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Anybody feel that there should be more parkour tile sets/ opportunities, akin to the secret areas on the void maps, on regular mission paths? i.e./e.g. instead of having parts of the map where there are no enemies, have parkour sections to pace the action with some light platforming. It doesn't need to be as intense as the treasure runs. I just feel it would be good to have more chances to use the parkour element of the game and make it more integral to the standard flow of the missions rather than being an ancillary aspect of gameplay.


+ Any word on possibly having customizable obstacle courses?

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Personally I think the only real hook of this game that is unique to warframe is the parkour. I'm already sick of the game, and haven't played in ages, and I've heard of alot of people on the forums who feel the same. Parkour needs to be implemented as a more of a fundamental and core part of the game, to keep it interesting. Just shooting guys constantly doesn't really entertain me all that much, no matter how many weapons or whatever there is, sorry. Warframe will definitely be a very large and cool game in the future, but it needs to embrace its uniqueness if it's gonna be great. So yeah, I totally agree with you

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While the controls are a tad bad, I do think they should work on adding more parkour-friendly sections now. Like that corpus area with the three bridges. Or that area on phobos with the bridges.

Also, before they add any more tiles you can only parkour thorugh, they need to get the hostage able to parkour. Or just give 'em a jetpack.

Edited by OblivionNecroninja
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