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Posts posted by Galuf

  1. For Warframe, as always a new System/Tileset to explore, a new Warframe as well as a novelty system, it seems like it is mostly what we have each time.

    However, DE has hinted a new licence, The bald guy with a hairy face and a wooden desk said on stream that it would probably be in Beta in late 2022 back then(classic ^^), and I fully expect Tennocon to be about that for a good part. It's DE vitrine.

  2. I'd like a rebalance of endless content in a way that makes time less relevant. Imho disruption, void cascade and void flood are great, excavation is +- acceptable and the rest just is painfull to engage with.

    Defense missions are a big issues because because depending on the tileset the time it takes to clear a wave changes drastically

    Then there is the open world bounties wich is the pinnacle of bs imho where some steps are nice and require you to actively do stuff, while others are time gated with a timer OR arbitrary spawner crap

    The absolute worst are deimos vault bounties, it's time gate upon time gate ad nauseam while it is supposed to be an exciting activity, spelelunk gone horribly wrong.

    Circuit is imho very crappy too by design, everything except the void cascade part is gated in some capacity.

  3. Modular weapons are imho in a good spot, you can farm decent zaws and kitguns very early in an account life and those carry pretty hard during regular starchart, even can do some lich/sisters hunting with them. The circuit incarnons are extremly time intensive to grind, you have to make a selection each week and on top of all this, the mats are a chore to grind. I have 3 of them and haven't bothered looking for the mats, imho it's a complete disgrace that you have to farm abitrary crappy duviri mats for things that won't be used there  after loosing half your progress in bugged missions ^^'.

  4. Corpus eat imho pretty well. Yes crewmen and stuffs must have rations of some sorts but it's a vast empire with tons of civilians and hence everything is marketdriven, there must be every sort of food, and what soldier get also profit from that, the authorities just pick the best overall offer. Greeners are continuously degenerating clone soldiers. There is lot of forked content from greeners but not of them have been fully developped. No news from the queens since the kuva update for example. ^^. Yes I agree on the fact that they must eat very unexciting food, but it also probably depend on the planet there are in. They would not go out of they way to standardize crops from earth for example. For the space ships and space bases, I suspect they have some form of hydroponic stuffs that grows fast and gets refined easily into tasteless but nourishing rations. It is possible that greeners proteins come from cloned flesh, I don't think they'll got out their way to recycle dead soldiers into food, they seem too spiritual for that.

  5. In an universe at peace, I think the most usefull one would be Titania. Not only groves could produce crop, but it could also produce psychoactive products and flip the civilisation in an endless power flower era where robots handle kids and everything is about eating gluten free, getting high and making love to others or even yourself.

    So yeah, imho Titania is the goat.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't find a legitimate point nerfing yourself. I try to not play with adaptation when I can because it is less clearspeed, not because I find it too strong. Adapation is not thrilling when you factor in what you can slot instead already.

    Adapatation is a damage reduction mechanic that stack with some others. It has not the same value depending on the frame you're playing at all. For instance it stacks additively with mods and multiplicatively with frame powers. Gara with adaption is basically immortal(99% damage reduction from the mod + splinter storm) while Banshee needs it to solo end game. However even if Gara is insanely tanky with it, I don't play it because I've better things to put on it.

  7. Il y a 11 heures, -Sandman a dit :

    Mindset? It's math. Do it fast or do it slow, do it constantly or do it over an extended period; NONE of that changes the way a dice roll works. 

    Wrt to the "exact numbers on wiki", that was adequately addressed above by several posters. There is nothing exact in a random chance. These statements show a lack of fundamental understanding of statistics and probabilities. 

    I have a math degree actually. But anyway I'm done :). You're right anyway, there is a chance that you'll turn into a giant burning sun and obliterate the whole galaxy in your sleep.

  8. Il y a 6 heures, -Sandman a dit :

    Yeah i didn't explain it properly. I was denoting that it's a never a guarantee in that time, but rather that a statistically significant proportion of players will get it in that time, with some outliers taking much longer. The average will almost always match the probability, and the larger the number of attempts, the closer it will be to that figure, once the population is significant. It's totally possible for you to have bad rng and take "forever" "all" the time which is why RNG feels broken for some (aside from attentional bias towards unpleasant situations). Drop mechanics based on RNG are largely successful but sometimes I wonder why a hard upper cap isn't used. For what needs to have a low rate, the low rate will likely still encourage the unlucky persons to pay to skip; but at least a hard cap will reward the loyal.   

    You have the wrong mindset. I play a lot of path of exile wich has the same issues with everything in the game. And every league I get similar success despite all the variance there are in the game, because I'm fast and efficient, and not because I don't gamble because let met tell you I can do very ineficent gambles because I feel like doing them. The bad rng reasonning is not the good one, and outliers do not really exist in that sense. It is the fact about the rng entropy, at a point you get what you want. And playing the game properly(aka playing faster) makes you get things faster. You may be very unlucky on something but not on something else.

    I mean WF is so streamlined that you have the exact numbers on the wiki. So, let me tell you, if you have killed stalker 200 times and still not have you hate, you should start playing loto or will receive a surprise inheritance very soon, maybe you'll start walking on water too... I looted almost everything that had to be looted in the game, and the rare things I had issues looting was because I wasn't really trying, not because I was rng cursed of some sort.

