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So, as we all know if you dont have a melee weapon equipped. or are using an exhalted weapon that isnt a melee. (ivara's bow. mesa's guns. etc) you are utterly disabled from melee.


However. if Zanuka hunter captures the warframe the escape mission shows clearly that even without a weapon. a warframe still has the capacity to punch. (crappy damage granted but its still there) I find being forced out of melee of any sort when in an exhalted mode kind of offputting. especially with ivara and mesa or weapon-only sorties that remove melee. because as mesa's shattershield demonstrates even a small damage-flinch can be enough CC in a pinch.


Please allow us to pistolwhip with mesa and bow-bash with ivara for mesa's peacemaker having a stun and for ivara's bow maybe a knockdown or knockback. or also a stun. and allowing us to either use our bare fists in missions without weapons equipped (since it is actually already coded and damage values quantified, but only used in one single mission.) or allowing us to pistolwhip with equipped weapons. again Low damage but with a slight flinch like a guaranteed impact proc stagger or something especially as Mesa actually gives an incentive (albeit a tiny one) to leave her swords at home but that leaves her a little defenseless so most players dont really seem to do that. as the tradeoff isnt really worth it. especially as melee weapons are also a defensive option with blocking.


I'm not looking for suddenly the way of the monk here (though a monk frame could be fun) but I would like some manner of panic button. (especially if you run flat out of ammo and didnt bring a melee, it does happen sometimes) and I find being physically incapable of meleeing when in either mode off-putting but also it gums up one's reflexes cause often my response to an enemy teleporting into my face is hit them in the face quickly then dispatch them in the appropriate manner. also it'd be nice not to have to expend energy on ivara's bow opening containers without bullet jumping around on them and breaking prowl.

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Im a little confused, why not just use the weapon thats not the melee to shoot the enemy? Were you somehow referring to a area of effect pistol whip? Or maybe for when you run out of ammo? That pistol whip wont be the thing to save you if you run out of all your ammo and have no melee equipped. Those are observations of mine, if i got it wrong then forgive me. 

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