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Posts posted by aavvdkdk

  1. As long as it doesn't take time away from improving Warframe (the PvE aspect, which is nearly 100%) and it isn't required, DE can do whatever they want with PvP for my sake. I've never player a game of conclave and I never will, nothing's gonna change that. Warframe is a PvE game, through and through. Does that mean that the PvP aspect should be as broken as it is right now? Of course not. However, as long as improving PvP will take time from the main part of the game, I will be against it. Many would argue that the conclaves shouldn't even be there in the first place. It's a matter of taste and since Warframe was marketed as a PvE game the majority of players are (I presume) prioritizing PvE over PvP. I'm sure most Warframe players would prefer both aspects being great, but DE doesn't have the staff for that. For me it's a question of resources. I could definitely see PvP being prioritized higher in the future, but as things stand now? No way. 

  2. Most of my "savior of ..." have reset, not the worst to be reset. The challenges have never really mattered to me, but I can understand why them resetting sucks for others. At least the star-chart doesn't reset. 

  3. I don't see the difference between my invulnerable Trinity and my Rhino/Vauban/Nyx/Zephyr/Hydroid (you can actually take Excal pretty far as well) who can incapacitate anything constantly with the right mods. Just like Trinity can with the right mods. 




    How do you intent on implementing that energy feature you talk about? I'm just curious to know. 

  4. The number of enemies suspended is affected by power strength, maybe you have a corrupted mod on (overextended)? Bastille was nerfed quite a while ago, it could suspend an infinite number of enemies, but was changed.

    Holds a maximum of 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 enemies within a radius of 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 metersarrow-10x10.png from the grenade. Enemies are suspended for 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 seconds.

    • The maximum number of suspended enemies is affected by Power Strength.
  5. I always welcome a challenge in Warframe, but the Commanders are a pain in the ars*. I don't mind the stun/teleport, but the fact that it happens right out of the blue is just plain annoying. Knowing the game and all the enemies' strengths and weaknesses should be rewarded, the Scorpions were tweaked to the better so the same should be possible for the Commander. 

    I liked the rollers when they were smaller and harder to hit, but just like Sadisticnerd mentioned; every man his taste. Just my thoughts =) 

  6. With so many hours of gameplay it's understandable that Warframe gets repetitive. I've "only" played 500-something hours and I would lie if I said that there weren't periods where my excitement was completely gone. However, I would say that the constant updating and additions help bring me back for more. I'm really looking forward to Focus and the new Melee system, sounds like it'll add a lot more hours of gameplay (at least in my case)

  7. What about the players who don't have any need for forma/potatoes/parts/cores? Simply making the stats interchangeable/ switched on/off would be much better. People who don't want stats can turn them off, and people who want stats can choose which stat to use on which helmet (of the same frame). I don't want potatoes/forma, I want my helmets to have stats. I wouldn't even give up my stats for plat. 

  8. I have 3 comments I would like to add about this Devstream:


    For a player with his/her first frame and the measly Braton/Lato combo, without many of the "must have" mods/weapons and no experience playing interception the Eurasia map is way too difficult. IF the difficulty was lowered and more interception nodes were added on later planets everyone would be satisfied.


    I am pleased to hear that a player like me, who wouldn't care about the badlands in the least, won't be forced to participate. Well, this has always been the plan according to earlier streams, but I'm still happy it hasn't been changed. About the T4 keys; if it's about spreading the BPs and other rewards to make a better drop-table then please go ahead. There are 2 things that I worry about though; first is the problem of getting keys. The system for farming keys should be working properly, otherwise adding a new tier just makes it worse. There is no apparent link between the level of survival/number of minutes stayed in said survival and the tier of the key you (might) get. Second, is the Challenge aspect Rebecca mentioned. Shouldn't the Nightmare mode be for this? I know that adding T4 will do a lot besides being a challenge, but I don't think that it should be the main seller for these keys. Improving Nightmare and making it worth playing after getting the Nightmare mods should have a higher priority, if adding a challenge for late-game players is your priority.      

