in the room, as well as one of those obnoxious magnetic bubbles to the right. My character is standing in the absolute perfect & precise location to access the console. Any closer and the bubble shoves me away, and further and I can't reach it. It took about 10 minutes of great frustration to find this position.


If this very issue in this very room has been present since March of 2016, then holy crap are these bug reports even read? On the other hand, if this issue has arisen on account of a lazy/distracted designer who forgot to double-check their work, I propose that these magentic bubbles be destroyable in some manner or that they relocate in the room every so often. Good design principles rule that there should always be a plan B, a controlled way for something potentially level-breaking like this to be avoided if something goes wrong. The fact that I was able to escape this situation in particular is not guaranteed. If the bubble had been any closer, I would have been required to quit the mission.

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