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Volt Rework - Master Of Energy


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Volt Rework - Tenno Master of Energy


TL;DR: Volt's abilities can generate Over-Shields and Volt can use Over-Shields to Overcharge his abilities (Making them more effective). His 4 would be his Overload Wave into Energy Elementalist stance. If you find this interesting, I suggest reading the full post for the details!





A while back about, 2 or 3 Devstreams ago Scott said (Or at least someone made the joke) if we had any Volt Ideas shoot them his way. I know this is SUUUPER Late! BUT HERE WE GO ANYWAY!



When I see Volt, I think of a Master Electric Elementalist, that acts as a Living Battery. An unrivaled Tenno in the Art of Energy Manipulation! This proposed fan rework reflects what I think of him and what I think, would make a cool and interesting Volt. One that has a lot of synergy within himself.




  • Volt Passive - Innate Surplus Diverters effect.


  • Power Rework (These are Max Damage Values and are affected by mods (Unless noted otherwise)



Ability One: Voltage Syphon 



Volt’s original shock ability, but with a twist! 


Players are able send out Volt’s signature arc blast at an enemy. But when an enemy is successfully struck by Volt, players can hold the Power 1 key, to chain electrocute them more. I’ll refer to this as “Voltage Overkill"


Voltage Syphon" Details:

  • Enemies with Shields has 20% of their shields added to Voltage Syphon's base damage (25% chance to take 50% shields)
  • Has a 75% chance to Electrocute Proc enemies. 


Energy Cost: 25



“Voltage Overkill” Details:

  • This ability costs An additional 5 energy every Subsequent second "Voltage Overkill" is active.
  • Deals 50% of initial Voltage Syphon’s damage per second.
  • 30% of shield damage inflicted is added to Voltage Overkill's” damage per second.
  • Every 5 seconds of "Voltage Overkill" being active, it gains a 30% increase in damage per second. 
  • Every 2 seconds victim loses 3% armor and 20% of their max shields is damaged directly.
  • 15% of DPS inflicted is added to Volt's Shields. When shields are full, value carries over into Over-shields.


Energy Cost: 10 per second





Ability Two: Speed Force


Sticking with the idea of Volt acting as a Battery. I thought of 2 interesting additions to his old Speed ability. (This will be a recurring theme)


Volt would increase his and allies (within 25 meters) attack and mobility speed by 50% for 15 seconds (As per usual), but players can sacrifice Volt's Shields or Over-shields to increase Speed Force’s effect. I’ll be referring to this as Speed Force X2.


Speed Force x2 Details:


  • Players can hold down the Power 2 key, allowing Volt to expend up to 1000 Over-shields or Shields to increase attack and mobility speed by an additional 50%.
  • While in Speed Force X2 enemies Volt runs into, passes and hit are knocked down and electrocuted. Volt and Allies are much harder to hit.
  • While in Speed Force X2 Volt and allies' bullet jump flies 40% further and 50% faster and wall-latches last 40% longer.
  • Some sort of cool sound and effect could go off when Speed Force X2 is used.
  • Enemies that come within 10m of Volt have there movement reduced by 25%.
  • Volt is able to phase through enemies. Enemies Volt passes through have a 50% chance to be Paralyzed for 5 seconds & a 50% chance to be violently Ragdolled away.


Energy Cost: 50




Ability Three: Voltage Barrier



Volt can make a energy barrier in front of him that absorbs incoming damage from enemies. Volt and his allies gain 75% electric damage and a 250% critical damage boost, from shooting through Voltage Barrier. Barrier is the same size as it is now.


*Like his other abilities so far, players can hold down the Power 3 Key to use up to 1000 Over-shields or Shields to strengthen his Voltage Barrier. This doubles it's durability, duration, electric damage, an additional effect of increasing base critical chance by 100% and enemies that pass through take 400 Electric Damage.* I will refer to this as "Voltage Barrier X2"


  • Voltage Barrier's effects COULD POSSIBLY be affected by Power Mods (Unless that's hideously broken)

Voltage Barrier X2 Details:

  • While performing Voltage Barrier X2, where ever Volt looks “Voltage Barrier X2” will extend to cover that area and Volt can create a larger Barrier, from the existing one’s location. Volt is allowed to move laterally and side to side and rotate left and right(Allowing Players to make a large dome if need be.)

