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An idea to make Knockbacks less annoying


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I guess nobody really likes getting knocked to the ground. I know it's easily avoided*, but it's still annoying if it happens.

For me, the most annoying thing is, that I can't do anything while I'm dragged along or while standing up. It's just a few moments, but compared to the great control the game otherwise gives to the player, it sticks out like a sore thumb. I have perfect control over my frame in nearly all circumstances, but in these moments control is totally gone and I'm just another spectator instead of an immersed player.

My idea would be: Give us something to do while we're getting knocked down or lay on the ground.

Ideas for "normal" knockdowns:

-Give us "a move" that speeds up the getting-up part (press back+jump to do a Kip-Up, instead of the standard animation). Perhaps depending on circumstance (differnt combos to get up, depending on whether we lie on the back or the front), or a bit depending on the things weapon we have equipped (the move would be easier with throwing stars or a lato equipped than with a big fat two-handed-opticor), even a random 3-Button-QTE would be better than "wait for the controls to come back".

-or even more radical: Make standing up a choice, that requires interaction: Now, once on the ground you keep lying there (like bleeing out, except that you're a sitting duck and can be damaged by the enemies) shooting at the enemy (perhaps with the additional option to roll sideways?!). Depending on how you move and position yourselv differnet "get up"-animations would come into play...

Ideas for "harpoon" knockdowns:

-while the player is pulled towards the enemy make it possible to either struggle against being pulled, or make it possible to keep on shooting at enemies (with a rocky/fuzzy movement on the crosshairs), or what about (specially if melee equiped) to cut the rope or getting pulled towards the enemy using the momentum to strike him extra-hard (if quick-attack at the right moment)





*just take a roll forward whenever it's signaled by the enemies and you're good 99% of the times.

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