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{Recruitments Open For New Members And Alliance Clans}No Entry Fee Like Other Big Clans Darkframe, The Clan With Something For Everyone


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I'd like to join


IGN: andGarrett

Already in clan / pending invites. 


I'll join if you will have me, I main Nekros and have a focus on Conclaves and duels. 


(Graphic Design student so I can help with any designs if asked)



Already in clan / pending invites. 


IGN : MXSacro add me :P

Already in clan / pending invites. 


Sorry, my cursor flicked to decline just as i clicked it, could you send me another please? sorry about the trouble

Already in clan / pending invites. 


I would like to join, i just started a day ago (almost done Mercury, but Vor got bugged so i started on Venus with the help of a passer-by) so i'm looking for an active clan with a good number of  new people to team up with and this clan seems perfectly suited for that.


IGN: Grummor   (pronounced similarly to "Drummer", but with more of an "o" sound at the end)



thanks for the invite :p

Also my friend would like to join.




Ill join if you will have me.

have about 60 hours in. still new and learning.

IGN: Sathm



Id like to join up 

IGN Blackamar

Already in clan / pending invites. 


would like to join  :P

IGN: firemonkeyoo

Already in clan / pending invites. 


Can I join Ign is xTemPlarFalcon

Already in clan / pending invites. 

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I would very much like to join your clan, I am very active and would be more than willing to contribute.


IGN: Bburn



Hello i would love to join your clan.

ign: Curbstompa26

Already in clan / pending invites. 


I will join, im very active.


IGN: Surrounded

Already in clan / pending invites. 


Hi there, I am an active player and play at least one to two hours a day and sometimes more on the weeekends and I would like to join if you are still accepting applications. I have a lot of resources to donate and would be more than happy to do so.

Already in clan / pending invites. 




ill be happy to join



It's lonely out there in space...even in pubs

I like what's going on here, clan me?

claned you


I'd love to join:


IGN: DangerouslyCheesy

Already in clan / pending invites. 


Id like to join: 

IGN: Diethart



I'd like to join, username: MasterShake2003, I sent friend reqs to Underdrill and RealEnnex.  I'm on just about every night for a few hours at least, hit me up!

Already in clan / pending invites. 

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I'd like to join this clan, good sir!


IGN: Aaranihlus



I would Like to join. My Ign is Unit-01

Already in clan / pending invites. 


i would like to join.. im rank 9 and i play almost every day...



Already in clan / pending invites. 


i would like to join.


IGN: xAkiraa

Already in clan / pending invites. 


if theres any spaces open i would join, IGN: Alexownrz

Already in clan / pending invites. 


hey there :) new to this game if you can join me it'll be awesome/


IGN: coconoar

Already in clan / pending invites. 


I would like to join the Clan IGN: Bartos

Thanks in advance!



I would like to join


IGN: wwaarrgghh

Already in clan / pending invites. 


i would like to join this wonderful clan


IGN: pinkshorts


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Hey,i would like to join your clan so i can see what the dojo is all about so if you would be so kind as to invite me:KingKemsir

Already in clan / pending invites. 


A couple friends and myself would like to join. Thanks!

IGN:  Blinxo 

IGN:  DoYourBestBear

IGN:  Tenderly_Entering

Blinxo: Invited

DoYourBestBear: Already in clan / pending invites. 

Tenderly_Entering: Already in clan / pending invites. 


I will join you 


           ^     ^  zeros not O s



I am now active member can i join





Looking for an active friendly clan to join. Let me know if theres a space for a professional ninja :P


I have same nick in game :)





Would like to join if you invite freshbies, since I have no experience in this game yet, just tried it out a little bit and it looks like fun :) IGN: Shizzaren



Can i get an invite?

IGN: Gday

thank you





Typed my name wrong it's actually; Aaranihlus38, sorry can I have another invite please sir?





So annoying that I can't quote more than 9 at in the same post :/

Edited by Pegasy
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