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Posts posted by Llewellyn_Lionheart

  1. I think if they made it more abundantly clear that you get 4 per frame per day right from the outset, it would alleviate a lot of this. I am embarrassed to admit at what MR I finally found out you got 4 for each frame, because I was so focused on leveling up each individual frame - I had just never noticed. I don't ever remember seeing that spelled out anywhere, and it isn't often discussed unless someone directly asks about it because everyone just assumes you know.


    It wouldn't hurt for them to clarify specifically that you get 4 new ones daily and put a timer in, either, but... apparently a lot of people do buy revives.

  2. I don't think such a drastic change to the way weapon affinity is handled is needed - I think a slight overhaul to affinity sharing in general is needed.  The fact that the vast majority of actions you can do in game earn no affinity whatsoever for a large part of your kit is just... off.  It actually makes it more efficient to let someone else do all of the killing so the affinity is split evenly between everything you have equipped rather than trying to muck through earning the kills yourself with an underpowered weapon to ensure it gets the most (or even any) affinity.  That just seems like it's at odds with the cooperative aim of the game and proper team play in general.


    They've done a big step in the right direction with Spy 2.0 and the changes to the stealth affinity bonus - you can earn a serious amount of affinity in a very short amount of time now if you know what you are doing, and it can be done on frames other than Loki or Ash if you are careful.  With the addition of the Grineer Manic into the mix, it's actually advantageous to slow down a bit and not run around with alarms blaring all the time, blasting dynamite and Tenno punk rock at full blast.


    I think if they make some changes to the way sharing is done, both on the player as a whole, and within the scope of the way group sharing works now, there's a lot of the problem solved.  More ways to gain bonus affinity with Parkour 2.0 and the full Stealth 2.0 would be awesome, also.  Additionally, they have said at some point they want to revisit the mission challenge system - if that ever does get an overhaul, it should be easier to earn affinity for weapons, depending on how they choose to do the revamp.

  3. Yeah. If the package is the same as the regular accessories pack, but comes with 1365 platinum, and the only difference is it costs $59.99 (or $60) instead of $49.99 - you are getting that plat for $0.00732 / plat.  The best rate by buying normally is $0.0465. Even with a 75% off coupon, that becomes $0.0116. No, there are no typos there.  It's roughly 90% off the standard price. No other deal comes close - not even any of the other Prime Access packages on console or PC.

  4. If you intend to buy a lot of plat, it is actually quite good. A 50% discount is about equal too it. A 75% clearly beats it, but you need to be lucky to get it.

    Exactly. You can purchase Prime Access on demand and receive the discount, plus the items as added value.  You have to wait to randomly receive a discount offer; some people (myself included) have never seen those larger discounts offered. I've never had more than 20% come up, and that is usually once every three weeks or so, good for 48 hours only. In the $139 package, the unit price of the platinum is ~$0.035, which is ~50%. All of the items are basically added value on top of an at-will discount on platinum - valid once.


    The boosters themselves are worth 2080 plat - approximately $145.60 at "standard value" of $0.07/plat. The actual value of the second two tiers is actually even higher than what they say the declared value is if you factor in that you'd have to buy them one at a time, many times as multiple marketplace purchases, since the 90-day boosters are not sold in-game.

    I've made a separate feedback thread (or comments in another one, at least) about being able to buy larger booster durations in the marketplace, or shifting them over (or adding parallel types) that are only consumed while actively in a mission. It's totally a personal thing, but I'm usually wanting to run all 4 boosters since I still have lots of stuff to build - and having a bunch of different boosters all with different duration timers to manage is a bit of an issue. I'd like to be able to match them all with the same duration by buying 90-day resource and drop chance boosters in-game as soon as Prime Access is purchased.

  5. They may have fixed the previous ways of getting around this test, as they have done so in a couple of the prior tests (like the falling platform test).  I'm also stuck on this test as well, so I look forward to being able to practice it in the relay.


    If Zephyr isn't working, you can still try using Loki or Nova to see if you can circumvent it that way. I have yet to try either myself, but they were both also previously possible.  With Nova, it's a bit easier but requires the right build - you just point the wormhole at the right spot.  Loki needs a tweaked build too, I think, but not quite as much. He's just a bit trickier because you have to get the decoy in the right spot before you can teleport.  I don't think either of them have enough range without modding for it.

    You do realize I'm on console yes? If its on console, by all means where is it? Lol, I need it...