        *This Drains 10 energy & 200 shields every 2 seconds while extending his Barrier.* 


Energy Cost: 50




Ability Four: Overloaded Tempest


This has 2 Phases to it and a Possible Augment (Phase 3).  Phase 2 Is the main Ability here.



Volt focuses all of the energy stored in his body and then violently releases it in a wave of energy over 25 meter radius. After all the energy has traveled and done it’s damage, Volt channels all the newly created energy, back into himself and allies. Turning Volt, into a Tempest of Overloaded Energy! 




Initial Energy Wave (Phase 1)

  • The Energy Wave has a base damage of 650
  • Players can hold down the Power 4 Key, to use all of Volt's Shields/Over-Shields and energy to increase the damage of the attack.
  • For every 100 of Volt’s shields used, the damage is increased by 10%
  • For every 25 energy of Volt's pool, the damage is increased by 15%
  • For every electronic shortage (Ship Lights, computers etc.) Damage of the energy wave is increased by 35% for each. (Something Juicy since it’s a one time thing)
  • All this to add a cool risk and reward element to him!



Looking at this with my current Volt Prime’s Stats



Shields:       10%            22x  =  1430    Damage

Energy:        15%            34x  =  3315   Damage

Electronics:  35%           10x  =   2275   Damage

Wave Damage (Without Power Strength Mods) = 7020 damage per enemy.





Overloaded Tempest (Phase 2)


Effect's on Allies:

  • 80% of Shield Damage and 40% of Health Damage dealt to all enemies is then applied and split into 40% energy and 60% Shields/Over-Shields, amongst Volt’s allies.
  • Volt’s allies would receive their Shields/Over-Shields instantly.
  • The energy is given to allies overtime while this ability is active. Around 20 energy is distributed a second.   * This stops once this ability is deactivated.


Effect's on Volt:

  • Once Volt stands up after taking in the energy. Volt’s base Shields and Over-Shields Cap are increased by 55%.
  • Max Shields/Over-Shields increase is affected by Power Strength Mods.
  • Volt enters a Multi Energy Whips Melee Stance. Uses large Sweeping strikes, overhead slams and flips (Whips behave something akin to Whiplash's or Omega Red’s whips. Almost as if they are alive or an extension of Volt’s Limbs.)
  • Base Damage of the whips is 50% of the initial Energy Wave's calculated sum. Along with 10% of the TOTAL Damage inflicted to enemies. (The Percentage of Damage used IS NOT effected by Mods) 
  • Melee Weapons do NOT account for Whip's Damage.
  • Enemies struck by Volt’s Whips, have 35% of shield damage converted into Volt’s shields. While 10% of shield damage is converted into energy. 20% of health damage is converted into shields. While 45% of killing blows is turned into Energy.
  • Allies struck by Volt’s Energy Whips have 15% of the damage converted into their shields.
  • Channeling also extends whips range. Channeling Cost is increased by 2x.
  • Power Range could affect length of Whips.
  • This form not only drains energy per second, but Shields as well. 20 energy per second and 150 Shields per second. Every 30 seconds of being in this form Volt LOSES 5% armor FOR THE ENTIRE MISSION! (For a little bit more risk and reward. As well as to show he is pushing himself far beyond his limit. (Being downed and revived could rest this?)




Phase 2’s effects on Other Abilities: 

  • Casting "Speed Force X2" while in Phase 2, would cause Volt to float midair like Wukong’s "Cloud Walking" Ability. (Something like Storm for X-men?)
  • “Voltage Barrier” “Voltage Barrier X2” can be casted from afar and placed at a surface where Volt is aiming.
  • “Voltage Syphon” “Voltage Overkill” would have their casting times reduced by 25%.




Lingering Voltage Field (Phase 3: POSSIBLE AUGMENT MOD)

  • When "Overloaded Tempest" is manually deactivated or runs out of resources. Volt would collapse and be vulnerable for a moment. The time would depend on of how much of Volt's armor was lost.
  • Once Phase 2 stops, all of that Shields and Energy generated during phase 2 is released as a damaging Lingering Voltage Field, this deals THAT TOTAL VALUE over time. The field has a base radius of 30 meters.
  • Radius of Lingering Voltage Field is affected by Power Range Mods. 
  • Lingering Voltage Field deals 1%-15% of the damage per second to all enemies within range.
  • The duration of the Lingering Voltage Field DOESN'T have a set amount of time. But would dissipate when the damage has been completely dealt to enemies in the area. (i.e the more enemies caught in the field, the faster it would dissipate.)
  • Volt CANNOT Activate Overloaded Tempest again until the Lingering Voltage Field has dissipated.
  • Pressing the Power 4 Key again while the field is active. Could draw it towards him? (Maybe another Augment Possibly)

example of what it might look like?:








Visual Representation (PICTURES!):


Note: Please don't judge my drawings to bad. I don't have photoshop right now and these where a little doodlish. :(


A.   Standing Normally                                     Phase 1





B.      Charging up The Energy Wave                                    Phase 1





C.           Releasing the Energy Wave                               Phase 1





D.             Absorbing The Energy newly Created Energy                            Phase 1





E.    Enters The Overloaded Tempest Stance.     E 2. Sort of shows the whole "Whips acting as limbs"          Phase 2






F. & Gg.        Releases Damage Out in Lingering  Energy Field & The Recovery State.         Phase 3












At the end of the day, would I much like Volt working as an "Electric Tenno Zeus"?


Yes! Yes, I would! I would like that greatly. Let me know what you guys think? Does all this seem possible, is it too much? Still a tad underpowered? 



P.S when it comes to stats, I think Volt is fine. Maybe Vanilla non-prime Volt could get some increased Survivability?If this concept got used, more shields would be appreciated?

Edited by (PS4)StarDustKillah
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interesting but extremely complicated, way too complicated imo, overcharge mechanic is nice but needs to be simplified and less detrimental to Volt's sheilds, since he has a miniscule health pool and I don't have space for vitality. I really like the idea with shock and electric barrier, but the speed would be too much and overload is way too complicated.

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But I do love overload and its cc! Why eliminate it?

Overload still exists within this ability for the most part.



interesting but extremely complicated, way too complicated imo, overcharge mechanic is nice but needs to be simplified and less detrimental to Volt's sheilds, since he has a miniscule health pool and I don't have space for vitality. I really like the idea with shock and electric barrier, but the speed would be too much and overload is way too complicated.


I think it IS complicated, but not THAT much. And it's detrimental to his shields because he can rack Overshields up so easily via use of his first ability. The overcharge is optional, and probably NOT intended to be used every time. 

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interesting but extremely complicated, way too complicated imo, overcharge mechanic is nice but needs to be simplified and less detrimental to Volt's sheilds, since he has a miniscule health pool and I don't have space for vitality. I really like the idea with shock and electric barrier, but the speed would be too much and overload is way too complicated.


I can see how you'd say his ultimate is complicated. But a lot of it is ignorable, you only have to pay attention to it if you want to min/max. The first initial Energy Wave AOE(Just Overload) would calculate the damage for his whip stance and cause a bit of CC. You can maximize damage by using all of your energy and shields.


Then you just rack up damage with his Ultimate Stance to let loose a stronger AOE. The other things are mentioned are just bonuses that could be essentially turned into Augment Mods or Focus Traits?


I'm sure DE could think of how to streamline it better. I just really think Volt deserves more than a touch, something a bit bigger than Excalibur's rework. Volt had an okay early game One and a bad Four.

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Overload is nothing by itself, and I put full survivability on my volt prime, if it were a more based ability it would be beast mode for me


100% agree, that is why his Four had a lot of thought put into it. I run my Volt Prime with full survivability and maximized energy. Currently all he really has is Speed & Himself(& Electric Shield if your running the right Primary.) 

Edited by (PS4)StarDustKillah
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Overload still exists within this ability for the most part.




I think it IS complicated, but not THAT much. And it's detrimental to his shields because he can rack Overshields up so easily via use of his first ability. The overcharge is optional, and probably NOT intended to be used every time. 


Yeah you got it right on the head. Using your shields is optional to buff the effects of his abilities. I thought it'd be cool if he had a "risk reward" sort of play style.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really like the overcharge idea, but personally think it should just make use of all of Volt's extra engery (I mean, Volt Prime does have the largest energy pool in the game, and regular volt has decent capacity as well). However, I do not like the ultimate, he already has his chain nuke, why add another? What would be really awesome is if instead his ultimate was a form of "Ball Lightning" so to speak (similar to storm spirits ultimate for any Dota players/ the Itzals "Blink"). Volt would become pure energy moving/ travelling at the cost of X energy per meter with a guarranteed electricity proc stunning the enemy (the stun would hopefully be scaleable with duration mods being as the idea is to give him a more reliable stun/ mobility move rather than just running into walls constantly every time you press 2)

Edited by Rhettic
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