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Posts posted by -Oni-Bushido-

  1. Whenever I play as Rhino, my main objective in any mission is to achieve the highest armor value having this 2 augments equipped: ironclad charge and iron shrapnel. the rest of the mission I can do it with my weapons and knowledge experience.

  2. Why would I invest credits and endo (and ducats) on those bane mods when a riven can do it aswell? No excuse for bringing those mods in such a "special" day. Also, I agree with the guy saying that pistol builds are quite tight to try and add those mods


  3. hace 3 minutos, LSG501 dijo:

    Could be wrong but the operator 'horn' is new (not that I'll be buying that...)

    Are you on about the liset skin being an old cosmetic reward because I've never seen it mentioned in the liset skins on wiki.

    Yeah can't say I'll likely be using the faction mods either but grabbed them anyway even if I do feel they might need to maybe 'adjust' the pricing a little here and there on some things.

    the old event reward is the harkonar wraith syandana, whic belongs to the same event which brought us the ignis wraith.


    I expected better items for a 100th visit (new weapons, relics with maybe akvasto prime or akjagara prime...)

  4. Hello. I don't know where to post this, so I'll try here:

    Since my return from holidays, I have a lotus message regarding to the ghoul activity which I delete every single time, but when I open the inbox again, it appears . Can you please delete it for me? thank you in advance, and I hope it doesn't give much problems.

    Cheers for this game. 3500 hours and I'm still enjoying your mechanics and epic moments. Thank you

  5. I've been thinking about this idea for a few days and I thought: Why not suggest it and know what people think about it?

    Furthermore, different types of grenades to choose in loadout. Wouldn't it be nice to choose an emp grenade for corpus, a trap grenade for infested, and of course,
    HE grenades (I don't know how damage would be calculated, so I prefer choosing utility grenades instead of explosives).


  6. No, just the ones with Vauban, Akstiletto and Fragor Prime. Ember, Loki and frost relics will still be farmeable until the April the 4th (if nothing has changed). Keep on farming those relics while you can!

  7. Hi all, I'd like to share an idea I had and hopefully reaches devs one day. When we got on our hands the dual kamas prime I thought: What if I wanted a single Kama and play with a machete? Or recently the Akbolto Prime; I still like running with just 1 Bolto (specially after this buffs). So here's the deal:

    Prisma Bolto, Prisma Kama, etc.

    Thanks for reading. Opinions and thoughts are welcome

  8. Hi, after having my clan increased and the dojo expanded, a mate installed the "obstacles race" room, but I've seen something weird. the worldwide top scores. What's that!! 0.01 seconds, etc..

    Another issue I've encountered with is that our personal scores don't remain in our board.

    I hope seeing some love on this topic. thank you

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