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Posts posted by Hogfather

  1. So I just started playing update 9 and am so far happy with most of the new things. Also kudos to the new UI and planet graphics DEVs! So far the only complaint I have is on the implementation of the Warframe Auras. I had been ready and accepting that they would now take warframe mod points. What annoys me is the that you (the DEVs) chose the slot for each warframe for us (the players). Bad move. It should have come in as an empty slot so we could choose any of the auras and see what works for the frames we play and how we have modded them. Now we are forced to forma the slot or suffer a penalty to mod space.


    DEVs Please please please think about changing this

  2. I can understand your frustration as well but there have been times where the RNG has been benificial and times where it was a long haul. It took me 8 hours of continuous farming to get just the Trinity systems. And then after I had her and wanted to get ash it took only about 5 runs till I had all of ash. (please don't hate me for getting ash so quickly)

  3. Actually I couldn't do anything after I fell face first into the ground. I had to abort the mission. It was like when vortex glitches enemies and sends them to a parallel universe, except I wasn't loosing heath or shields. I was just stuck where I had disappeared watching enemies swarm around one spot swinging madly


    I am continuing to run Tyl Regor and am using link all the time. So if it happens again I'll post more pics

  4. I was killing Regor with trinity and he slash dashed through my link and this happened




    Followed by this




    I was knocked to the ground and lost all control of my frame. It then disappeared and I was able to see all enemies and containers as if I had thief's wit and enemy radar. Don't know what happened but hope this gets fixed :)



  5. Hotfix

    - Fixed issues with Decoy’s ability to distract enemies. The current design is that the AI will give up trying to kill a decoy they cannot reach or damage.


    Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much DEVs!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the best!


    And to everyone saying that Loki/Decoy sucks. It's a lot better than it was after that little misshap. Before it couldn't even aggro enemies 14 meters away. Now it will aggro the enemies the only difference is that the enemies won't stand there dumbfounded when they can't reach it. MEANING smarter enemies. MEANING more creative combat. I am completely ok with how this skill has been changed

  6. I was on the forums earlier and I came accross this post. Loki was my starting frame and the frame I find most enjoyable.


    Loki's Switch teleport has been nerfed to the ground. Radial Disarm is worthless as crap, and now you have made Decoy a complete piece of crap skill to use. Please don't touch invisibility... I don't know why you are running some warframes into the ground, but please stop. Please focus on making them stronger and not a piece of crap... I swore you said you were going to go back and make frames better... soft nerfing their abilities is NOT making them better.

    Also an explaination of why you nerfed decoy would be nice.

    PS: I speak for a lot of people when I say, we are tired of this S#&$ where hotfix nerfs are being done that aren't being stated in the patch/hotfix notes. It's really underhanded and is ruining the game for those that notice.

    here is the full post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/59529-im-begging-you-de/


    The first conclusion I came to was that this is most likely a bug. I tested the decoy on Io, Jupiter. I don't know what Smith0rz meant by the ST and RD nerfs. But here are my findings with the Decoy:


    This is how far the decoy was from an enemy: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150844612

    Here is the enemy not being aggroed to my decoy: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150844641


    Here are a couple others without distances:






    I hope this is being looked into because without that aggro what is the point of Decoy?


    If you have any info on how/what is happening here I would appreciate it.


                                TL;DR What happened to Loki's Decoy?




  7. As an avid Loki player this concerns me. I have put a lot of time into Loki and if it is true that his abilities have been nerfed on purpose, I would like to see what was changed (and maybe a reason as to why?) instead of finding out the hard way and wasting a revive. If it happens to be a bug DE please look into it as soon as possible. But to cover yourselves in the future communication is key. Keeping us informed of what is happening will help moderate frustation and harsh feelings. In closing I think you do a fabulous job DERebecca, props to you!


    May 21st @ 2:00 PM EST UPDATE:

    The following changes are being made:

    1) He will now again have full invulnerability, but up to a damage (d) cap of: 200 d, 400 d, 600 d, and 800 d based on mod rank.  Thoughts?

