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Frame Concept - Venia, Celestial Wrath


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So was batting about this idea in my head for a good long while. Kind of pulling some ideas from an old concept of mine while looking for a sort of unified theme that's sort of an "angelic warrior" theme where they have a front-line defensive functionality coupled with support skills and an ult acting as a sort of combat mode when dealing damage is the goal.






He did it. Years and years spent researching the Tenno, dissecting and examining the mysteries of every frame to figure out the secret to their creation and control, only to be presented with the truth that would shatter his assumptions. Now, Alad V knew. He knew the Technocytes were the key even more so now than his brush with them previously. To see what he wanted however, he needed "volunteers". In secrecy Alad V made a deal to begin spiriting away subjects to test augmentation of the virus on, churning out countless new infested monsters, beasts melded with the cybernetic technology of the laborers such as those on Fortuna in a vain attempt to force influence over the rampant virus. Yet it consumed all.


Except one.


Orine Cor had been the wife of an indentured worker within a dwindling mining operation. Originally they were part of the low merchant class, barely scraping by running numbers for an auditor. Though they lived not in great comfort, they at least had the means to support a family, and that was exactly what the two had set about, with a young daughter they aspired to preen, care for, and elevate beyond the struggles they'd endured. This dream failed them when the auditor had a losing streak gambling on the Index, leading him to liquidate many of his assets and sell them off to others, imparting his debts upon Orine, her family, and many others.

The mining operation was bleak, strenuous labor, and for the last year the place had been hitting problems with the planetoid they'd been stripping all but depleted of resources. Planetary instability was reaching it's limit, but rather than workers being recalled out they were being driven to their grave on this desolate tiny world. At first it seemed like a saving grace that after of the collapse of a large facility under the strain of failing ground there were workers being loaded into ships and flown off world.

What caught Orine's attention was that no new operations were being declared. These people were just being loaded onto ships and leaving at the behest of those they were indebted to. For the last several months she had witnessed people of her community, entire families whisked away to some unknown fate. It wasn't abnormal for workers to find themselves at the end of a rope, but this was different. Secretive. Her heart sank deeper when an announcement finally did come. For the remaining workers they were to be divided up, with half of them being recalled to be folded into another larger operation while the others would be getting their debts transferred to another benefactor. This split saw Orine separated from her husband, with her and her daughter  sold to the undescribed benefactor while he was dragged away to continue toiling to his death beyond their reach.

Orine could not accept this fate. Before they were due for leaving the planetoid, she talked her husband into attempting to escape with a few others, stealing a ship and bailing to seek shelter among one of the mythical relays sitting beyond the reach of the Corpus hierarchy. Little did Orine herself know that this was a set up, with another family that had been instrumental in laying out the plans having actually reported it all to the hierarchy so as to secure their own position together , as well as a reward of solution of debt, in return for weeding out any potential stragglers that might pose a problem to the finalization of their operation. The Cor family was rounded up with others and resorted into shipment out to the unknown benefactor.

While some of those who had been taken across unknown distances of space to an unmarked facility found themselves pushed into the same kind of labor they'd endured previously, many of them were put through rigorous physical tests and sorted into different holding facilities. In a slow trickle samplings of people from these groups saw themselves disappear. Orine's family was split up so her husband was working as part of a maintenance crew on an processing level, maintaining machines that were supposedly for biologic waste. Orine herself was shunted into the awkward position of a caretaker, forced to live within a small segment of the facility where she ended up taking care of instructing and looking after the other children who had been taken and either no longer had a parent or were sorted away from them. It was a strained time, as she got sparing opportunities to meet with her husband during the next few months.

She grew to care for all the children at the facility, knowing from the sad news many would eventually bring that their parents were gone, being told that they'd either had an accident or that they'd left the facility for good. It was even more troubling for her when some of the oldest children were called upon to the same fate. Prying as best she could, Orine sought answers to the question around all the missing people and frequent accidents. The loss of dear lives.

What she learned was more frightening than she'd imagined.

All of the subjects that had been sorted instead of put to work had found themselves turned into unwilling test subjects. Exposed to a variety of attempts at augmenting, controlling, or limiting the Technocyte virus. Some were subjected to a variety of cybernetic augmentation in an attempt to push back how much of the body could be consumed only for the virus to take over the cybernetics as well. While most of these malformed infested were flagged as failures the "successes" we no less grotesque, the only purpose of keeping them seeming to be for what minor headways they'd made into actually causing controlled or intended mutations.