    You won't have this yet, as it was part of Update 16. You will get it when the consoles are brought up to that build, though.

  6. The boosters are worth $145.60.  $49.99 is not such a "ridiculous" price to ask for them, eh? The accessories are digital extras free on top of your cash purchase in lieu of actually receiving discounted platinum in that case - instead of buying one of the other packages where you'd get actual discounted platinum along with the boosters and other items.


    I've personally never received any other coupon than the 20% off, but I know there are people that somehow keep getting the 50% and 75% ones fairly often. If you're the type that buys fairly often, and these coupons happen often enough to keep you happy, that is good.  For me, the Prime Access is a deal as these higher discount coupons are merely dreams in the wind.

  7. The packs are priced at break-even on the discounted platinum (if you consider the "bonus" platinum you get when making purchases above certain amounts) and well in excess of the value if you go by the base rate of $0.07/platinum.  Just the boosters alone are worth $145.60 at that rate. The cash value of the packages has not changed whatsoever; the items they choose or do not choose to include are merely extras. 


    The $139 package brings the unit price for platinum down to $0.035.  That's a 50% discount without having to get a random coupon in your login bonus - and you still get all the goodies, including $146 worth of boosters.  They declare the value of that pack at $370, and it's really more like almost $500 worth if you add it up at the actual rate rather than the discounted rates.


    I'm certainly less than enthusiastic about the inclusion of the Prime Archwing myself - but the "value" of the packages hasn't changed.  People clamoring for discounts or calling them worthless are just being disingenuous. Platinum is the only thing that has actual cash value - the digital shinies are merely extras, even if they are exclusive.

  8. Do you purchase platinum? Prime Access is one of the best values for platinum purchasing that there is.  If you don't like the other items, and you don't need the platinum, then don't buy the package this time. The monetary value of the packages hasn't changed. The cash value of the platinum is break-even or exceeds the package value on all of them.


    The part about the consoles getting an accessory pack for a different purchase price that includes platinum is a bit concerning though. It changes the cost/benefit ratio and gives them something exclusive over PC users - which really shouldn't be happening.  They don't get the plat for free though, just so you aren't overlooking that part - it does cost $10 more. But the fact that we don't get to choose is the rub there.

  9. They did change. See DE_Drew's post in the forum section for PC Build Notes. It's not just a swap-out, the entire tables have been shifted.  Frost Prime wasn't the only thing removed - Latron Prime and Reaper Prime were also removed.  Volt Prime and Onondata Prime were the only things that needed to be added - it wasn't the same number of parts (except for Frost vs. Volt).


    It looks like at a glance, they fixed a couple of parts that only dropped in a single spot to have at least one additional drop - but I don't know if they got every single one of them that had that problem (a certain Nyx part, I'm lookin' at you!).

  10. The alerts are random, except for the ones entitled Gift From the Lotus that happen after certain types of events (like the bi-weekly live streams).  It does seem crappy that it happened again that there were two of the same Vauban part blueprint in the same day, but it is entirely random.  In the general discussion forum, someone posted a really good analysis of all of the alerts for a 3-month period. It's probably still in the first few pages, or a good search should bring it up for you. It's a fun look at it. 


    The last time the Vauban Helmet showed up back in February, it showed up twice in the same day as well (that's why I said again above).  Sometimes you're the nut, sometimes you're the squirrel.  I need just the systems BP also - and missed both today because I'm at work.

  11. not really. most of the prime packs  have value and all the point is this ISNT about the value. this is about them wanting us to pay the same for less

    If you are unable to rely on the factual information presented to you and use only the emotional "it feels like less so it must be less", then there is nothing anyone here can do to help you, and this thread was moot to begin with as it's merely a kvetching session for you rather than an attempt at discussion (this is a forum, after all).


    Feel free to hold fast to your own opinions and emotions and either make a purchase or do not, but please do not keep repeating the same thing over and over again like a parrot pretending it's some sort of actual argument. Facts > Emotion, Cash Value > Digital Shinies.

  12. your way over thinkin this. isnt about what ppl like or the math, its about they want us to pay the same amount for less

    The platinum itself is the only thing that has any actual value, and it has the same amounts for the same prices as all previous packages offered (for PC). Any items they choose or do not choose to include are merely that - extra included items that you now don't have to either farm for or spend the (discounted) platinum on.

