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The Void: Three Guardian Bosses, One Final Boss


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The void boss should be split into 4 bosses... and 4 different keys...


Tier 1 Assassination

Should be a giant hanging on the edge of a platform that tries to crush you with a single weak point on its face that opens up after doing damage to the hands for a certain amount. After the first part of the boss battle ends the boss will fall off the platform, destroying it on the way down. Causing the players to fall down into a boss room down below where the boss with only an upper half of the body drags itself and does ground pounds to try and kill you now. This time its face isn't the weakpoint but the opening where his lower half body would have been. After enough hits are done it dies finally dropping a piece of the Tier 4 key that you need to build.


Tier 2 Assassination

This one will be different as it will show up as a giant four legged spider (guess it isn't really a spider with four legs)  That tries to crush you with its feet, and shoots lasers from turrets along its body. You have to destroy the turrets along its body first causing it to lower itself down. Then you would have to destroy the turrets on top of its body. (yeah its going to be a big boss) After destroying all turrets the legs will retract and it will begin floating using internal weapon systems that you can't shoot at. This time one of you needs to distract it while the others get behind it to shoot at its propulsion systems. After that it will fall and be destroyed dropping a piece of the Tier 4 key.


Tier 3 Assassination

The enemy this time is a floating core that will hide amongst a group of enemies. you will need to destroy 10 waves of enemies each wave will include the core once the core is found one shotting it will cause it to hop to another wave of enemies starting the next wave. After 10 waves the core will then finally possess a Orokin possessed Jackal that will begin its attack on you. After the jackal falls it will just be a matter of good aim shoot the ball during its erratic movement of darting around the room faster then a Boltor bolt requiring extremely fast reflexes and aim. However it isn't as simple as just shooting it shield bots will also come in to protect the core as it flies around making it irritating but at least the shield bots drop ammo. After this is done the core will be destroyed dropping the final piece of the Tier 4 key.


Finally the Tier 4 key can be made for a straight up Tier 4 Assassination mission no running through enemies required.


Tier 4 Assassination

The battle would start with the players entering a large cicular room in the center is a large no arms, no legs just a body and head attached to many connectors to the ceiling machine that almost resembles a giant Warframe. the battle will start and several positions on the map will open up revealing pits with lasers (fall in and die)



Similar to that but much worse and in the center is the boss. The boss will have shields with an opening that spin around it. At the same time you have enemies leaping on these platforms to get you... plus shield bots. After doing enough damage to the AI's Body in the center(boss) the boss will fall through the center as all the connectors break off. Eventually the floor will open up downwards like a cone forcing you to fall down.


The second Part of the boss battle begins. Now the large mass that was just a giant Warframe looking head, and body is now a giant Warframe looking mech that is 12 times your size. As the fight goes on you would realize no matter how much you try you cannot break its shield, but you also notice a large pillar with a generator on it in the center. You would also notice a swinging motion the large mech does when it gets close with its fist. So you lead it to the center and trick it into punching the pillar. After several punches to the pillar the pillar will fall destroying the generator and releasing an EMP burst which shuts down the large mech. Of course now that the pillar has fallen, the generator exploded much of the rubble from the above ceiling, and walls would have caved in making the room smaller also crushing the lower half of the mech.


At first it seems dead but then a silver gelatin pours out of the mech revealing itself to be a group of nanos moving together in tandem. Not wanting to lose it takes on a form of a Warframe never before seen...


The third and final part begins... The 4,3,2,1 players depending on how many have gone will now fight an enemy in the form of a warframe. The fight begins and it moves faster then a Loki with max Rush, with infinite sprint... It can jump, slide, wall run... it also has incredible aim making it vicious and dangerous. It can keep up with you no matter where you run and hide in the room. It gives absolutely no room for recovery with constant attacks. It will either pull out dual wielding swords that function similar to fangs with max fury and try to tear you to pieces at close range, pull out dual pistols that function similar to Vipers with max fire rate at mid range, and then at long range pulls out a sniper that functions similar to snipertron with a bigger magazine, and less recoil.


