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What is the reason you started playing Warframe?


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saw the super old dark sector game via the trailer and loved the design--was super sad when it was canceled but actually bothered to buy the cd of the people who did the trailer music. Heard about the game they finally did manage to release but I liked what I saw from the first trailer and didn't check it out. Then heard about the game and who it was by and saw the familiar designs and checked it out. 

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One of my friends on PSN was playing it when the PS4 just launched. As soon as I finished Knack with the Platinum Trophy, I started Warframe on PS4. Then I got hooked! A few things that I'm not used to, rewards being tied to RNG being one of them, but still really fun.

The last online multiplayer PvE game that I played was White Knight Chronicles on PS3. That's where I met one of my PSN friends who was also an avid PS Home user; I convinced him to join me in Warframe pretty easily. (It's free to play!) I stopped playing WKC because it was getting really tedious and, thankfully, I didn't move on to WKC2; my PS Home friend told me that some pretty bad stuff was going on in WKC2, such as modders/hackers ruining the game and his clan leader not helping him to go on a "witch hunt" after them. The online server shut down shortly (about a year) after WKC2 just launched in North America.

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