They had depleted their "stock" of sorted subjects however, and the workers and oldest of the children were now queued as the next volunteers. She once again found herself in a situation where she could not accept this fate. This time she acted alone and hoped to buy time for the workers and children to flee. Teaching them what she could in secrecy about secrets she'd learned of the facility and how to reach the shuttles, she then worked with her husband to orchestrate a way of quickly alerting other workers and fleeing. Her husband in his time had also learned that the biologic waste being processed was itself actually the virus, and planned a method of leveraging a mechanical failure as a means draw attention away from their escape.

For once, there was hope. When the time came, Orine's husband was successful in secretly sabotaging a generator maintaining a field to keep the virus at bay, allowing it to flood into parts of the mechanics that had no defense against the infestation and consumption of it. With the sheer volume of Technoctye present, the cascading failure put the facility on high alert and drew most of it's armed response and security into trying to protect the place's most vital assets. Many workers and children managed to load themselves into shuttles and bail in the confusion.

The chaos was not to last however, and as the infestation was eventually purged security teams were let go to hunt after other problems they'd become aware of. Namely, the escapees. Orine herself never made it onto a shuttle, while her husband, daughter, and some of the remaining children were the last to leave as they'd been assisting the workers who were spread about the facility. 

Imprisoned in isolation for what she'd done, Orine was starved of food or contact as she awaited her fate. It was only after several long and desperate days that a man finally visited her.

Alad V

He had come to inform her of his surprise at her efforts, and commended her instincts, but otherwise did not appreciate what she'd cost him. Then he informed her of the fate of the shuttles. Many were apparently beyond his reach, and he'd had a lot of trouble collecting some stragglers. This included her husband and child. Orine immediately knew Alad's ploy. She pleaded with him to not do anything to them, but her begging fell on deaf ears as he hand-waved it and said he would be moving her to take care of the remaining children that were recaptured once again while her husband and the older kids would be used in the remaining tests.

She knew she had no choice. She demanded that Alad let her take her husband's place. It was not a rational desire, it wouldn't even save any of them long-term, yet she could not bear the thought of watching as her and everyone else put into her care were to be taken away one by one. If nothing else, perhaps her life could at least be the sacrifice that would let her husband and daughter go. With a cursed grin, Alad V consented to this deal.


During the the tests Alad V found himself obsessing with the same problem that had eluded him for so long. What made the Warframes tick? What was the cause that turned them from some rampant mutation into such a refined machine of war? It was the thing that made him gravitate towards his "successes". Obsession itself. He wanted to explore a new suspicion of his, but as he reviewed the test subjects and workers he had left he found a problem. All of them were defeated people. Their wills broken, desires forgotten as they toiled away hoping their fate would be swift.


Except one


She'd managed to stir those in her care, to instill hope in her comrades. She drove them to doing something against all odds, and he wanted that power. Alad V pressed Orine into a situation where that very will of hers would lead her into his awaiting hands, and then used those hands to tear her apart. Cautiously, Alad V took his time initially augmenting her with some cybernetics as a way to cull plenty of tissue samples to test the virus against. These samples did not provide much useful information as in every case the virus ran rampant, but it allowed him to watch how it'd react and pick the best strain that homogenized with the tissue. When he finally exposed Orine to the virus directly he did so with a small amount. He observed her as the seed of Technocyte bloomed within, consuming her body while she struggled against it. He made sure to talk with Orine regularly in this time, updating her occasionally with snippets about her husband, her daughter, or the other children and show little video clips of them. He went as far as putting a small framed picture of them all near the tube he'd restrained her within. He wanted her to remember what she chose this.


Her mind was frayed and broken, body dismembered and reconstructed with casings of steel around rapidly changing technocyte infestation, yet her will remained. Alad V had his victory.




Health: 150 (max 300)
Shield Capacity: 150 (max 300)
Power: 1100 (max 250)
Shield Recharge: 8.0
Armor: 500
Sprint Speed: 1.0
Aura Polarity: 20px-Madurai_Pol.svg.png
Polarities: 1x20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png, 1x20px-Vazarin_Pol.svg.png


Venia's blocking stance partially absorbs incoming damage and converts it into a regenerative aura.


1 - Ango


Venia snares a nearby target drawing disabling and suspending them in the air as she leeches their life fort as long as she channels the skill. When released, the target will be hurled away from Venia as a living projectile dealing impact damage to anything it hits. 

2 - Niteo


Venia shines brightly with power and draws the attention of nearby targets. She may channel this ability to maintain a regenerative and defensive aura, increasing in it's recovery rate for each enemy nearby.

3 - Genero



Venia converts herself into a totem adorned with artifacts. While in this state she cannot move and loses access to equipped weapons, but has greatly increased armor, health, and gains an energy regeneration effect. Other players may interact with the artifact to equip it, merging Venia with the other frame to confer use of the artifact and be granted bonus stats.