It also carries several abilities such as Hayden's reflect barrier meaning it could reflect your ogris missile back at you. Its second ability turns it invisible PLUS leaves a decoy in the exact spot it turned invisible making it appear as if its still fighting you from the spot it was at allowing it to move away if your surrounding it from all corners unleashing a torrent of rounds on it. Third ability is dash not a slash dash but a dash that can be used with any weapon. It can dash and use melee, it can dash and shoot basically dashing like Zero from Megaman X. 4th ability... is basicly a multi clone jutsu where it makes several copies of itself that will run around the room attacking you all at once but it will only do this when its health reaches 1/5, and only once. Finally its health would reach zero after defeating its copies and die...


The final battle ends and instead of dropping the resources on its body an escape path opens up from the room which you run down and find yourself in a room filled with breakable containers which drop resources, and blueprints for a one of a kind warframe only obtainable by defeating the Tier 4 boss. Which you would soon realize is the form the Final boss took on, with all the abilities(less awesome multi clone technique though). Plus blueprints for the three weapons the AI used. One BP for each part of the warframe, and weapons or a part that is needed on each BP... meaning you don't have to come back a billion times to get the weapons, and warframe. Because you get either 4 BPs or 1 part for each of the 4 BPs so its like a mega reward plus resources like control mods, plastids, gallium... etc.


Then you leave on your marry way only to find you need to beat the three bosses all over again just to come back to the Tier 4 boss.

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The void boss should be split into 4 bosses... and 4 different keys...


Tier 1 Assassination

Should be a giant hanging on the edge of a platform that tries to crush you with a single weak point on its face that opens up after doing damage to the hands for a certain amount. After the first part of the boss battle ends the boss will fall off the platform, destroying it on the way down. Causing the players to fall down into a boss room down below where the boss with only an upper half of the body drags itself and does ground pounds to try and kill you now. This time its face isn't the weakpoint but the opening where his lower half body would have been. After enough hits are done it dies finally dropping a piece of the Tier 4 key that you need to build.


Tier 2 Assassination

This one will be different as it will show up as a giant four legged spider (guess it isn't really a spider with four legs)  That tries to crush you with its feet, and shoots lasers from turrets along its body. You have to destroy the turrets along its body first causing it to lower itself down. Then you would have to destroy the turrets on top of its body. (yeah its going to be a big boss) After destroying all turrets the legs will retract and it will begin floating using internal weapon systems that you can't shoot at. This time one of you needs to distract it while the others get behind it to shoot at its propulsion systems. After that it will fall and be destroyed dropping a piece of the Tier 4 key.


Tier 3 Assassination

The enemy this time is a floating core that will hide amongst a group of enemies. you will need to destroy 10 waves of enemies each wave will include the core once the core is found one shotting it will cause it to hop to another wave of enemies starting the next wave. After 10 waves the core will then finally possess a Orokin possessed Jackal that will begin its attack on you. After the jackal falls it will just be a matter of good aim shoot the ball during its erratic movement of darting around the room faster then a Boltor bolt requiring extremely fast reflexes and aim. However it isn't as simple as just shooting it shield bots will also come in to protect the core as it flies around making it irritating but at least the shield bots drop ammo. After this is done the core will be destroyed dropping the final piece of the Tier 4 key.


Finally the Tier 4 key can be made for a straight up Tier 4 Assassination mission no running through enemies required.


Tier 4 Assassination

The battle would start with the players entering a large cicular room in the center is a large no arms, no legs just a body and head attached to many connectors to the ceiling machine that almost resembles a giant Warframe. the battle will start and several positions on the map will open up revealing pits with lasers (fall in and die)



Similar to that but much worse and in the center is the boss. The boss will have shields with an opening that spin around it. At the same time you have enemies leaping on these platforms to get you... plus shield bots. After doing enough damage to the AI's Body in the center(boss) the boss will fall through the center as all the connectors break off. Eventually the floor will open up downwards like a cone forcing you to fall down.


The second Part of the boss battle begins. Now the large mass that was just a giant Warframe looking head, and body is now a giant Warframe looking mech that is 12 times your size. As the fight goes on you would realize no matter how much you try you cannot break its shield, but you also notice a large pillar with a generator on it in the center. You would also notice a swinging motion the large mech does when it gets close with its fist. So you lead it to the center and trick it into punching the pillar. After several punches to the pillar the pillar will fall destroying the generator and releasing an EMP burst which shuts down the large mech. Of course now that the pillar has fallen, the generator exploded much of the rubble from the above ceiling, and walls would have caved in making the room smaller also crushing the lower half of the mech.


