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Posts posted by Dagnie

  1. Dual Kamas DE just got one a few Devstreams ago.

    My first frame (other than default) was Saryn, Boltor or and Dual Kamas. But you can also look into weapons that match the plague theme Mire, embolist, Torrid. Synapse, etc.

    Plus she's using Kama in her codex. But I'm biased, I prefer the dual look over 2handed.

    As to the people who claim I'm perverted:

    Your mind went there so don't act high and mighty. Plus its not "perverted" anyway, even like you assume its about body, that's not perverted.


    I just like how hard-hitting my Galatine is.

    I don't generally use my melee all too much, especially these days since my main is now Mirage. It's just nice to be able to, in a bind, hit once and everyone's ded. c:

    I rely on my boltor and powers above all. (Powers especially when I'm using Mirage)


    wut can i say?

    i'm attached to using the same loadout over and over LOLLL




    As for the perverted thing:

    Don't worry, there definitely has been some raunchier comments in this thread pffft.

    I didn't take it as anything but asking about weapons, obv. But even if it had been perverse, I guarantee worse has been said/asked.

    Like something about basically implying Saryn's a dominatrix of some kind/sex symbol and people tryna make sure I have the right body/appearance/etc to pull her off. Something about burlesque stuff somewhere in this thread too?

    I-I don't even know, man.

    But the perverts have already come long ago and left me a little worried about how the final product will be perceived.


    Especially in person.

    When people realize I'm a 5ft tall Saryn who kind of looks 10 when I have no helmet.

    Rather than 5'7 bombshell status.

    Y'all's are gonna be super disappointed if you expected some gorgeous model/walking sex symbol to be under that helmet, I'm throwing that out there now. And I already know at least one or two people who have posted in the past who will be disappointed about that fact ROFL.

  2. You've got me wanting to do this for a Valkyr cosplay. Great work!


    OH, second response to this because I have an important note for anyone deciding to use this route!


    Be careful to make sure that the file is lighter than you expect it to be, because it will print darker. They may show the proof as looking perfect, but it doesn't always turn out that way! Especially darker colors.

    And if your print does get messed up, don't feel bad about telling them about it.


    This is how my Saryn fabric looked when I FIRST got it. Which is why it took so long to get the fabric: they had to reprint it because it printed WAY too dark. I was in tears over it when it first arrived. The entire damn thing was black!


    In the center is how the colors in the proof they sent me looked, which is supposed to be "how it looks when printed."



    So, be sure to lighten your files!!

  3. Looks awesome! That thing must be really tight tough, it's hugging your body really closely.


    Nah, it's actually at a really comfy level.

    It's a lycra bodysuit, so it's got a lot of stretch to it. Plus, since no zipper is installed yet, it's clipped in the back with some chip clips, so it's a bit snugger than it'll end up being. LOLLL


    It'll need to be snugger in the waist area especially, anyway, for when I wear the corset under it. c: Gotta fake them Saryn proportions somehow! (Since as short as I am, I definitely won't be getting it naturally. Woman's a freakin' amazon, I swear.)

  4. Sewed most of the suit.

    Sorry it's been taking so long - in the process of moving. But I had some free time and thought I'd at least sew majority of the suit.


    Zipper has not been installed and gloves aren't sewn yet.


    Here's some progress shots, without the craft foam for dimension, a corset, or proper bust attire. (Too lazy to switch out of sports bra, so super pettanko Saryn wip pics incoming. Pls pardon visible sports bra band.)

    Do not worryyyyyyyyyy. I'll make sure to have a better attempt at her proportions when I finish the cosplay lel. Right now is just trying on the suit and laziness.

    Plus I plan to get in better shape long before this will be debuted anyway.






  5. I'm actually workin on a few Warframe cosplays muhself.

    Main focus is Saryn currently, and then Mirage since she's my ultimate main c:




    Bodysuit fabric, ready to be sewn.




    Dat Stalker mask tho. Dayuuuum.

  6. Holy crap I forgot about this thing! And hell yeah to that revival! There's still a TON of cool work I've seen the community doing!

    pix pls, I've only managed to find older stuff

  7. Well shucks, that looks great. You don't even even have to use that much foam underneath to get raised details because the printing is so nice and shaded. Just a few key parts and it'll look fantastic.


    Of course, now you'll have to be very meticulous when painting the helmet to match the body :p


    Sub dye texture shading tends to fool a lot of people, luckily, even when printed out. Which is how I had a bunch of people asking me "how I got so fit" and pointing out "how toned i was" when I cosplayed Harley Quinn. (jokes on them, it was all shading printed on the suit bueheheheh I'm a flabby mofo!)


    I'll definitely need to get help from some of my artist friends on the helmet and shoulder/thigh parts. I'm not much of a painter myself, but I know some awesommmme painters irl c:

  8. How much did it cost to get that fabric done?


    I'm reeeeally short, so I was able to squeeze it onto $80 worth of fabric.


