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[Warframe Concept] Maxwell–Magnetic Warframe Mag Counterpart, And Archwing Ace


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Male Mag Warframe Counterpart
Among all the Tenno who did battle riding on Archwings, Maxwell stood above the rest as a true ace. After a devastating fight Maxwell saw so many fellow Tenno fall, that he decided to design a new Archwing to push himself to the limits and turn the course of battle.
Maxwell is the male counterpart to Mag. With magnetic powers that manifest differently based on their polarity, determined by the shade of energy color. Maxwell is legendary among the Tenno as an Archwing ace and hero of many space battles. However, Maxwell is also a force to be reckoned with on the ground. But, don’t expect this Tenno to stay grounded for long.


Macross (Macross +) Helmet Design Especially




MDK (Parachute Especially)


Warframe Design
A mix of the suit from Casshern and flight suits from Macross. The helmet is a cross between Mags default helmet and the Macross + helmet with Casshern and even MDK accents. Slightly taller than Mag, but still slender. 
Base Statistics
Health 80.0 (240.0 at rank 30)
Power 100.0 (150.0 at rank 30)
Armor 150.0
Shield Capacity 115.0 (345.0 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed 1.0
Stamina 100
Polarities x2 –, D
Power Concept
As a magnetic focused and flight, levitation, gliding. And some powerful fist to cuffs.
Passive Power
Magnetoception: any time Maxwell used a power or channels energy all enemies become highlighted by a glowing nimbus that can be seen through walls. 
Magnetic Polarity
The magnetic forces wielded by the Warframe has two unique properties–determined by the energy color selected, and its shade, light to dark. Dark shades manifest in the negative polarity effects of the Warframes powers, and light shades manifest in the positive polarity effects. If an exact 50/50 is possible is will default on the side of the previous color. So is the energy color was dark then a 50/50 color will have negative polarity, for example.
EM Flare [25]
Sustained Cone of element damage. 3 meter range, 3 meters wide. Damage per second is 75, 50, 25 for each element. 25% status chance, cost 5 energy per second. These stats are doubled when on or near metals. Range, damage and effected by power mods.
Positive Polarity: Electromagnetic Flare, Magnetic, Electricity, Fire.
Negative Polarity: Gamma Flare, Magnetic, Electricity, Radiation.
Flux [50]
Magnetic energy field bands spring from Maxwell's back making the frame, depending on polarization, either root to the ground or levitate. Positive energy polarity allows for glide flight. If at a greater height than the base magnetic levitation, the frame glides down like using a paraglider, until reaching the ground, or levitation height, or duration ends. 
Positive Polarity
Enemies are pulled closer to Maxwell, 5/10/15 meter range knockdown. 50% resistance to knock down and staggers, -25% speed. Doubled when on or near metal surfaces. 
Parkour: With Flux active, Maxwell can extend wall runs and slides, but most notably, magnetically adhere to surfaces. 
Negative Polarity
Enemies are repelled from Maxwell, 5/10/15 meters away. 
Base levitation height is 1 meter and speed is +25%. Over or near metals double levitation height and speed. When over the base levitation height, Maxwell paraglides. Effects are doubled when over or near metal surfaces.
Duration 10 seconds, increased by power duration mods. Power strength increases power effects.
The coil-like parachute springs from the Warframes back made of magnetic energy, appearing as high energy bands of magnetic fields emanating from Maxwell’s back.
Monopole Field [75]
Maxwell manipulates the electromagnetic properties in the surroundings boosting himself while debuffing enemies. MF duration is 8 seconds base, plus .5 for every enemy within the aura range. Duration is effected by power duration mods.
Positive Polarity
Enemies within range are slowed as they approach Maxwell, inversely Maxwell speed is increased.
Negative Polarity
Enemies shields and/or armor are disrupted and weakened while increasing Maxwells, increasing as they become within closer proximity.
MF aura base range is 4 meters, increased by power range mods. Each enemy effected 5%. Both range and effect are increased by power mods, range and strength, respectively. Every 10% closer the enemy approaches Maxwell the power effect is increased by 5%. The base power added to Maxwell is derived from the closest enemy. Each additional enemy within the aura adds 1/10 of the effect to Maxwell. 
Example: MF is cast and three enemies enter the aura. The first enemy is within 1 meter or nearly 100% of the close distance to Maxwell. The Second enemy is at 2 meter or 50% and third is at 4 meters, or about 0% distance. 
Maxwell, gets a 50% bonus from the closest enemy, plus 2.5% from the second (5 x 5 = 25 / 10 = 2.5) and .5 from the third enemy (1 x 5 = 5 / 10 = .5), totally 53% bonus.
Positive Polarity, Maxwell slows the enemy by 53% and has his speed increased by the same value.
Negative Polarity, Maxwell decreases shields/armor of the enemy by 53% and has his own shields/armor buffed by same value.
Possible Megaman/Lensman inspired fist/gauntlet. This either can fire magnetic based damage or use magnetic melee attacks. Could also launch the fist and/or behave like a whip or grapple. If not all part of a unique power they might be incorporated into a dedicated stance. 
Magnetar Storm [100] [Channel]
Maxwell’s lenses channel energy creating a torrent of magnetic power that is unleashed in a combination of melee strikes and high energy destructive blasts. Maxwell’s hands and feet glow with magnetic energy orbs, that grow brighter and bigger as the combo chain builds, and dissipates as the blast is unleashed. 
Magnetic aura around Maxwell flares with magnetic bands of energy, reflecting 25% damage while active, 50% while blocking, and double when on or near metal surfaces. Base reflect is increased by power strength mods.
A unique fighting stance is used that combines hand to hand fighting maneuvers with levitation, and magnetic energy blast. Essentially combining elements of stances like Brutal Tide, and High Noon.
Base damage is 50 magnetic. 25% Status Chance. Damage and status chance are double when standing on, or surrounded by metals. 15% critical chance, x2 damage.
Channeling melee mods, and critical mods do work. 
Cost, Magnetar Storm channels 10 energy per second. Cost can be reduced by equipping Reflex Coil, or Focus Energy. Life Steal, and other melee channel mods that increase channeling cost increases Magnetar Storm channel cost.
Magnetic blasts creates an AOE explosion of magnetic energy with pull or push effect based on energy polarity. 
Positive polarity: pulls enemy. 
Negative polarity: pushes enemy. 
Magnetostatic Demon
(E/O E/O E/O) (E/O E/O E/O) (E/O E/O)
Chain 1: punch, kick, punch. 
Chain 2: 2x round house kick, punch. Stagger enemy, x2 damage. 
Chain 3: uppercut-levitate, drop kick. Stun-finisher prompt, x2 damage. 
Soliton Bounce 
(E/O E/O+Block) (E/O E/O E/O) (E/O)
Chain 1: punch/kick flurry, x2 damage. 
Chain 2: punch/kick flurry, x3 damage. 
Chain 3: levitate, magnetic blast x5 damage.
Magneforce Overstrike
(E/O, pause, E/O, E/O) (E/O, pause, E/O E/O) (E/O)
Chain 1: kick, pause, kick. x2 damage. 
Chain 2: punch, pause, punch. x4 damage. 
Chain 3: rising blast, levitate. 
Blast, x5 damage
Blast at slide terminus, x3 damage. 
Wall Run
Blast ticks every second contiguous wall run, x3 damage. 
E/O at downed target.
Stomps on enemy. x5 finisher damage.
Visually inspired by Macross Valkyries(Mecha) with their armor augment packs. 


