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{Recruitments Open For New Members And Alliance Clans}No Entry Fee Like Other Big Clans Darkframe, The Clan With Something For Everyone


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Would love to join, IGN is just boring old Crunchyblack



Im interested to join. IGN Balter



Hi im maybe newbe in this game soon 3 rank but i looking for ppl to play with. 

Can i get an invitation?


My nick game douzo



I'd like to join IGN InquisitorDresari



I would like to join I am looking for a clan if you are still recruiting :)

Username is RenoKonishino


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I'm interested in Joining. I'm rank 6 an have been looking for a clan or a while


IGN: HumanAvenger



Your clan looks like just what I've been looking for! Can I get an invite, too?


Active Player, Rank: 4

IGN:  Kaerne



Can I join? I'll be sure to help upgrade the dojo



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