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Dancing Ingame


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Sooo... we are some serious space ninjas killing hardcore enemies, and after that we just go and do the jumping jack? No thanks.

surely you mean the cartwheel






than i want a /chicken emote!!!!!!!!!

rock paper scizzors anyone?

Edited by belthagor
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Think of it though! You trade in your sidearm for a pair of dance shoes.

You equip dance mods, to dance faster and with more confidence.


"50% harder bass drops"

"15% chance to upstage enemies on normal shuffles"

"35% fire dance damage"


It's fun to stay at the....

Edited by GrogBeard
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Instead of dance maybe some martial arts show like they do in dojo's or tournaments dunno 


Dance does not fit into this game but maybe a martial arts show .. 


even thats a maybe

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You can already dance by spamming the block button. We don't need actual Emotes.

dude, YOU dont need it... dosent means no-one wants it...

they will infact add social things.. deal with it...

why not add things that add additional fun?

id love if they add dancing and other things but it should be (altered)-japanese style.

Edited by Vyra
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they will infact add social things.. deal with it...

They have never, ever, ever even hinted at this coming in any way shape or form.

Don't use the word "will" because it's blatant misinformation.

If they can remove a gun from the game because it doesn't fit the lore they sure as heck can not add dancing because it doesn't fit the lore too.

Adding emotes does NOT add any real value to the game and as previously stated it doesn't fit in this game and resources should not be diverted from actual meaningful content to add pointless fluff that will anger a lot more people than it will please.

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I'd be against dancing, sorry.


But I'd totally approve a macro for sitting down like seen in the tutorial or intro.

It would make meetings in the halls of clans less awkward when every Tenno would stop staring at each other brandishing their weapon in combat stance - Just sit down, relax or meditate.


I think that outside of actual missions, emotes and the like have very little place. In Dojo and clans however this would enrich Warframe.

Edited by Kasamoto
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 that will anger a lot more people than it will please.

LOL? anger ? just dont use it then?

Dont fits into the game?

Blacklight retribution has emotes and fun items aswell..

if you done like fluff, DO NOT USE it... now go away hater...

i wonder why some people want to limit this game to dull shooting only... go play counterstrike then...


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