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Making A Clan Emblem



I am in the clan Legacy of Tenno and we don't have an clan emblem yet.. So I was just wondering if there is a layout or something I could use to edit so I could make an emblem on Photoshop or something (I'm not the best with it) and send it to one of the Warlords in the clan I'm in.. or please could someone make us one? If you can I will be so grateful and willing to help you out in-game ;) -- If you can make an emblem and will for us thank you in advance (wow this seems cheesy). The emblem we want is some sort of edited (we don't want copyright issues again :S) version of this: 




Or this 




And this




As the colours of the Warframes in this game are generally quite dark I think it probably would look best black with a white outline? But if you have experience making them you can decide the colours ;)


- Thank you so much if you do help me out and all!

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I highly advice for not to "edit", but "create", to avoid copyright issues.

And don't do square emblems, it's ugly.


My clan, for example, i did a green circle, with a darker green outlining, and the flag of my country(brazil) inside, containing the symbol of lotus in white.

(With some gradient colors, to make it a lot beautiful)


See? no copyright issues there. Try to be creative, the result will be more satisfying. It's YOUR clan emblem, literally.

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I highly advice for not to "edit", but "create", to avoid copyright issues.

And don't do square emblems, it's ugly.


My clan, for example, i did a green circle, with a darker green outlining, and the flag of my country(brazil) inside, containing the symbol of lotus in white.

(With some gradient colors, to make it a lot beautiful)


See? no copyright issues there. Try to be creative, the result will be more satisfying. It's YOUR clan emblem, literally.

Yeah I can come up with a lot of ideas it's just that I don't know how to create them.. Like on Photoshop etc.. and I was thinking if I were to make one myself I would copy the style but not actually take the kain thing and edit from that but sort of have it as a thing to look at when I am making it.. but thanks for the reply

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edited version of this


Yeah no. Editing a copyrighted image doesn't magically "un"-copyright it.


Come up with your own logo. Ask clan members to doodle something up, and see if something strikes your fancy.


If you have a doodle you like, I'd be happy to turn it into a logo for you, complete with transparencies, etc.


An example of my work: 6gDIImf.png

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Yeah no. Editing a copyrighted image doesn't magically "un"-copyright it.


Come up with your own logo. Ask clan members to doodle something up, and see if something strikes your fancy.


If you have a doodle you like, I'd be happy to turn it into a logo for you, complete with transparencies, etc.


An example of my work: 6gDIImf.png

Thanks for the knowledge I didn't know that neither did my clan warlords it seems..

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Okay, my question is, since the default Clan Emblem shown in-game when your clan warlord has not uploaded one, uses a modified Lotus symbol, is it possible to use the Lotus symbol from the Fan Site kit as a basis for a new Emblem, and how do colors show up in the emblem in game?

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Okay, my question is, since the default Clan Emblem shown in-game when your clan warlord has not uploaded one, uses a modified Lotus symbol, is it possible to use the Lotus symbol from the Fan Site kit as a basis for a new Emblem, and how do colors show up in the emblem in game?

Yes I believe it is allowed since the game is Warframe and the fansite kit thing is made for Warframe by Warframe as far as I know.. but if you use it on other websites or like claim it as your own etc that's not allowed but it I'm pretty sure that's allowed in Warframe unless it actually isn't Warframe's but I think it definetly is.. sorry for the bad grammar but oh well ;)


- Thanks.

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That's What I was thinking, as they are allowing you to use it on your fan website. They just don't want you bringing something in from some other game, which would be copyrighted (like say, the Ulukai symbol from Cutter Slade's shirt, from the game Outcast).


Since my clan is Theives and Assassins, we'll probably do something with the Lotus in the background, and perhaps a skull and some sort of looting symbol, in the foreground. We'll have to discuss it.


I still need to know how colors work, as the in-game default looks yellow, and though I've seen some Clan Emblems in color listed somewhere, I'm going to have to look and see if they had both the Emblem as submitted, and the in-game screenshot. (I recall one comment by someone about their submission being black, but showing up as white in-game, or something like that.)


It would be nice if they would put some means of testing how they look, in-game, perhaps as part of the dojo (where members could submit candidates for Clan Emblem, it could be seen on  a dummy, or a holo-bulletin board), votes could be taken, and then the winning submission could be uploaded to the Warframe website.



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