Health 450 (1350 at rank 30)
Shield Capacity 200 (600 at rank 30)
Armor 125
Power 200 (360 at rank 30)
Flight Speed 1.2
Stamina 300
Polarity D, –, –
Swarming Torrent [10] [Channel]
Similiar to Odonata’s Seeking fire, launching a stream of missiles continuously while channeling. 
Launches continuous volleys, 1/2/3 every second, of 1/2/3 homing missiles per volley that track enemies within 200 / 300 / 340 / 400 meters.  Homing missiles inflicts 150 Blast damage on impact and 25 Blast damage in an area of effect. Channeling cost is 10 per second.
PinPoint Defense [25]
A energy shield forms that actively blocks incoming fire and strikes enemies that approach to closely. Only can focus on blocking incoming fire from one enemy at a time, but the width can block fire from more than one enemy.
Base shield size is 2 meters and defends from 2 meter area. Blocks 100% damage, reflects 30% blocked damage. 
Duration 15 seconds at base.
Disintegration Cannon [75]
The large energy cannon attached to GerKrieg opens charges and fires a massively, wide, long-range, powerful, beam of destructive energy. Beam take three seconds to open, charge and fire, once activated. Fires a beam that expands to 50 meters wide, with 8000 meter range, and last 6 seconds. Inflicts 1000 blast damage, enemies still within the beam suffer 400 blast damage 2 ticks each second.
Player cannot move, locked in as soon as the power is activated until firing is complete. 
Hyperspace [25] [Channel]
GerKrieg’s void engine bends space around the Archwing creating a space warp field. Increases base speed by x1/x2/x3 and enemies caught within the filed take 175/325/500 impact damage. Field range is 20/60/100 meters.
New Weapons
New Mod
Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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Awesome concept, original abilities that actually seem useful. I can't wait until DE starts making opposite sex variations (with completely different abilities) of current frames. However, I don't see that starting for quite some time, DE probably has a lot of ideas for Warframes they want to try and the alternates only come when they run out of ideas.

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Needs a diffrent name. 

DE could be creating fem/male counterparts but with diffrent powers. Most likely after they ran out of Frame ideas. Or eg. Frost's stone counterpart.

Yeah, I watched the devstreams where it was brought up. As far as the name goes, Maxwell or James Clerk Maxwell was essential to our understanding of magnetism. Given the list of names and magnetic terms, Maxwell sounded good for a male frame. I am open to changing but I think I picked it because it also reminded me of Maximilian, one of the fighter aces of from Macross: Super Dimensional Fortress.


Awesome concept, original abilities that actually seem useful. I can't wait until DE starts making opposite sex variations (with completely different abilities) of current frames. However, I don't see that starting for quite some time, DE probably has a lot of ideas for Warframes they want to try and the alternates only come when they run out of ideas.

Thanks. I made a Warfame concept, counterpart for Ash, called Fenris awhile back. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/404177-warframe-concept-fenris–ashs-counterpartweapon-stance/?p=4459073

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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