  13. This particular instance has already been handled by support since the OP did file a ticket (which is what was needed in this instance), but for future reference, it does say on the Prime Access page that you can upgrade through the tiers and only pay the difference. You may or may not be able to go from the Accessories pack to one of the upper tiers.  I don't know whether you automatically have to open a ticket for assistance for this, or if your Prime Access purchase page will reflect any prior purchases.  I've only bought once before, and I went right for the Tier 3 package (Nova Prime).


    If you purchased through Steam and not directly, then you will most likely need to open a ticket for any assistance.

  14. The included platinum is already worth nearly twice the cash price of any of the packages. The items are basically a free gift. They're not going to discount anything.  Even at the unit price inclusive of the bonus plat you get when buying, it's break-even on the $49.99 package. If you go by the "standard" exchange rate of $0.07 per plat, it's $73.50 worth of plat for $49.99 with extras, and only gets better from there.


    Not everyone is going to like what comes in every Prime Access package, but I doubt they are going to modify the model much. They're already throwing in quite a lot of spiffs, and the model is far more favorable than most other free-to-play games, some of which even intentionally try to trick players with bundles that end up costing more than the items do separately. The "base" price for platinum is also fixed, which isn't the case with a lot of games either - in a lot of them, it's less cost effective to buy less.  That is somewhat true here too because of the "bonus" plat, but at least the base rate is the same for every package before the bonus is factored in.  It's not in so many other games I play, which makes people spend more just so they don't feel like they got screwed before they ever even bought items.

  15. Oy, that's right. Thanks for clearing that up. I forgot there were two weapons released at the same time and they were both in there! My point still stands though - people that paid $49.99 for two prime weapons plus 1050 plat are not going to be the same people who will pay $49.99 for Odonata Prime plus 1050 plat; the fact that you're getting $73.50 of plat for that price notwithstanding.

  16. The problem with this Prime Access is that it's missing about half the content of the other Prime Accesses yet still costs as much.

    It's missing exactly one thing - a weapon, and added exactly one thing instead - the Prime Archwing.


    Compared to the Nova Prime Access:


    1 Prime Warframe - check

    2 Prime Weapons - nope, but added Prime Archwing instead

    Exclusive Profile Icons - check

    Verlorum Prime Sigil - traded for Edo Prime Armor

    Exclusive Syandana - traded for Kyzeru Sugatra

    90-day boosters - check


    Edited: Yes, the content on this one is a bit different... - 1 warframe, 1 other non-warframe item, 2 cosmetics, the exclusive icons,and 2 90-day boosters.  The only iffy thing is the breakdown on the Shock package - only plat plus Onondata Prime does seem like it's going to upset some people. Nova Prime Access gave Vasto Prime, Soma Prime, plus 1050 plat for $49.99. That's $73.50 worth of plat, but two weapons is a lot more attractive to most than the archwing, I'd bet.

  17. I posted a thread in General Discussion about the value of the platinum packages and Prime Access in general.  They will always bundle them together - but at least in this game you do get your money's worth if you choose to purchase any of the bundles.


    A number of other games make similar bundles in which the literal value is questionable, or in some cases actually negative and you have to rely on caveat emptor to ensure you're not losing your premium currency on a deal.  With Prime Access, at least you are clearly getting spiffed - even though it can still leave you feeling stiffed when it doesn't have the stuff in it that you like.


    I'm certainly not happy it has a prime Archwing in it instead of a weapon, either, for the record... but at least that's one less thing to grind for later if and when I do buy the package.

  18. Not sure about Archwing having limited slots.... does it have limited slots? I can't sell my veritux.

    Odonata Prime will be the fourth Archwing. I assume that they require slots just like warframes do, but you are correct in stating that I was making an assumption. The Veritux is an Archwing weapon though, and I'd be surprised if you can't sell it - you can sell the parts.


    The other Archwings are the Odonata, which is the one you quest for; the Itzal, which is built from clan research, and the Elytron, whose parts are earned from missions.


    On another note, people were expecting that this might have been the first time that the accessories would be available by themselves (no boosters) for a reduced price, but that is not the case. They did stick with the established model.  However, as you can see, it's a pretty good value if you're interested in the items unless you have true objections about playing with the boosters on.


    I'm not sure how I'm going to proceed yet - I still have 58 days of boosters from Nova Prime Access (I bought VERY late), and I'm not a big fan of Volt.  I do like the look of the exclusive accessories though, and the unit price of plat in any of the packages makes it so that you can pretend you are buying the plat and getting everything else free. That's basically what convinced me the first time around with Nova Prime Access. 


