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Arsenal - add ability to hide weapons (specifically unowned ones)


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Ok listen, I know that you guys need to make money. I understand that showing unowned weapons and the cost in platinum is a great way to encourage players to spend platinum for those cool weapons. I love this game, with over 1k hours in, and I fully support you guys making a profit to pay employees and improve upon the game.

Here's the problem: when you're a veteran, and have owned and mastered just about every weapon in the game, the arsenal gets super cluttered. I actually forgot about all the weapons being listed for platinum, and thought,"let me just sell all these weapons that'll never see use to clear up my arsenal inventory". Well obviously that didn't work out the way I would have hoped it would. This issue has been brought up many times, just looking at a quick google search, and how it hasn't been addressed is beyond me. I understand that content and new items is great for bringing new players in, but QoL fixes like this will help keep those players.

There's several solutions I could suggest. Maybe make it so if a weapon is mastered, and then sold, don't show it in the arsenal with the cost for plat. Maybe make an option just to hide any weapons, whether owned or unowned, so you can clear up your arsenal. Maybe, just maybe, keep those weapons in the marketplace where they belong, so new players don't immediately think this game is P2W, throwing platinum prices in their face immediately.


Bottom line is we need a QoL fix for the annoying little "features" in the game that get in the way for veteran players.


Edited by EvansR
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Additional idea that I thought of:add the ability to favorite weapons and only see the weapons/warframes that have been favorited. For those that are/were trying to collect every weapon in the game, like I was, this would give us the best of both worlds. Being able to own every weapon, but being able to switch to only seeing the weapon that actually see use. This is probably the best of all the options, but any of them would be better than what we've got currently.

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I agree. I own about 50 weapons in total now and i gets a little tiring when i got to the bottom of my list and i see all this stuff i don't own and don't want to see. Also would be nice for the Warframes section as well since i just replace the standards with their prime version. I'm also MR 21 so i know which guns i just don't want to see in my inventory, like the Mk-1's i finished leveling about 2 years ago

Edited by Arkreiner
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