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Posts posted by Hogfather

  1. remember back in the day they did damage to health as well, potentially 1-shotting new players? but yea, they're annoying. if you ask me, they should just stagger instead of completely knocking down, and the stagger should, like others said, push the player clear of the beams.

    Those were fun days.

  2. Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know when this happened or how but it is infuriating! I understand that when you walk/run into laser doors they knock you down. This I am fine with. Why can we no longer ninja are way through them? Don't ninja's play free? How can we do this if we have to use revives when we try to go through a door and SURPRISE you have now lost some shields and are knocked down. What's that you want to stand up in the shields (because when a ninja stands up they lose all ninjaness)? DOUBLE SURPRISE!!!!! Took all your shileds this time and you're back on the ground. Had enough? (Ninja stands up in response) HAT TRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by this time you have recieved enough enemy fire and you're dead :(


    I propose a different idea. To go along with stealth and hacking alertness levels How about this; Alert level 4 is no lasers (except when camera sees you). Alert level 3 has lasers applied all the time (slide through allowed). Alert level 2 has more laser beams, when camera sees you (meaning no space to slide through and do more damage). Alert level 1 lasers become a solid wall of laser that is impassable until you hack the alert level. This is essentially a room lockdown, meaning that you are stuck in this room and your tenno powers cannot affect things outside of this room (no more slash dash to win). Of course Corpus can walk through these lasers and the lower the alert level the more enemies spawn.




    Lasers are now just death traps. Why can I no longer slide through them?

  3. But the reason Berserker is especially dangerous is because of her Warframe. She doesn't need to be physically fit just like Nekros doesn't need to look like he's healthy in order to sprint across a map.

    This is true. But, unless I am mistaken, it was said that she was captured and experimented on. The corpus cut her armor (correct me if I am wrong, this is my understanding so far) meaning she doesn't have her full frame (if any still) to help enhance her physical prowess.

  4. For as many people who are bothered by her size there are others who are trying to defend why she's so tiny, and I find that a bit ridiculous because of how reactions would have been if the gender was changed to male.

    I'm not bothered by her size. I just want her body to look proportional. Right now her shoulders and upper arms look a little lacking. If you look at other frames' arms compared with the rest of their body they fit (at least to me).

  5. For the lack of ability what I think she should get a passive aura just for her. A regenerative aura that heals her gradually over time and can be buffed with rejuvinate. Or better yet give her a vampire ability to make up for the fact that she will be taking the most damage.


    Power 1: Sheild Bash: I do enjoy the sheild bash idea. Im ok with that. And agree with OP that it shouldn't cost energy (losing sheilds is a high price to pay).


    Power 2: Predator Reflexes (?): Passive that increases her dodge chance every health point she loses To a max of 75%(?) dogde. To help make her more viable in melee. The more she is damage the more frenzied she becomes allowing her to dodge knockdowns and bullets?


    Power 3: Frenzy:  I feel she needs some preditorial ability to increase movement speed. But I don't know what it should be. Another passive maybe? Scoring successive melee hits increase attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 5% (Stacks 5? times?)


    Power 4: Last Stand (<- not the best name, but oh well) 125 energy: Keep with the whole Melee only. I like the switch to claws (and I would like to see those whips used? Give her some distance attacks for the charge?) This would also have to buff her dodge chance, give a significant speed boost and grant life drain.



    There that's my two cents. But going by those abilities the only one that would cost energy would be her ult. I think that makes sense though. It would have to be a hefty price but if that's the only energy costing ability I'm OK with that.

  6. I agree with you that the collar needs to go. It makes her look silly, when she should have some elegance. Where I don't agree with your critisism is on the upper body mass. Yes she should have a little more there but it doesn't have to be Rhino level. I imagine her as a really fast frame first and then strong. I would rather see marathon runner muscles than body builder ones. Her arms should match her legs.

  7. What do we have to look forward to for lore? Warframe is awesome and I still enjoy killing endless waves of clones, drones, and zombies, but I am still left wanting more.


    When are we going to learn more about the Lotus? Is the Lotus a group of people and our magical voice just one person in a secret cult? Where do these orders come from? Why must we kill all Grineer?


    What are the plans of the Grineer and why are they so bad that we must kill them? Who are these so called "Queens" we have heard about?


    What's the story behind the Corpus? Are they only a trade company out to win it all or what?


    Who are the sentients? Did they create the infestid by accident?


    Where is the hive mind of the infestid?


    Just a couple questions on lore. Can't wait to hear what's coming up after Friday

  8. I'd love to fuse Ember's World on Fire with Nova's Molecular Prime.


    Run around with a 40 meter AoE of anti-matter infused fire that burns the enemy and then the flames cover them with anti-matter, slowing them down and doing 2x damage while burning them causing them to explode due to the DoT from the fire now doing 800 damage due to 2x and the 3 person limit would be gone.


    lol..... But you take all the fun out of shooting them?

  9. They could have this transmutation done in the dojo labs???? Infestid lab makes sense to me. lol. But instead of fusing Waframes I would fuse abilities. So if you wanted to Vaubans's tesla with Embers fireball = A flamethrower grenade that either frame can use? Or maybe Fuse two teslas and one fireball to give Vauban a grenade flamethrower OR two fireballs and one tesla = a fireball that pulses heat waves? (Just thought of Two fireball and one shock = a bouncing fireball?)

  10. This is a scary idea (OP). The corruption mods allow for more diverse builds and play styles (well right now they just super power your frame at a sleight dissadvantage) But really the only really annoying "disadvantage is less power efficient. Less duration makes Nyx's ultimate actually useful and fun to play (no more just sitting for half a minute doing nothing). I personally am trying to shrink Frosts snow globe so I can place personal sheilds around the map that last forever. And more range at the price of power is an intelligent trade off.

  11. Regular Streamline gives 30% and the new corrupted mod (Fleeting Expertise) gives 60% and the Essence Helmet for Loki gives 15%


    How do these stack with eachother. Does the Efficiency cap out at a certain level?

  12. And when you don't want it to place it, and it's going around doing it... that would be annoying as hell. 

    I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here, but here goes. If we ourselves are choosing the spot where the traps are set then why would the sentinel be placing these traps on its own? The alternative to this idea is to have the sentinel in its all knowing creative programing (as we have clearly seen from Gary?) to place them where it feels <- Clearly this is not the choice we want. So I dont see why choosing another key to bind is a bad idea? There are many things I don't use that I can switch the binding for. Say in voice game chat? Most people use a different programe to chat or type. Or say blocking? Up until the blocking mods came out the majority of people didn't even know that blocking was a thing. That is two possible solutions to my (your) problem. Where this will become a hassel is for the console users having a limited amount of buttons on their controlers.



    Too many issues to list....

    I am fully aware that there are many problems with this idea. But we will never know unless it is implemented into the game and we try it out. If DE implemented this sentinel today I have a feeling it will be just as decent as the Djinn, which needed testing (now done) and will be fixed in due time.

  13. My warlord brought to mind my other sentinel idea. A MELEE SENTINEL!!!!!

    So it would most likely have a short range melee weapon (I would assume high crit chance, but only single target) and I would consider a damage reduction or prevention ability similar to Rhino's Iron Skin.


    So I would give it an in game radius of 20 meters where it just flys around you and anything that comes in that radius better beware! lol. As for its ability I would give it a damage absorption of 150/ rank (900 max). When this runs out it would come back to you and wait till (cool down time of 30 sec with -2/rank, 20sec at max?) it could use the ability again?

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