    I was ready to buy plat, but wasn't getting more than the 20% discount once in a blue moon at login. I hadn't even done this much looking into it at that point, and still came to the conclusion that the plat prices attached with Prime Access were significantly better than the standalone pricing, even with the "bonus". Unless you have a 50% or 75% coupon, it makes a lot of sense if you are at all interested in the items.  The $139 package makes the unit price on plat roughly half of the "base" price, giving you more plat for less money than buying standalone - plus you get all of the items.

  19. Since I was curious, but had already felt that this model was more than fair, I did some quick math(s) so I could look at it from a more objective point of view.  My results are included below - have a look, and then let me know what you think.


    I'd especially like if someone could let me know if Volt Prime and Odonata Prime are directly market purchasable (which they should not be, IIRC). If so, please let me know the cost in platinum. Also, feel free to verify I didn't do anything boneheaded when making these back-of-the-napkin (so-to-speak) comparisons.


    I certainly feel that this is well worth it if you are already a platinum buyer, or thinking of buying for the first time.  The more you buy, the cheaper it gets, and the base price never deviates (unlike certain other major gaming companies!).  With Prime Access, it gets even more attractive, as the included platinum is already worth more than the purchase price even at the most favorable unit price possible!


    Please keep any feedback or discussion about the contents of the current Prime Access packs themselves to one of the other relevant threads - I'd like this one to stay solely about the pricing models if we can so it doesn't get merged or locked.



  20. im mastery rank 13, so im no stranger to high level content but even in high level stuff it seems so pointless, i think they should change the mechanic so that a lock down is an "Oh crap" moment, have an army behind the door, not two more dudes after slaughtering 15 in a room 


    Oh, in case I wasn't clear, the lockdowns aren't what I was referring to - it was the alarms themselves. In non-endless, non-exterminate missions, alarms cause endless additional spawns of enemies and they are quite counter-productive to accomplishing the mission quickly or in cases like rescue or spy, they can interfere with mission goals entirely by killing your hostage or spilling over into your vault. 


    In endless modes, they don't matter, because... endless missions.  In exterminate, the number of spawning enemies is fixed; alarms don't increase the number of enemies that will spawn (or at least if they do, it's not significant, and certainly not endless). Alarms are a particular pain on capture missions if they get set off right when you approach your target, as the hostile troops spawn in out of thin air instead of approaching from actual entry points - and that usually results in a death or the escape of the captive if you're solo or undermanned.

  21. It's a force multiplier and containment measure.  Even if you are capable of circumventing the lockdown, it's (usually) not instant, and in reality (vs. Warframe) they would know where the circumvention originated from in most cases. They are keeping you in one place so they can funnel more troops, or more powerful troops (or, in reality, usually both), into said place, while you are stuck figuring out how to bypass the lockdown or find another way around.


    In the sense of the game, it's usually just an annoyance, since it's the alarms themselves that trigger extra troops, and not lockdowns.  Breaching a lockdown is required to proceed, and the lockdown itself doesn't cause any extra troops to spawn, or cause extra eximi or anything.  The best way to avoid them is to never leave an alarm sounding - that's a good practice in general, and a good habit to get yourself into at low levels to prepare for higher level play.


    The stalker is the only way to get a lockdown without a sounding alarm.

  22. Deal with it. 


    The main currency of a game isn't supposed to be extremely easy to get. The people with millions have been playing long hours and for quite some time. Not to mention the credits aren't used for that much.


    ... do we play the same game?


    Credits are used for literally every part of the game that you don't directly spend platinum for; and even some of the platinum or ducat purchases require credits alongside!


    Weapon crafting? Blueprint? Credits. Foundry? More credits.

    Warframe crafting? Blueprint? Credits. Foundry? More credits.

    Mods? Credits to infinity and beyond!

    Syndicates? Insane credits costs, prime parts, forma, potatoes.

    Kubrow maintenance? 75,000 credits periodically, or your Kubrow is permanently lost.

    Kubrow breeding? Imprint blueprint, imprint foundry cost, incubator core blueprint, incubator foundry cost, pattern masking.

    Sentinels? Blueprint? Credits. Foundry? More credits.

    Dropped blueprint cosmetic crafting? Foundry costs in credits.

    Clan research? I didn't know you could put that many commas in a number credits, plus forma.


