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Paris No Crit?


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A lot of bugs with the Paris since this update /: I can't seem to use any of the mods I have equipped on it, unless I host -_- and it's not the "you can't see it but it's being applied" issue either, it just totally doesn't work it's as if I am using an unmodded Paris >.<

Edited by OrtuOcelot
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Paris is one of my favorite weapons and crit chance has definitely been reduced to almost nothing. Before the update 7 out of 10 shots from the Paris were crits. Although its not the best weapon it was fun and was my all time primary weapon.

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It seems like Paris isn't working properly. it would be greatly appreciated it someone we're to look into this thank you :)



EDIT: Confirmed  Crit rate on Paris ninja nerfed to oblivion as of 7.11.0

Edited by Lonestar96
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Did a test with another person, found that Paris WITH MAX Point Strike mod and nothing else, hit 3 crits out of 44 shots. (after update 7.11.0)

Another test WITHOUT point strike and any other mods with the Paris gave us 1 crit in 138 shots. (also after update 7.11.0)


The point of this test is to show that the previous 20% base crit of Paris has been changed to a significantly lower value. If the Paris were to be coupled up with max Point Strike, it should have about 50% crit chance. 3 crits out of 44 shots obviously does not show that. 1 critical hit within 138 shots without Point Strike also verifies that it is not the mod that has the problem, it is base crit chance of the Paris. 


Since fixes/nerfs come in announced anyway and this was not shown to be in it, we figured it would be nice to let people know who are also having similar problems.


We also tested max Point Strike with the Snipetron and found that we did crits in 19/41 shots. This seems more reasonable since the Snipetron has an innate 20% crit chance and adding Point Strike would boost that to around 50%. Doing the math, the formula for crit chance seems to be ^1"Critical chance = (base crit rate) * (1+mod value)" ^1 taken from Warframe Wiki. This further proves that Paris has received a substantial nerf that the players were not told of.


If somebody would forward the facts to the devs it would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: Credits to GaiaCaT for doing most of the testing!

Edited by Zero-Niner
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Well, assuming those tests are representative (which is unlikely from such a small sample, no offense; it's just such a small chance, it's difficult to accurately find through sampling), the Paris should have the following crit rates:


With max Point Strike: 3/44=6.8182% = (base crit chance) * (2.5)

     base crit chance = 2.72728%

Sans Point Strike: 1/138=0.7246% = (base crit chance) * (1)

     base crit chance = 0.7246%


I assume the reality of the situation is somewhere in between 2.7 and .7, perhaps around 1.5%?

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Well, assuming those tests are representative (which is unlikely from such a small sample, no offense; it's just such a small chance, it's difficult to accurately find through sampling), the Paris should have the following crit rates:


With max Point Strike: 3/44=6.8182% = (base crit chance) * (2.5)

     base crit chance = 2.72728%

Sans Point Strike: 1/138=0.7246% = (base crit chance) * (1)

     base crit chance = 0.7246%


I assume the reality of the situation is somewhere in between 2.7 and .7, perhaps around 1.5%?

Perhaps the sampling was not enough. But shots + 150% bonus = 3 out of 44 crits seems ridiculous. I have personally played 4 or more games worth of wave 1-20 Xini and have not hit more than 20 crits in total. That's with 200+ kills each game with max point strike and all those other mods of course. 


If someone could forward this to devs to further look at this problem, the small (probably?) percentage of users who primarily use Paris as their main weapon would be glad to see this fixed (including me.) Unless, of course, it was intentional to make it have ludicrously low crit chance which.. I doubt.

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Paris crit % is the same as the Snipetron or well was the same. 5 runs on Mercury with no mods on a Paris and then 5 on a Snipetron no mods and you will see that the rates are not the same at all. The Crit % on the Paris is not functioning at 20%. With all the work they did on the Paris this last patch I would not be surprised if they bugged it's rate or used an old model for its base stats and then pumped it out. I do not think it's a stealth nerf.

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I also have noticed the Paris getting completely slashed crit rates.

Paris was my one favorite weapon, it was already niche use, and now its useless. Not good to pull out for quick ancients killing, not good as a precise killer.


DE: What do you want the Paris to be? right now it has no niche, any pistol beats it. Just because you released an unattainable Paris mod that you also nerfed through the floor, doesnt mean you need to punish the rest of us who still want to use the Paris for what it was meant for.

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Paris was the best "Skill" weapon, it had High damage if you could land the shot, and I have been accustomed to it's awesomeness since release, and it's the only weapon I now use. unfortunately after this unannounced nerf, not only is my money wasted on the catalyst, but I have to build a new weapon to take it's place. Interesting. Hopefully this is a bug, and will be fixed, and not something intended...

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Just run a Solo mission using Paris with max Point Strike. Got exactly 3 crits out of 91 hits. So, yeah.


Edit: I really doubt there was a nerf, just a bug and will be fixed in the next patch. I mean, why the hell would you nerf Paris? It's far from being an OP weapon, has the lowest DPS in the game even. Still love that bow to bits, my favorite weapon by far.

Edited by geep
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So in the aftermath of U8, can anyone confirm if they returned the Paris' crit rate to what it was?


Tested it out post U8 on Earth-Everest with max Point Strike, throughout the entire mission it did 2 crits out of 60-70 shots. So no it has not been restored to its former glory.


A response from any Developer or Staff of Digital Extremes would be greatly appreciated.

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Tested it out post U8 on Earth-Everest with max Point Strike, throughout the entire mission it did 2 crits out of 60-70 shots. So no it has not been restored to its former glory.


A response from any Developer or Staff of Digital Extremes would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for testing!


Yeooowch. 3% crit rate with maxed Point Strike that already adds a 150% multiplier to base? Ugh, Paris stays on the shelf until they fix it then.

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It's gerat to find this out AFTER using a potato on my paris.... 


and let me guess.. the new bow is working as intended right?


A response from any Developer or Staff of Digital Extremes would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by juro
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It's gerat to find this out AFTER using a potato on my paris.... 


and let me guess.. the new bow is working as intended right?

No, Dread kind of sucks. Extra base damage doesn't make up for the lack of armorpierce and slower draw speed.

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