    Usually I hear of it costing double or double-and-a-half more, though, since it costs more when the main bodypiece has to be vertical instead of horizontal. Just a forewarning, since I've had a handful of friends complain to me about this method "not being as cheap when they did it" >n> so now i warn people lul

  9. Cosplay


    ALL the frames!

    I SHALL.

    OF THE GIRLS, AT LEAST, SINCE I cant really pull off the guys since I'm, like... 5ft tall.

    AND MAYBE NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE THAT RACKS UP AND ITS A lot of work preparing 3D models in blender and then putting it into Pepakura and unfolding it all and there's some weird shapes on Mirage's harlequin helmet and other armor pieces that I'm already concerned about, so I'm not sure how long it'll take to even unfold her files let alone everyone else's and trinity will be a nightmare, so will ember prime's pieces which obv cant really be pepped but y'know AT SOME POINT, I WILL COSPLAY ALL THE GIRLFRAMES!! AND FORCE MY GUY FRIENDS TO COSPLAY AS THE GUYFRAMES.

  10. 0d76C6x.jpg


    Working on more patterns for future stuff because I have problems and an obsession with this game.

    Ahhh, I really wanna make Mesa at some point, too, and like... every female Warframe character * 3*

    I wish I wasn't so poor so I could just be like





  11. I REALLY want to see these images, but it's showing up as invalid links for me!! :(


    Oh, no! Do any of these work?? ; 3;

    Uploaded using a different site.






    Wow! This is amazing!

    Although as a word of advice, in my experience, Plastidip doesn't turn out very well on foam. It's very delicate and tears off incredibly easily. If you plan on doing any masking for painting you'll find that even the lightest tape you can think of will just shred the coating. I had this happen on my Dual Skana, and it sort of ruined them. I would recommend a product called "Foam Coat". It basically gives foam a rock solid coating. It's a little on the pricy side, and it's not terribly easy to get, but you'll get enough to do an entire cosplay or two.


    Hmm, Foam Coat? I'll have to try it out! Sounds super useful for a lot of stuff! Thank you~! C:

  12. Have to admit im not thrilled to see all that body detail printed instead of embossed or sculpted, but should look cool anyway. Do you print on zentai suits or something?

    The boa looks good already.


    It's essentially like a printed zentai suit, yup.

    Unfortunately I'm super poor, jobless, and living in a tiny apartment. So I don't have a shop or anything to do any super fancy.

    I figure, for a budget costume, that printing would be the cheapest while still maintaining a decent look. ; u;

    The materials for body casting, clays, the moulding process, and other materials would be too great. D:


    So far it's been $61.50 for the suit fabric

    Abouuuuut $40 for the foam


    On the bright side, the flat look won't be permanent. Layering up craft foam underneath tight suits shows through and will get rid of some of the flat-looking details that shoul be raised. C:

  13. Since she's kind of a stupid-easy one to make, I also tossed together a pattern for Nova. Not sure when she will actually be made, since I'm more focused on getting Saryn (and then my main, Mirage) done.

    But if there's any interest in it, here's some peaksies at the Nova pattern. c:



  14. think you could upload your pep file somewhere?


    this makes me wanna finish my magnus pep


    Sure thing!

    I'll upload it after I pep it once to make sure everything works right.


    I'm also working on Mirage armor and helmet files, if anyone is interested. (Alternate/Harlequin helmet, not the original squidhead LOL.)

  15. aaaand followed the post >.> i wish to see more


    use her standard helmet :3 it's a lot prettier than the chlora or hemlock and more than likely easier to paint ^^ makes sure that after you fiberglass and bondo the helmet to seal the paint with CLEAR nail polish after painting! it'll keep the paint from chipping off the edges and preserve the paint/make it all shiney :3 and put khaki/white chiffon (as long as it matches the part with the horn) on the inside behind the slits where you see. you'll be able to see out but others won't be able to see in!


    I've never done a wf cosplay but I do work with resin and I have a friend that helps me so right now this is the best advice i can give you so far x3 good work on the foam sculpting!


    Keep up the good work!


    Just saw the update about the chiffon. That's ridiculously clever!

  16. aaaand followed the post >.> i wish to see more


    use her standard helmet :3 it's a lot prettier than the chlora or hemlock and more than likely easier to paint ^^ makes sure that after you fiberglass and bondo the helmet to seal the paint with CLEAR nail polish after painting! it'll keep the paint from chipping off the edges and preserve the paint/make it all shiney :3 


    I've never done a wf cosplay but I do work with resin and I have a friend that helps me so right now this is the best advice i can give you so far x3 good work on the foam sculpting!


    Will do! Thanks for the pointers~! >u<



    Following because go OP.


    Relevant question, are you male or female?  Just curious because even I have looked into a Saryn cosplay (being male.  As a Tenno nobody has to know who's under the suit.)


    I'm female!

    There's definitely an awesome male Saryn design if you want to cosplay her but not have to worry about faking boobs. c:


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