    Helmets! Why aren't you considering doing what most of the playerbase wants? Simply making helmets and stats interchangeable would fix every problem. People will no longer be "forced" to use a helmet they don't like for the bonus and people who like the helmet, but doesn't want stats can simply turn them off. I can't understand why You came to the conclusion of not making more helmets with stats. I got the helmets because I want the stats, if this change is going online then I don't think I'll ever look for new helmets. And that really sucks to be honest. I simply have no reason to get these helmets if there isn't any gain. Is there a problem with me having a 5% longer power duration if the other players have chosen to turn off the stats? No, absolutely not. It's completely their choice. I understand You wanting to level the playingfield, but this is the wrong way of doing it. Denying some players something they want or giving all the players a free choice is a no-brainer for me. I simply can't see why You're doing this?   
    The fourth comment will just be to show my excitement of all the things coming; Water Frame (surprised me, but made me more happy than most other frames released recently), Vor's Prize has been in the cards for some time, just looking forward to seeing it, Hek (YES) and finally: melee 2.0/8.0. Mainly because it will be update (lucky) 13 and will (hopefully) change the game drastically for the better.

    Keep up the good work DE!  

  9. Once upon a time DE said something about the polarities having something to do with lore. Don't whether that has influenced the amount (or lack thereof) of D-polarities. However, it would be nice to actually see all polarities being important in modding towards the end-game. I have a D-polarity on my Akbolto but nothing to put there since it's only Frost dmg or status chance, and they're nowhere as important as the rest. All in all the mods need to be streamlined (!) more. I hope some of the mods will be more viable in the future, right now it's almost the same mods over and over. Only difference is elemental mods versus different factions and Crit mods on weapons with high Crit dmg/chance.  

  10. If Frost hadn't been changed you wouldn't have a problem. Just saying...

    Interception and Survival both need a system so that players are matched with equally experienced players or the option to tweak the difficulty. I am quite tired of being forced to leave a Survival after 15 minutes when soloing further wouldn't be a problem. Also, it's not a great feeling you have when accidentally forcing lower leveled players to stay. It works both ways (at least in Survival).

  11. An update to the whole customization-system would be awesome, especially since new colours, skins, helmets etc. are to be released. Other things like seeing what colour I currently have selected, changing lighting in the room and the like would also be great. It can be quite daunting to re-colour a frame when there are so many colours that look alike or if there's a colour you like for the legs but looks awful on your helmet. 

  12. Primed Warframes have always just been a re-skin and the Excal Prime is no different. Even some of us founders have to accept the fact that there are weapons we'll never get if we weren't in closed beta. For me personally the closed beta players deserve exclusive rewards because they helped DE make this game, just like us founders deserve something for "kickstarting" Warframe and just how everybody in open beta well get something when the game gets fully released (if you haven't already).


  13. As an older player I love seeing changes and additions like these, now people who either didn't play Warframe or were too busy during Gradivus get another chance. These bosses are fun to fight and anything new and exciting (which also helps newer players) has my support. Just because I don't have any need to fight them doesn't mean I hate it. I've never played a game of conclave but do I want it removed? No, it gives something to people who want a conclave which in turn means a better game. More players can make a game better.  

  14. Inb4 more stealth. 


    I would love getting a sniper sentinel, Dijin (spelling) is quite different and weird so I always just smack the vacuum on.


    Something else Warframe needs; more planets (expanded star-chart). Though I would prefer some other fixes before new planets (early-game, late-game). Maybe a new mod-system for more variety? 

  15. In the next hotfix these dots will disable when the skill is in cooldown as well.

    Please let me disable them permanently. I've never used the mouse for powers and those small dots are annoying as hell when I focus on my cross-air. As others have already pointed out; an option to remove, re-scale and re-position all the pieces of the HUD would be optimal (colour, size, basically everything)

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