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[Ultimate Redo] Ash


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These are the issues I have noticed with ash's blade storm:

1) Just damage, no utility.

2) Glitches

3) Takes too long to execute

4) Not as effective since the targets can be killed after being marked


Given these, here are my proposals for ash's ultimate


1) The CC Way

Ash Throws a smoke bomb and staggers all the enemies nearest him (within the skill's radius). 12 targets are selected. These targets are marked red, the same as they are now. These targets cower in feel as an unshakable feeling of dread envelops them. Ash executes each as he does in blade storm. If the target is not killed, it continues to lay on the floor for 5 more seconds, stunned by the experience.


2) The DD Way

version 1

Ash Reveals a pair of wicked blades and prepares for an assault.


Other player's perspective:

Ash leaps in the air and throws a smoke bomb covering an area (AOE say 15 meter radius). Any allies in the aoe are blinded (power color covering the screen). Any allies outside the smoke will see the smoke covering an area of the map. Blade flashes will be seen equal to the number of enemies in the AOE. The smoke then dissipates leaving ash in the center crouched and ready with this arms extended out and slightly behind his form to balance his lean forward, blades gleaming with ichor/blood. This lasts about 5 seconds from the moment the smoke bomb hits the floor after he leaps up.


Ash's Player's perspective:

The screen zooms out to show the smoke covering the AOE. This is the perspective taken while the skill is executed. This perspective then resumes to normal after.


Version 2

Ash reveals a pair of wicked blades and prepares for an assault.


Ash leaps back 15 meters and then quickly moves forward; seemingly dashing 30 meters. During the movement forward time, Ash's form flickers several times. At the end of the dash, Ash assumes a finishing pose then goes back to a ready position. All the enemies within the 15 meter radius (where the skill was cast) will be deal the damage of the skill. This should only take 5 seconds to execute.


Version 3

Ash reveals a pair of wicked blades and prepares for an assault.


Ash leaps up in the air and seemingly stays there or the duration of the skill. While in the air, his form flickers. Afterwards he lands and assumes the ready position.


All the enemies in a 15 meter radius are dealt the skill's damage. While ash is in the air flickering, a slash animation (just a blade flash) is done to every enemy in the AOE. The damage is also dealt at this time.


This should only take 5 seconds to execute.



What do you think?


I just think ash got the short end of the stick when his ulti was made. Sure it looks beautifully awesome, but aside from that, he doesn't have anything. This will hopefully improve him.


Comments and feedback are appreciated.

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I'd imagine it would be easier than handling you teleporting around since it's just an animation. Also how high were you thinking that he would jump up, because it could be a problem in some of the more cramped rooms.

No idea about how they animated but making exact copies (more than one ash) could pose a problem unless these are decoy like. Not even sure then if that would work. Sorry but I'm getting this feedback from when i tried to make warcraft 3 maps lol.


Good question, Maybe as high as or twice as high as a regular Jump.

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Blade Storm doesn't NEED to be completely remade. It's a fine ability as it is. It could be changed slightly to make it more useful. other than that its fine. If they change blade storm like this, Im gonna be pretty upset. Ash doesn't need a broad overpowered aoe.

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Blade Storm doesn't NEED to be completely remade. It's a fine ability as it is. It could be changed slightly to make it more useful. other than that its fine. If they change blade storm like this, Im gonna be pretty upset. Ash doesn't need a broad overpowered aoe.

which are you referring to? There are 3 things i proposed and combustion squirrel also proposed an alternative. your comment is vague and I would more detail. Thanks!


What kind of slight change are you talking about? Please be more specific.


I have outlined the issues above and it's something that my friends and I noticed. I was just thinking of modifying it to be more effective. Less execution time definitely. the others, not so much. This is exactly why I love combustionquirrel's idea. If DE can pull it off, that would be fantastic.

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Blade Storm doesn't NEED to be completely remade. It's a fine ability as it is. It could be changed slightly to make it more useful. other than that its fine. If they change blade storm like this, Im gonna be pretty upset. Ash doesn't need a broad overpowered aoe.

It is definitely not fine as it is. It is fairly useless compared to other ultimate's. It takes forever to complete, kills at max 13 (or so) enemies, and is the easiest ultimate to steal kills from. The only reason absolutely everyone doesn't want it remade is that it has awesome animations and does a lot of damage. Our idea (version 3 with the animations instead of slashes) keeps the animations and makes it so much more useful. If ya wana talk about overpowered ultimate's, look at nova or saryn.


EDIT: If ya don't like this idea, then take into consideration my other ideas on your thread about Ash's Bladestorm they just change the targeting mechanics of Bladestorm (except for the part about custom animations for flying things and rollers)

Edited by Combustionsquirrel
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  • 2 weeks later...

All of your suggestions make ash seem like a downright murderer. I'm torn between liking it and not liking it. On one-hand it would make bladestorm more epic. On the other-hand it would make ash seem like he's trying to hard to appeal to everyone with his visualy awesome looking ultimates. But i just think the animation should be a bit faster and enemies that walk in to the targeting radius should be targeted as well. Because when i use bladestorm i feel like i casted it for nothing because 15+ new enemies will replace the ones i just killed making me feel stupid afterwards :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about just making the current blade storm faster. I mean the way the current ult is designed now, Ash is invincible for a really long time, so using it efficiently and correctly is the key, not revamping it into radial javelin v2. Also keep in mind that Ash is a frame designed for navigating the battlefield with minimal resistance (teleport and smokescreen) so blade storm is designed to fit that theme.

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