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No more cursor while using mouse & keyboard (PS4)

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Hi everyone!
I realise when I first launch my game after the sacrifice update that the cursor now disappear while I'm using mouse & keyboard where it was fully available on the previous version of the game.
I know that a lot of people don't even care about that but for me it's kind of an issue because I'm actually enjoying playing mouse & keyboard but now I'm forced to use my controller to navigate in menus ect.
Also I think that the possibility to bind our keysĀ for mouse &Ā keyboard and fully navigate in the game with them (gear, extract mission menu, corpus hacking, ect) onĀ consoleĀ would be cool.
Like I said I know a lot of you will probably pass on that post but as a community our feedback can make the game a lot better for everyone so feel free to upvote that post if you want to help šŸ™‚

P.S : I'm French BTW so sorry if my english isĀ bad ^^

Edited by (PS4)JusteKevin
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Yeah so very trueĀ wellĀ My Controller Broke last week so I decided to plug inĀ my mouse and keyboard butĀ Iā€™mĀ having issues Iā€™m really bummed out it was already really bugged before but now itā€™s even worse I canā€™t even play the sacrifice Quest because the Keyboard and mouse UI are broken. I hated the Cursor UIĀ but I tried to adapt toĀ it but now I canā€™t even play the game because nothing works -_- Iā€™m really disappointed Ā it needs to be fixed and adjusted ASAPĀ 

Edited by (PS4)BadboyDCX
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Why wonā€™t they fix this itā€™s been weeks and I canā€™t even play the game correctly itā€™s really disappointing that DE doesnā€™t Ā pay enough attention to Console players that much, soĀ whatā€™s was the point of adding the cursor update if itā€™s buggy as hell and now they are adding Nintendo Switch I bet Iā€™llĀ take a good 3-4Ā months before they ever release an update that PC got months ago lol

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il y a une heure, (PS4)BadboyDCX a ditĀ :

Why wonā€™t they fix this itā€™s been weeks and I canā€™t even play the game correctly itā€™s really disappointing that DE doesnā€™t Ā pay enough attention to Console players that much, soĀ whatā€™s was the point of adding the cursor update if itā€™s buggy as hell and now they are adding Nintendo Switch I bet Iā€™llĀ take a good 3-4Ā months before they ever release an update that PC got months ago lol

The best things that we can actually do is give that feedback to DE but we're not enough be heard šŸ˜•

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I have the opposite problem. I want the option to remove the cursor. I actually stopped logging in daily every since the cursor popped in. It isĀ making menu navigation a really huge issue. It isnt a bad idea as some of you are upset at it not working, but i canā€™t stand how the controller navigation is so poorly integrated. I have a PC, one several times more powerful than my ps4, if i wanted to navigate a menu like i would on a PC, i would have started my game with that. Ā If there was an option to turn off the cursor so we can have optimal navigation for the controlling mediums we have on hand, that be great.

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