    I also second the point about the resale costs of built items and purchasable blueprints; especially built items.  You take a base blueprint, add a bunch of credits, resources, rare resources, and sometimes even a forma, and then you get... 2500 to 15000 credits? You can't even recover just the blueprint cost! The blueprints themselves don't even have a grace period where they sell back for 100%, and then they don't even sell for 50% at any point. Just a measly 3500 credits forever, even though they could have cost upwards of 50000 to purchase.


    The system could seriously use some looking into.  I don't think everyone should be able to get instantly rich by any means, especially since boosters are in play (and I am a player that always has one in use, especially with them coming with prime access); but something that is supposed to be the most basic form of currency should not be the major gating factor to all of these other types of things - because they are also gated by other mechanisms.


    Being gated by more than one thing at once is frustrating as heck.  Not having the credits, or the resources, and then knowing I'm timesunk as well once I do find everything, is a crappy feeling, not a good one. It doesn't engender excitement that I will finally have the shiny new toy at the end of the triple gate - it causes me to ignore that portion of the content or get angry that it looks like a blatant platinum grab. Bear in mind that this is coming from a player that's already spent on multiple Steam packages plus one round of Prime Access - it's very easy to get people to spend when it looks attractive, but equally easy to annoy them into frustration and drive them away.

  23. So for MMOs where its 15$ per month, you want it to not count when you're offline? If you only play weekends that's 3/4 of your playtime being wasted, do you rage about that?

    How about your TV service still charging you when your TV isn't on? Cell phone you get 1000 minutes but you only used 500, do you rage then?

    I'd much prefer them come up with some type of "patron" style plan that we could subscribe to monthly that would give the benefits of all 4 boosters for the duration of the month, and make that purchasable for a set price with platinum or available via subscription or as part of prime access for 90 days. It's how a lot of my other F2P / P2W offer their "boosters" and it is much nicer than having to micromanage it and make sure they are on consistently.


    This could be done in conjunction with making them shorter, revising the pricing, and making the non-subscription boosters active only while logged in. There are several games where this is the case, but there are equally as many where it is not. It all comes down to marketing, rather than anything else.  By making them time out while logged out, it makes you want to play more so you don't "lose out". It also makes you want to re-up the boosters again if you do run out at an inconvenient time. 


    For me, I'd prefer to pay based on my suggested model above, and I'd probably never not have said "VIP" type subscription ongoing.  It would lead to a decent shift in player purchasing patterns and an upswing in the trading economy, also, because of the revaluation of platinum that would happen as well, since a somewhat smaller portion of it would be going directly towards constantly feeding boosters.


    All of that said, in addressing your last point - a vast number of metered services, like mobile phone plans, went to unlimited or "rollover" plans based on customer feedback because people did not enjoy paying for 1000 minutes and losing 500. You don't get what you don't ask for; they don't know you're unhappy if you don't tell them.

  24. It's actually the operating system, and/or the mouse software, that does this. The browser may or may not have an override or workaround, but that is up to the browser. Most gaming mice support profiles for this very reason which you are complaining about.  They map themselves to your gaming profiles while games are running, and support "desktop" or "application" layouts when games are not running. Gaming keyboards do the same thing - you can lock out keys, like the windows key, so you can't accidentally swap out of the game while inside.


    It's very easy to set up, and most of these mouse overlays use less than 2MB of RAM while running in the background. If your mouse has any kind of customisable DPI settings or variable acceleration, you need to have this software installed for those functions to even work in the first place, so it really behooves you to work with it, rather than against it.


    Additionally, you can create a macro or action for one of the other buttons for repeat-left-click with no or 1ms delay for your semi-auto weapons so they will fire at their maximum firing rate. If you aren't going to use push-to-talk, it makes a great companion to the above-mentioned melee-on-mouse.


    There is a chunk of code in firefox that makes it respond to the mouse button as such. As such, there has to be a way to disable it. Buttons don't do anything until someone codes a response.
  25. You can add my name to the list that this happened to. I had about six different players rotate in and out while I was still alive, and eventually I ended up with "Mission Failed" anyway. BAM! No alert on nav console, and no catalyst blueprint either.  I have an open support ticket, but it doesn't look too optimistic.


    This isn't the first alert where this has happened, either.  It wasn't always like this - something has changed. Failing or aborting an alert mission did not previously cause you to be unable to attempt to try it again. I asked them in the ticket to clarify if this is intended behavior, at the very least, even if they can't make it so I can run the alert again.


    They did make it abundantly clear that items from solo sessions and items from failed or aborted runs will not and cannot be restored.

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