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[Video] The Hidden Redcoat Demo Of The Gram, New Boltor And Rhino Helmet!


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NOTE: I have some kind of hellish sinus thing going on. Also, bad language, so NSFW!

I give an honest, working-man's opinion of the new Gram, the new look of the Boltor and also demonstrates how Chargers are the devil's own pubic lice when mixed with Toxic and Disruptive Ancients.

Before people ask, I do have an into for the channel coming soon! Alacratha has very kindly made me one, and it will be used soon.

Enjoy and please Like, Comment and Subscribe. It makes me feel better as a human being. Also, my ego loves the feeling of your sweet, tender view-fingers massaging it. Not only that, but you guys let me know what you want to see. That kind of feedback is always appreciated.


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Also, my ego loves the feeling of your sweet, tender view-fingers massaging it.

This made me feel uncomfortable.

Since I have no YouTube account I'll just give you my feedback here:

Nice video, your voice is pleasant for the ears, easy to listen to. And even though you had thing or two going on with your sinuses, it didn't really bother me. As you've said in the video right at the beginning, the mission you chose wasn't the greatest to show off the new Boltor, maybe better luck next time.

Probably change down the ingame volume a little bit as well when recording, when those Infested come running at you it gets a little bit difficult to hear your voice.

You seem well-informed about the game, which is always good, especially for making review videos.

Maybe a bit less swearing. It wasn't necessary at all most of the time.

That's pretty much all I have to say. If I had a YT account you'd get a like from me, I hope that makes your ego happy enough :P

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It is intended for feedback, not just for kicks.

The swearing... well, that is down to your personal tolerance for such things. I don't suggest watching the vid if you are offended by bad language, and I apologize if something I have said does not ring right with your moral standing.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy it.

Also, someone made a good point on the Vid, being that when I was swarmed by chargers and Ancients, I had enough energy to either charge or ultra out of that situation. In truth I was hammering the Iron Skin key and I was locked in the falling animation so I tried to run and jumped the chasm to see if it would work.

I like feedback like that so feel free to comment if here if you don’t have an account.

Edited by SilverBones
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