  9. Il y a 5 heures, -Sandman a dit :

    Rng is Rng. You do realise that nearly guaranteed still means that at least 1 player in 10000 still wont get it in that time right? ... I have killed stalker countless times in my over 2000 hours in this game... that's just how random works

    Probabilities don't work like that. I had also 2K hours or so in warframe before getting it, and I got it after target farming. it is 161 kills for 1/10000 precisely. It is the same in every video game that relies on rng, at a point either you trust the entropy and minmax your slot machine or derp around, 100% of people die one day too.

  10. il y a 18 minutes, -Sandman a dit :

    Buckets of Dread and 1 Hate but no Despair for me after all these years.

    I farmed hate 1 month ago. Having despair should not take long, recruit 3 people for a stalker farm when void trader is selling beacons. If everybody buys a beacons, you generally have enough ducats to rince and repeat instantly meaning that you get a stalker every short mission. Lith exterminate or captures makes 2mn30ish missions, you get a lot of stalker in a very low amount of time. We got all the stalker drop table in roughly 30mn(hate droped last), maybe we got lucky, but looting despair should not take more than that(we got between 1 and 3 bps during the hate grind).

    According to the wiki it should take less than 1h on average getting it this way.

  11. OP makes a valid point. Saryn got an incidental nerf on her 4 with status reworks wich is a design issue. Followed by 2 pages of very out of topic rants.

    I read last week that discernment was a masculine trait.

  12. This with Saryn and Rhino are frames that should not change. Gara is not about melting glass, she summons glass and eventually can shatter some using a synegie between her 1 and her 4 that maybe 1 player out of 4 knows of...

    This frame is one of the most used at the high end(mr 28-29 min maxing vets) and it is for good reasons.

    However props for the idea of the melting concept wich can be a warframe idea, obsidian or something.

    • Like 1
  13. Il y a 1 heure, Nesodos a dit :

    Its still not a good idea to invest all your NW standing into aura mods. The market will saturate soon and a successful trade is never guaranteed

    About the free stuff statement: it is a very "north america" philosophy. Lurking for "money" opportunities is not something I do in life, and especially not in video game. For my standard it is a very degrading approach to life for serious things, in video games I find it particulary douchetarded and it is the aspect of warframe I hate the most, it cost me 3 weapons already.

    It is always a good idea investing in aura mods, there is a constant turnover in the game, SS is over since barely 2 monthes and people join missions without arcanes, half of them will buy some. It is not because something is easy/obvious grinding for that the price won't go up in not so distant future.

    BTW I don't do it, I do not micro trade anymore.

  14. tl;dr;

    When 10 stacks are reached, instead of replacing a status it should optimize the current stack(refreshing low duration, replacing a low dmg stack etc...)

    When a gas status is applied, it should take into consideration, at worst, the toxing dmg mods of the weapon like toxin does

    But in the end, I think everything comes down to statuses design as a whole. I explained on other threads how I think status should be streamlined in terms of damage, it is dumb that viral + armor cheating dots dominates universally. It is a real engineering issues, if statuses sux but are part of the gameplay the game can't be balanced properly. Warframe will never get a content rebalance if the tools at the disposal of the players are not balanced as well at first place. Start by balancing the tools then work on content. Every status should have the same damage potential as the best ones used except that for each extra benefit it should make the damage less instantaneous, for instance on IPS puncture procs could increase the damage taken(like impale in path of exile), impact could deal a delayed damage nuke(like an internal trauma), this way all the ips would have a chance to be considered... On elemental statuses, cold could example should increase the effect of other statuses(having just slow makes not sense), and overall most combined statuses could be streamlined the same way.

  15. Il y a 19 heures, Nesodos a dit :

    Why even buy potatoes when DE drops alerts for them regularly? (+invasions)

    I couldn't disagree more with you. The reactor/catalysts are one of the steadiest income entries for DE since D1. You are from the vocal minority that connects every day to the game. Most of us take 6 monthes or more breaks then play randomly 2 weeks here or there and for us those are a big deal. Honestly if I drop 3 reactors bps per year it is a miracle.

  16. il y a 48 minutes, (XB1)Primus Patronum a dit :

    While I defend my current playstyle as 'one that works and feels comfy for now' I say Thanks for the breakdown and criticism at least. 

    NP. For your missing intrinsics. I feel that engineering 9 is great but the 10 sucks copiously. Piloting 9-10 are meh but passives and I use gunnery 10 a lot but it requires a bit of muscle memory. Gunnery 9 is also quite sweet.

  17. What I feel is good in your build is artillery cheap shot wich is imho stapple atm.

    On gear, I really think that you should use a zekti shield because of the 1s delay wich shield gates a lot, I don't like Lavan reactor but it should work with avionics you haven't put, on reactor, really it is bad skiping vidar reactors, you may feel your build is complete but it's not. Maybe you have very good affixes on your lavan parts as well that we do not see.

    Remove cruising speed and Hardened casing to put Conic Nozzle and Ion burn

    Cruisining speed only affects base speed, Conic Nozzle affects reactor speed as well and is always up

    Ion burn is imho a no brainer, especially if you are already this much invested in boost anyway

    Battle avionics I have nothing to say, I use a 100% different setup but yours work as well for current missions. I used a lot of seeker volley early on it clears well and tether is at a good place now.

    Tactical avionics now: I think battle forge is nice but only at rank 0, you never last long enough in a mission to have multiple resets. Other tactical to consider are Flow burn, Void cloak and having on the side battle stations and death blossom if one day it's needed.

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