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Can a Dax soldier beat a warframe?

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1 hour ago, (XB1)i know your nam said:

But take note he was purposely hoding back the entire time

Like we weren't?  How can so many catch that Teshin was holding back, but yet miss completely how obvious it was that we were holding back also?  Heck, Teshin even said as much.  

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On 2018-07-23 at 3:06 PM, Loza03 said:

I thought about this, and we can say player characters are the level we can go at for tenno in Warframe from an interesting angle they took: There is only one Tenno NPC, and they are outside the norm, that  character being Rell*. As opposed to, say, Destiny, where there are non-player Guardians all over the shop. Unlike Destiny where the player is the exception, in Warframe the player is the norm. If they're a Tenno, they're a player. So we can generalise what players can do, at least outside of feats displayed in quests, where we're breaking what we normally do and are functioning as the one canon Tenno performing these actions in the story, basically excepting our feats here as not something all Tenno can do (even if it's rarely said that our abilities in quests is something only we can do).

This is a really neat thing and I love it.  It's something I already consider.  Hell, I consider my Tenno still kinda rookie compared to others. Mine hasn't taken down an eidolon yet and I already see squads just plain wrecking them!

Hell, I already take all the chat comms as literally what Tenno are saying to each other, even when they're walking around Maroo's Bazaar going "WTS Riven, 50 plat!" or dancing while in an elevator.  XD


Anyway, more on target:

You guys are overlooking that Umbra literally uses Slash Dash and Exalted Blade in cutscenes, let alone gameplay when he's on his own.  Warframes have access to their own powers without the Tenno.

If it's just the warframe, a REAAAAALLY skilled Dax like Tenshin might be able to beat one so long as they struck hard and fast and ended the fight before the Warframe's endless stamina or badasspowers could overpower them....

But with the Tenno using the frames?  It would take an exceptional Tenno and a particularly clumsy or unprepared Tenno for the fight to go the Dax's way. I'm not saying it's impossible for a Dax to win a straight fight, but it does seem improbable.

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Well, let's have a scenario using my favorite frame against any Dax.  Dax enters area that just happens to have Ivara in it.  Dax can't see or hear her while she stalks him to get a kill shot.  Dax falls dead from massive headshot wound caused by Daikyu that he never even knew was coming.  

Let's change the weapon.  Dax dies from multiple massive wounds caused by a channeled thrown Orvius that was being controlled by Navigator.  Still had no idea where or that an attack was coming.  

Dax vs Mag. Dax gets caught in Magnetize and shot all to hell from bullets.  

Titania vs Dax.  Dax can't reach the pixie while she fills him full of holes using Dex Pixia.  

All scenarios are assuming that the Tenno are not controlling the frame.  With the frame just reacting to possibly hostile entity entering their vicinity.  

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