In this form, Venia's primary fire button becomes a short-range beam of void energy, melee releases a void energy burst to knock nearby targets down, and block is enhanced to generate a small sphere of light that will bolster the defenses of any ally within it.

While no player has Venia equipped, she may utilize Niteo and Ango.

When merged, Venia may utilize Ango to feed health to the wielder.

Venia or the other player can break this at any time by holding the x button to drop the artifact and return Venia to the ground, or Venia toggles the skill off.

- Incutio & Intego (Melee Weapon)

The sword and shield allows the use it's alternate fire button to switch between radiation, corrosive, and magnetic damage.

When blocking, will create the same effect as Venia's passive.

When using charged attacks, will generate bolts of explosive energy which will knock down enemy targets and heal allied targets.

- Caeles (Armor)

Manifests an attachment/syndana armor set. 

The armor directly confers a percentage of Venia's stats to the frame alongside applying her full armor bonus. 

When another player interacts with the armor it replaces their current melee weapon, attachments, and syndana with the exalted gear. When the exalted gear is dropped or the ability is cancelled the player's original weapon, attachments, and syndana will return.


4 - Supernus



Venia exalts an unwilling host, forcibly changing them through the void, then transforming herself into her artifacts to posses the void being with. This grants Venia bonus stats in the same manner as if another frame was using her artifacts.

When she possesses a target in this manner, she is granted access to her totem abilities as replacements and augments (secondary weapon becomes void beam, melee without sword and shield actively equipped becomes void burst, and block is upgraded).

If there is no target to convert, she will don her exalted gear directly without access to the bonus powers.



I shall continue to work on this idea and revise it over time, so I am open to plenty of feedback and suggestions, and may ask people questions about possible changes in the thread at times.

Edited by Dunedin
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You know that silly S#&$ Megatron used to pull off turning into an effing gun?




I just imagine this pristine looking warframe morphing into a damn spear and just *Clunk* falling to the ground. Its so silly. I want it.

Also possesing an enemy to enter a full exalted mode is pretty epic, though not sure why would you ever want to not posses an enemy.

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When Genero increases your health, armour and energy regen do those get added to the Warframe that equips you? It's a great idea I'm just not sure if your teammates would know to use you or if they did know whether they'd want to unequip their weapons to do it What would clinch it I think would be if maybe if the Warframe that equips you doesn't lose their weapon but instead you watch over them like a sentinel using your weapon artifact or bolstering their armour with the syandana artifact. You'd aim freely but move with them like a sentinel would. You could call it Guardian Angel. 

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I do kinda wanna keep the idea of it being something people can pick up and use, though I may take your suggestion in the route of simplifying the power into a single option where it's an armor and melee weapon combo. Think I may swap the concept to sword and shield if I do that.


Oki, tweaked it about so the third power is a singular artifact set instead of toggling between three different options. I kept the melee weapon as I feel it's mostly non-obstructive and can confer enough unique bonuses to make at least the occasional use of it (alongside the other bonuses from the armor component) worth utilizing.


Also detailed out some abilities Venia can use while in the totem/merged form.


While I favor the visual style of sword and shield, is there possibly a different type of melee weapon people might want to see as part of the exalted set instead?

Edited by Dunedin
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Alrighty. Done a few little revisions as well as added a preliminary bio.


Please give it a read and offer up some opinions and suggestions for revision. ^_^


Currently feel like my abilities have decent continuity and some good potential for synergy within themselves and possibly other frames, but they lack more concrete details as well as variety in the boons they might offer. I'd be very happy to get some suggestions on that end as to panning their value out a bit rather than her largely being a sort of tanky well or regeneration.


Passive may be mushed to regenerate either health or energy. Depending on which it'll affect how skills would be budgeted and what effects they may have as well since I wouldn't want to be stacking things too much. I feel like the passive regenerating health would be easier to balance, but we have auras with similar mechanics either way that this ability is a riff on.


Ango might leech enemy health and convert it to shield alone, perhaps being a means for her to charge up an overshield. Using it as a way to 

Niteo could consume energy while regenerating health in direct proportion to how many enemies are nearby, and applying a similarly scaling armor bonus for the duration of the effect. The flip-side is the idea that it might actually regenerate both health and energy in direct relation to how many enemies are nearby, but I'd want to drop the armor bonus if that were the case so that it's more of a risk to use.

That may be for the best if I want to keep the armor and defense (kinda wanna use it to offer an elemental resistance too) bonus effect for when blocking in exalted or totem form.

Might simplify her ult as well so access to her transformed perks isn't reliant on having a victim handy.

Edited by Dunedin
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