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Posts posted by Gilmaesh

  1. i like the kuva because i hate farming for it, rivens, credits since i don't do darksector/index or raids. I sell sometimes primed mods so endo/ayatan are ok but defenitly on the bottom list for me. Reactor/catalysts same don't really need them, though i don't mind the catalyst/exilus. Forma i still have 190 bp and 70 crafted from old void so it's probably last on my list for now with boosters.

    i don't expect the legendary core but when it drop it's always nice (got one last week, my 3rd i think)

    I did sortie again after some months hiatus and for now rewards are pretty balanced. I don't have ayatan chain dropping like some players can experience.

  2. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    what people don't seem to realize is that even though Warframe didn't win, this is still a huge deal in terms of publicity.

    Exactly. Just for the fact that some players may start warframe because of this is already a big win.

  3. Or make mining/fishing/whips share between players and make the bounty reward an actual drop. It will help with afks and players could optimize ressources gathering in the plain (you rarely need everyone to do a bounty anyway). 

  4. 1 hour ago, Jukantos said:

     while on the other hand i need to mine for AGES hoping i run into blue veins and then hoping for sentirum and nyth, which i need 30 of for the "arcane" sets.

    The amount is insane, you need to find 90 since you need 3 to build a perfect one and each arcane need 3 perfect ones (or iam doing something wrong). I guess it's a platinium sink for vet but still... and this guy is right about the ressources disparity, i never liked the feeling of stockpilling a ressource without proper ressource sinks.

    Other than that, i feel bounty wise, ressources like mining/fishing or whips should be shared and bounty should drop a reward to help with the afks and players who let others do the bounties for them while they gather ressources.  

  5. Best is when you have the prisoner bounty and it goes to the afk guy 1.5km away. Nice DE, punishing people playing...

    A lot of people also search for whips or mine / fish. My solution would be that those would be share to the group, that way people who actually like to do those things contribute to the whole party. Because at the moment they get the bounty rewards for free + their own loot.

    And i would make the bounty reward a drop that you have to collect. 

  6. Staggers are fine with me, quick thinking has saved me a lot of time.

    I roll/can escape when not facing too many mobs or it gives enough times for other tennos to kill the ennemies that are attacking me or heal me. The only few times i get downed with quick thinking is usually when i find myself alone from the squad which is my fault or when mobs are too high lvl to counter the damages (but that's more a scaling problem).

  7. Only banshee soundquake for me, but i don't really blame the players, it's more DE fault for releasing it in the first place. I remember it was added after messa got a small rework i think, changing the afk turret bot that she was, and they released something that did exactly the same, DE logic, priceless as always. Also maybe Limbo, since the rework i've seen him a bit more often, but it seems less and less again.

    i tried to quickly show the game to someone recently, went into a def 2 time, 2 time there was a quake banshee and my friend was asking me, so what are you supposed to do, that's boring no? No worries, let's try interception, same... ok last chance, survival and a frigging Limbo shows up. Went solo, but kinda missed the point of showing coop gameplay...That was embarrassing. Closed the game and went for a good old killing floor 2, always a success. I was unlucky to have been teamed with them but at least he got to see real warframe gameplay.

  8. Afk/leech mostly

    The few players that were annoying in trade chat but since my trades are usually fast, with prices announced beforehand, there isn't much place for drama.

    some trolls (loki/limbo/valkyr/nova/vauban) back in the days but it's super rare now, even limbo

    i don't ignore for bad gameplay or even being rude in chat, as long as they play it's ok.

  9. Just here to say thanks. I'm a T boltace user (formaed a few time/ great focus lens on it) and i will probably lose a few plats on all the maiming strike i have but i don't care, you are doing the right thing.

    Now i hope it's just the beginning, you still have some work to do on a few obvious abilities / focus.

    edit : And as others have said, make some changes with the self damage mechanics, like adding knock down + limited damage or a mechanic à la Killing floor instead of being one shotted.

  10. Same problem, all the rewards are wrong. there was a scindo reward and a ash bp for ducats, instead i got craps.

    I could see the bug because i saw a forma bp in end mission screen and i never choose forma, got ton of them already. 

  11. They do the job, in pug people stay for 15-40min/waves, which is enough for me. Sure you open lots of relics but you also gain some from rewards on top of the prime parts.

     Would be nice to be able to choose the booster, have the bonus every 20 waves/mins instead of 25, reduce timers a bit, increase the reactant drops in the begining if you join mid game. Also give survivals/excavations a leave/stay option, with the pause system, no more reason to not have it.

  12. 15 hours ago, hazerddex said:

    de has announced they are ending the endless endo :D

    • There will be a change in place for Sortie rewards that will reduce the chance of you getting Endo more than twice in a row

    I literally got only endo everyday since TWW update, that was ridiculous. It doesn't really end endo in sortie but i guess it's better than anything...

  13. thanks

    good thing for the trading of spoiler things

    edit : can you make a weekly mission from teshin that reward the new spoiler thing like ayatan sculpture with maroo, also it would be nice to be able to get the new resources from another place, like caches or something. 


  14. First, let me say that i'm ok with those mods(good endo/credits sink) and the random stats part in general, i was not ok the way you introduced them (trade mayhem, balance out the window) . After reading this I still have questions.

    Why the new resource? The increased reroll cost could have been one way to deal with our existing resources. Most of them have been useless for quite sometime now and it's about time you give them some endgame sink. This is the problem every time you create a new resource, you negate the time invested in the game. 

    Well i know why the new resource, cause it's tied to the second question, why are you forcing us to play the operator to have the new resource. This is so un intuitive that the game literally have to tell you what to do.(press 5 blablabla). Archwing have been kept from being merged too much, but operator stuff is already tied to your biggest endgame content sink? I play for the warframe, not the operator.

    It's ok to make the mods rare, with random stats, even the veiled mechanic. But adding a new resource to grind with the operator really bother me.

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