At first it seems dead but then a silver gelatin pours out of the mech revealing itself to be a group of nanos moving together in tandem. Not wanting to lose it takes on a form of a Warframe never before seen...


The third and final part begins... The 4,3,2,1 players depending on how many have gone will now fight an enemy in the form of a warframe. The fight begins and it moves faster then a Loki with max Rush, with infinite sprint... It can jump, slide, wall run... it also has incredible aim making it vicious and dangerous. It can keep up with you no matter where you run and hide in the room. It gives absolutely no room for recovery with constant attacks. It will either pull out dual wielding swords that function similar to fangs with max fury and try to tear you to pieces at close range, pull out dual pistols that function similar to Vipers with max fire rate at mid range, and then at long range pulls out a sniper that functions similar to snipertron with a bigger magazine, and less recoil.


It also carries several abilities such as Hayden's reflect barrier meaning it could reflect your ogris missile back at you. Its second ability turns it invisible PLUS leaves a decoy in the exact spot it turned invisible making it appear as if its still fighting you from the spot it was at allowing it to move away if your surrounding it from all corners unleashing a torrent of rounds on it. Third ability is dash not a slash dash but a dash that can be used with any weapon. It can dash and use melee, it can dash and shoot basically dashing like Zero from Megaman X. 4th ability... is basicly a multi clone jutsu where it makes several copies of itself that will run around the room attacking you all at once but it will only do this when its health reaches 1/5, and only once. Finally its health would reach zero after defeating its copies and die...


The final battle ends and instead of dropping the resources on its body an escape path opens up from the room which you run down and find yourself in a room filled with breakable containers which drop resources, and blueprints for a one of a kind warframe only obtainable by defeating the Tier 4 boss. Which you would soon realize is the form the Final boss took on, with all the abilities(less awesome multi clone technique though). Plus blueprints for the three weapons the AI used. One BP for each part of the warframe, and weapons or a part that is needed on each BP... meaning you don't have to come back a billion times to get the weapons, and warframe. Because you get either 4 BPs or 1 part for each of the 4 BPs so its like a mega reward plus resources like control mods, plastids, gallium... etc.


Then you leave on your marry way only to find you need to beat the three bosses all over again just to come back to the Tier 4 boss.

The last boss seems really hard.

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The last boss seems really hard.

It is supposed to be balls to the wall hard... Its supposed to force you to use EVERYTHING in your arsenal, everything you learned... from wall running, rolling, sliding, bullet blocking, your abilities, your best gear, your best skills, your best everything... You have to come in your best condition in order to beat the last boss.


It is the boss that will make hardcore players cringe... it is designed for the sole purpose to satisfy those players that whine about lame end game content... its ONE path people could take for end game content... its not made for noobs they should NEVER EVER be here period end of story... Noobs should go through the process of building up their best gear and leveling up... improving their skills etc... before EVER coming here...

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I sense that the Tier 4 Assassination Key will be similar to Final Fantasy XI's Absolute Virtue and Pandemonium Warden (Both pre-patched): Ungodly hard and enough to tax every last asset in each players arsenal all for the most marginal chance of success.


Sir, I approve. +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sense that the Tier 4 Assassination Key will be similar to Final Fantasy XI's Absolute Virtue and Pandemonium Warden (Both pre-patched): Ungodly hard and enough to tax every last asset in each players arsenal all for the most marginal chance of success.


Sir, I approve. +1

That's the purpose. Pushing players to be the best, and not just focusing on press 4 kill all, and ogris. Extreme boss, extreme gameplay, extreme skill...

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Interesting ideas, though the Tier 4 one might be a little too hard. If Warframe's movement system was as fluid as spectacle fighters like Devil May Cry it would be an EPIC fight, but as it stands dodging the boss with the current movement system might be too clunky and difficult. Still good ideas though.

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Such a great idea! I always wanted a Tier based boss! What about that new infested boss that's coming out? They keep telling me that it's J3-Golem's new rework. Did I miss a detail at the livestream about U.10?

Just like Vor got replaced, golem will too... remember all the bosses are just placeholders and bound to be changed out... except Vor, and Kril...

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