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Posts posted by Dagnie

  1. NOTE: Scroll to bottom of post for newest updates and pics of the sewn suit! :D




    Yo! Just thought I'd share that I'm working on a Saryn cosplay. c:


    It's super WIP right now. I'm still working on carving the shoulders into the shape I want them to be, so here's some rough wip images~

    Will update as I go.


    I started with a chunk of green foam for the organic looking shoulder pieces. The same will be used for the leg, possibly the belt. I drew them into the approximate shape, cut them out, and got carving. They'll be sealed with plastidip once they're to the shape and size I want. They're still a bit bulky right now.







    I made a simple pep file for the helmet, meanwhile. Though I'm still debating whether I want to use one of her alternate helmets or not.


    This'll be made out of cardstock, then fiberglassed and bondo'd over. c:


    What I'm most excited for is the suit. I decided on going with the classic/original colors for recognizability purposes. Plustheyrepretty. c:

    This is just the preview graphic i threw together for the pattern. Basically, it's going to be printed onto lycra. I felt like printing the pattern onto fabric would be the best way to ensure all details are captured in her suit. So I threw together and sized a pattern in photoshop~!




    Once the actual fabric arrives and I've got it sewn together, I'll show y'all's~


    Meanwhile, future projectssss, if y'all's can guess who they are.





    UPDATE 1:


    Muh fabric finally came!

    The pictures do really no justice since my phone camera is super pixelated and lighting is pretty bad rofl ;A;

    But I'm so excitedddd!


    Here's some super pixelated pics of the fabric laid out.

    Now to cut out and sew it...





    UPDATE 2:


    Sewed most of the suit.

    Sorry it's been taking so long - in the process of moving. But I had some free time and thought I'd at least sew majority of the suit.


    Zipper has not been installed and gloves aren't sewn yet.


    Here's some progress shots, without the craft foam for dimension, a corset, or proper bust attire. (Too lazy to switch out of sports bra, so super pettanko Saryn wip pics incoming. Pls pardon visible sports bra band.)

    Do not worryyyyyyyyyy. I'll make sure to have a better attempt at her proportions when I finish the cosplay lel. Right now is just trying on the suit and laziness.

    Plus I plan to get in better shape long before this will be debuted anyway.







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