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I Still Have Hope For Archwing


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taking down medium sized ships would be pretty cool for archwing. fighting off some fleets. go into the flag ships pop the reactor and destroy supporting destroyer's / firgates all in more open space maps

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As a fan of pretty much everything that's been listed in this thread, I think its a good idea that DE starts looking at some further inspiration for how to make Archwing more intense as a game type.


With how things currently are in larger maps, I agree that the archwings feel like they're going too slow. That's mainly due to the lack of background elements whizzing by our peripheral vision and the vast distance needed to go from one point to another. Going through tunnels though feels appropriately fast (and really, I'd rather they open up those tunnels just a bit and make them a touch wider).


That set-piece from ZoE2 was always a favorite of mine.

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Changes that might help the Archwing problem:

1) Lock on melee gets boring fast. i sugest manual aiming like in normal missions exept with a slight twist- make rolling effective in blocking ranged Dmg. It works for the infested leapers, why not for us?

2) instead of killing off small work crews, maybe the tenno should be taking out stationary turrets and even fighters.

3) allow tenno to break into the side of the ship and proceed on foot to eliminate Vital parts of the ship, crew, or capture important targets and then rembark to make your way to extraction.

4) Add stealth? use astroids and rubble to sneak past enemy scanners and small patrols. (maybe add a stealth attack?)

5) make powers somehow aimable?

6) make hazerdous enviroments such as flamable gas clouds, cyro clouds, moving rocks/debree, hud/sensor reducing nebuli, magnetic currents, solar flares that requires cover to dodge, minefields, ect

7) when skydiving (because of Ordis' inability to get close without getting shot at by planetary defences) dodge flak, small vessles, satilites, clouds of smog, storms of fire/ ice/ acid, and whatever else resides in the sky.

8) Add infested hive clusters, maybe the stalker's ship eventually...

9) make those syndicates useful by giving the tenno call in reinforcements (aka: prebuilt specters) to use in space or as a distraction as they come in for a landing. (give them comm acess too)

PS: make sure to reward the people who come up with these ideas in the future. ;)

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I'd made a similar topic to this already a month or so ago. Gotta disagree with Puck about Z.O.E's style being too slow for fighting Archwing AI. I think someone at a decent level of familiarity with Z.O.E's controls could easily make an Archwing expert look like a person with a brain cell deficiency. I specify Z.O.E: 2nd Runner here, and in the post I made, as an aside. Jehuty's maneuverability, area denial attacks, flexible weaponry, and the Zero Shift skill would put any Archwing to shame, including Itzal whose teleport skill has similar utility to Zero Shift, nix the fact that Zero Shift is also a weapon, rather than merely a method of getting from point A to B without bothering about with the space betwixt.


Itzal, in that regard, comes closest, in my own opinion at the least, to being a viable Archwing.


I do think an overbooster or overthrust mechanic needs to be looked into for Archwing, though, just to close the gaps easier in the more open environments, if nothing else, but it would also be useful in combat tactics. There would need to be some sort of limiter, naturally...say a cool down, or it perhaps, if used excessively, could start draining energy reserves, leaving one vulnerable to attacks.


I think they could also make better utilization of the melee counter both in Archwing and outside of it in the "normal" game, but I intend to go into that in a separate thread.


I think they should definitely rework the overall sound design and at least have most sound effects a lot more muffled in open-space tile sets, if not completely muted. The music would have to be amped up a bit to fill in. Some of it could be explained away as the Warframes interpreting local data into sound to aid in battle awareness...but then distant effects should be way more muted, and only things in the more or less immediate vicinity should give off any sound at all. But I digress....


Bottom line, I agree that Archwing can and should grow into a far more amazing aspect of the game. Right now it's pretty decent, but it would have a rather hard time standing on its own. I think that with the right tune-ups, alterations, and in some cases overhauls, it can become worthy of AAA status all on its own.

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Meta, based on just the first couple of sentences of what you said, It seems you didnt comprehend what was written.


1) I was comparing player v player speed and reactions to player v AI speed and reactions. These are very different things.

Players can react to new situations faster than AI. AI are programmed to do x. Players will do, xyzvdws.


2) I also mentioned Amored Core which was the point of my reply to another person.


3) Booster System

search topics for: Archgun Lockon System

It describes a lockon for Archguns and a booster system.

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It seems you didnt comprehend what was written.


1) I was comparing player v player speed and reactions to player v AI speed and reactions. These are very different things.

Players can react to new situations faster than AI. AI are programmed to do x. Players will do, xyzvdws.


Perhaps you should elucidate, then. Are you complaining that the player is too slow, or that the AI is too simple...what's the gripe here, and what is its inherent connection to Archwing, if that's the implication?


A soft lock-on system might be prudent, true, so long as it can be toggled easily. I already suggested something vaguely similar in one of my other earlier Archwing improvement posts, wherein I stated a desire for not only more Archwing weapons and variation in general, but specifically, as well, a desire to have more of the Archwing enemys' weapons available for capture and use, and amongst those, the Hellion Dargyn's lock-on missile swarm is a favorite.

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Perhaps you should elucidate, then. Are you complaining that the player is too slow, or that the AI is too simple...what's the gripe here, and what is its inherent connection to Archwing, if that's the implication?


A soft lock-on system might be prudent, true, so long as it can be toggled easily. I already suggested something vaguely similar in one of my other earlier Archwing improvement posts, wherein I stated a desire for not only more Archwing weapons and variation in general, but specifically, as well, a desire to have more of the Archwing enemys' weapons available for capture and use, and amongst those, the Hellion Dargyn's lock-on missile swarm is a favorite.

Essentially yes. Adding speed to AI movement will only increase difficulty by a fraction. AI can only be programmed to do so much.

Im not against increasing speed of AI though either. There are quite a few highspeed AI battles in Armored Core 4 :)

I know I posted somewhere in all the AW topics about wanting Manic speed AI for AW. + nullifiers + Moar :)


Environment/terrain are just as important.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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5) make powers somehow aimable?

It would be awesome if onodata's Seeking Fire worked like in macross missile massacre targeting or targeting in asura wrath in space battles, where you must look in general direction of enemy to be lock on them:






we can see it at 10:10


also there are two ways the could make Seeking Fire power better:

1)remove limit of how many targets can be locked on, it wouldnt be OP if we were targeting like in video's above since targeting more enemies would take more time which means they could end up killing your if you take too long also your team could end up killing some/most of targets you locked on which would make spending so much time targeting meaningless.




2)keep the lockon limit but make it so the less enemies are targeted the more missiles go toward each of them, it would be very useful against bosses.

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So amazing things you showed here, like ZOE, Macross and Strike Suit, but DE probably doesn't know about their existence (sigh)...


...Seeking Fire is purely visual "power", Penumbra works only when you don't moving, so on archwing interceptions I work as a stationary turret...


Not sure if there is some hope for archwing.

Edited by ZoMbi656
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