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Posts posted by Dagnie

  1. I will be disappointed if you don't have a mohawk of fire on Ember Prime. :P

    On a more serious note, how would I make a 2d pattern for Oberon like you did for Nova, Saryn, Ember and Mirage?

    O, I plan to have the helmets for all cosplays I do lel. A lot of people, i noticed, got confused in the chat and thought the Saryn suit was just gonna be what they saw, but like... I plan to go all out and have every bit on all of these. Helmets and armor bits definitely included. c:

    I'd look up shirt/tunic patterns and legging/pant patterns on google. You take those into photoshop, size them to your measurements, grab a S#&$load of reference pictures, and start drawing out your fabric pattern. c:

  2. Now that I've seen the finished product I have to say-



    A damn fine job. An awesome, vandalprimewraith tier good job.

    Oh gosh thank you, but it isn't even nearly close to done! >//3//<

    I still gotta make the thigh piece, finish/seal/paint the shoulders, make the belt piece, and make the entire helmet! Plus install a zipper in the suit and finish sewing the gloves together. c:

    It'll be a few months until this bad boy is a finished product > u<

  3. Commissions are a little more complex than just get measurements, set a deadline, etc.


    I have to pattern it all out, make the fabric design from scratch since I don't already have a completed file for him. Plus, sewing, trying to find a ride to get zippers/thread/etc, and having to take time out of my day for several weeks to do everything when I'm already working on both moving and trying to find a job and take driving lessons.

    Commissions are a bit more than I'm able to do right now, I'm afraid. I really am sorry. :c

  4. Do you think that I would be able to pull off an Oberon with this technique? I want to cosplay him but on a budget.


    Excalibur can definitely be done pretty simply with this technique, since he's pretty flat/smooth/armor-less all around for the most part.


    But I'm not really sure about Oberon. He would take a bit more work since he has pieces that come off him and/or parts of his suit that drape down. (like the front bit)

    Meanwhile, the edges aren't just a flat hem but rather have a bit of life to them. Which might mean some eva foam carving for sealing edges.



    I think that because Oberon is not going to be able to be done on just one bodysuit, it might be a little more difficult than just a basic pattern. Which means it'll take more fabric.

    But it's definitely doable. If you do a tunic shirt with long sleeves and a high neck, and waist-high leggings for the legs, it should be doable in this method.

    The hip pieces should be carved out of perhaps an eva foam or upholstry foam and sealed, just for ease, and I'd do the gloves as just separate leather gloves since the parts going over the hands make them separate from the suit.


    This costume (Oberon) would still probably cost a couple hundred dollars for you to make and honestly, the fabric printing is definitely not the cheapest route if you're wanting to make him on a budget. (The fabric tends to be pricey since it's $40-ish per yard)

    But he is definitely doable in this method. c:


    SO, he is definitely able to be made with this method.

    But maybe not so much on a budget.

  5. I know Saryn isn't done, but I suggest Mesa!

    Oh, trust me, the moment I saw Mesa, I was like

    "I'm making this. I AM MAKING THIS."


    I proceeded to text my friends, actually, her picture when the announcement email was sent of her like




  6. Woah, so many replies!! This thread blew up overnight, where is everyone coming from? o//A//o!!

    Thank you thank you thank you everyone!!



    This is unbelievable. I'm out of words. I'm out of breath. Are you coming to TennoLive 2015?!

    So much amazingness. I can't even.


    Did you apply for an invitation?


    You totally should have applied for an invitation!


    Or ask the Dev's super nicely to be on stage in your final costume!


    Ohhh, I so so so wish I could go to TennoLive, but PAX East is on the otherside of the map for me. I live in Washington. ; 3;


    I'll definitely be wearing this to PAX Prime and possibly PAX South, if plans to move to Texas go through.

    But unfortunately PAX East is out of reach for me. I'm too poor to afford plane tickets when I dont even have a job right now rofl. Maybe somedayyyyyy.


    By the time I'll be able to ever go to a TennoLive event, I'll probably have Mirage, Nova, Mesa, Ember Prime, and Ember done. Who knows who else? Those gals are just my next immediate Warframe plans LOL




    Holy. Freakin. Gawd.


    Daaayyyymmmmm gurl. That looks absolutely incredible! (the suit is nice, too!)


    lol srsly. epic job. Saryn fav female frame. Love it.


    What is the process? How do you get saryn textures onto fabric like that? send away to some kindof silkscreening shop? how... I don't understand. but its cool as hell and you've got skillz. respect.




    What I actually have to do is make the graphics/pattern in Photoshop completely. It's printed onto the fabric, but they will only print exactly what I give them.

    So, I have to make sure my pattern is exactly how I want it and that everything lines up beforehand. I also have to make sure I size it perfectly, because they only print it off exactly how it's given to them. It's like going to Kinkos, but with fabric LOL.


    For example, these have been stitched and put together, with major help from reference photos, into the bodysuit pattern template I've been tampering with over the past couple of years.




    Once the pattern is done, I just have to size it with my sizing file (which is literally just a file where i can quickly size it to my own size rofl), place it on the yardage template I have, and align it how I want it to appear on the fabric. Then just send it off to be printed! C:


    The only reason these ones haven't been printed yet is because I'm 2poor to do it right now. But somedayyyy they'll get printed. (Between you and me, I'm especially excited for Mirage. She's become my main babu.)


    In reality, I could use my in-game color selection for these suits. I just have been choosing to do the main/original colors because I feel like it's what most people would recognize. c:


    Lemme know if you have any other questions. Sorry for rambling, I tend to ramble like hell when I explain things.

  7. Yoyoyo so, anyone by chance working on/planning on doing any Warframe cosplays for PAX Prime at the end of the year?


    Maybe we can have a meetup or do a photoshoot or something if so! C:

    (I wanna meet other Warframe cosplayers so bad since it'd be rad rofllll)

  8. I was gonna take pics of the suit on with a corset but I couldn't find my corset and I already had the leg portion of the suit on, so I was like "screw it, I'm just gonna take cliche selfies since I already have this thing halfway on anyway."


    So here, random saryn suit selfies.

    inb4 lighting making my hair look bright yellow instead of blonde lel







  9. Just putting this out there: I am fully supportive of people cosplaying whom- or whatever they want to, my statement of:


    was merely my interpretation of someone else's statement. 


    I wasn't saying that Dagnie couldn't cosplay Saryn if she didn't have her exact body type. 


    A lot of people seem to have misinterpreted me. 

    I didn't see it as you saying I had to have the exact bodytype at all. c:

    I saw it as you correcting me on possibly misunderstanding a comment.


    You're fiiiine, don't worry.

    Alls y'all's are fine. c:




    And thank you everyoneee for the support and for following along with this build~!! > 3<

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