    2) He now aggro's enemies to draw fire by using Iron Skin, as enemies now see him as a big threat!


    Expect these in an upcoming Update.

    My question is this: does this replace the current way the mod works or will you be adding it to the damage reduction? So with the update when Iron Skin is used he will be invulnerable for the first X damage and then after that is eaten up for the rest of the duration he has the up to 80% damage reduction?

  9. I haven't played Dark Sector but it has peaked my interest. But ever since I have looked into Dark Sector I've gotten a thought stuck in my head. Someone asked if Hayden would ever make an appearence in Warframe. This put the idea that maybe he already has appeared in Warframe? Maybe he is that sneaky??? If he was the first tenno how would he feel about the Lotus? I can't shake the feeling that he is the person trying to thwart her plans and kill her warriors.

  10. I don't think the disruptor is op. Personally I enjoy taking on a group of 3 disruptors 2 toxics and a healer now. The only thing imo that should be fixed for the ancients is their "lock-on" attack that can still hit you even if you are invisible (whether it's ghost or Loki's invisibility, and I've heard the same for Ash but I can't confirm because I don't have him)

  11. Does your primary weapon have the same specs because i hovered on mine and it showed 140 dmg and my primary is Hek so it must just show your primary weapon stats

    I noticed this as well. And I tested it with different primary weapons. As far as I can tell it is showing you your primary weapon stats.

  12. I'm seriously about to leave any game I see a Vauban in.  All of his spells are uncessarily bright, and they also have extremely annoying mechanics that for some ridiculous reason not only effect enemies, but also effect other players. 


    For instance, that stupid vacuum crap.  If two are placed, you can't even run away from them.  As if one being placed moving you and screwing your aim up isn't enough.

    Also, why do half his skills seem to blur my screen to the point that I can hardly see?  I'm entirely sick of every other person playing one throwing 50 of those dumbass zappy grenades onto me which for some reason stay stuck to me for a ridiculous amount of time and are so bright I can't even see what my crosshair is on.

    TL;DR:  Vauban is annoying as hell.  Tone down his graphics, and make his annoying mechanics not effect other players.  Also, stop making useless skills like that jump elevator thing, or give them a purpose.

    Vaubans skills may be annoying in a graphics way and I do agree that can be turned down (I haven't had many problems but I have turned off most of the graphics options) but DON"T ask to change his uniqueness! There are no other frames yet to be as versitile as him. That sticky grenade is a big help for a tank. Tank can't do enough damage to kill all the mobs surrounding him? No problem! Vauban throws on some grenades and BOOM! Now he is not only smacking the ground and knocking everything down but there is lightning flying off him and helping to deal with everything.


    All in all please don't ask to take away creativity and versatility from the gameplay

  13. A thought just occured to me. We have a sentinel that does damage (well is supposed to do some damage as of right now wyrm is not very helpfull imo), and on that helps protect you. Maybe the deathcube will be a sentinel to help keep you alive with skills that regenerate health and energy? I can only hope. But on the other hand maybe DE could look into developing a couple more mods for the sentinels to use in place of Guardian and regen? Like the above mentioned, introduce two other mods that can be installed into any sentinel to regenerate health or energy over time?

  14. Is this a bug or did the distance from enemies to you before your shade cloaks you get shortened? Also I was hiding by a door where the enemy couldn't see me but I could see it (thank you 3rd person view) and I didn't cloak until it came through the door (right beside me, almost walked into me). That one didn't see me so I dispatched it quickly but there was another one maybe 20 meters on the other side of the door walking toward me so I sat and hid around the corner untill I should have cloaked. Assuming I was going to cloak I walked out behind it and didn't cloak.... The ancient healer turned around and saw me (still not cloaking....) and threw his arm spike at me....


    I am really confused. Before update 7.11.0 I would cloak all the time and had no problem running around having fun? All I want to know is what happened? I don't remember reading anything in the updates about the Shade. Did I miss something or is this a bug?


     Thank you for your help.

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