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Grand Master
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Posts posted by AftieI

  1. 1 minute ago, Robert999220 said:

    I'm gonna assume that the game is down unexpectedly right now, i just got a "network error" after finishing a mission, now when i load the launcher it just sits at "Checking for Updates".... *tinfoil hat time, Destiny 2 just dropped, and there is some animosity between the two fanbases, wouldn't surprise me if a DDOS on DE happened. 

    I remember with Destiny 1 dropped, there was a week of DDOS attacks during then.

  2. Seriously, it's annoying, distilling extractors are expensive and this @(*()$ bullS#&$ makes me waste 150 oxium to not get the actual rare materials not even ONCE before it's broken, remove them.

    stop using it constantly, make regular titan extractors to swap it out with and give it a chance to repair, which they do as long as you're not actively using it, i haven't lost a single extractor.

  3. They're Sanskrit references hurt me, because my family speaks Sanskrit and Hindi, and half the words in Sanskrit in game have alternate meanings and are mispronounced by the devs on streams, giving the feel that the devs simply wnat cool names for items rather than appreciating the proper mythology and meaning of each word. :/

    One of the problems as far as I understand with using sanskrit properly in a game too would be that it doesn't always follow the same rules (when written at least) as European style writing which most players would be familiar with, so it can be very difficult to properly use the words without annoying the playerbase. And forgive me if Im wrong its been 10 years since i took linguistics.

  4. I'm late to this party but i really want to say something about Chainswords... NO, no one who has ever used a chainsaw would want to use something like that as a melee weapon, and thats not even with the risk of hitting yourself, there is no way a chain that size with a motor that size superscience withstanding would be able to cut through inches of metal, like you want it to in regards to grineer armor, it simply cannot be done, it will jam on you then you have a bludgeon that wasn't designed to bludgeon, chainswords infuriate my willful suspension of disbelief more than lightsabers do.

  5. A new clan formed around Grandmaster Katmonster's shoulders is now open for new recruits.


    The Chosen is a new player focused clan, if you are new to the game and wish to have some others to run with and get help from be Chosen! Contact Katmonster in game or reply to this thread if you are intrested,



    No in house trade taxes for you or your buddies (there is of course still the standard one)

    Help from an old fart who has been here for 18+ months.

    No requirements to join (other than consider yourself new)

    No need to supply materials for building the Dojo (unless you want to, unnecessary structures will remain unfunded for a time)

    Looking to Expand past Ghost Clan in time,

    A research station on every level of the Dojo, never be far from a place to get blueprints.

    Warlord is more than happy to help with any mission or just generally give advice.

    Custom sunburst clan emblem for your shoulder.



    Small clan (currently 2 players)

    We do have a general policy of courtesy and presence, being away for an extended time without informing Katmonster may result in expulsion from the Clan.

  6. Wow I know you did not say you would rather have Excal in a T4 surv / defense over an ash...... hahahahahaha


    excal is trash after 30 mins in a T4


    75% of the time im picking him up off the floor after 30 min runs


    get off the poster boy frame/ tutorial frame band wagon

    learn to play, then talk. Excal falling to the ground means you have a bad player, not a bad frame. no excalibur should die when he has radial blind.

  7. That's pretty bold of you to say.

    Especially oh you know, t4 normally have 4 players. So you can have an ash blade storm a large group of enemies while the others defend the cry pod as well?

    I mean this is just logic.

    Indeed you could and as everything it would rely on your party make up, if you set up well in advance with people you know and trust, sure ash is a great asset, so would banshee saryn or any other frame, with the right group and right tactics, but in general, with pugs, i would rather have an excalibur on my side than ash.

  8. I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble getting into the game, some time when the servers are stable send me a friend request, I'm setting up a clan focused on helping out newer players, I'm more than happy to take my time when running with other people.

  9. no.



    Let me explain, Unlike Dark souls, where you can kill some one with high powered gear when you have underpowered gear if you know what you are doing, High powered gear in warframe = oneshot kills, instant death, and thats not even getting into warframe powers. It would be utterly imbalanced and would not be fun to newer players.

  10. My thoughts on PVP in Warframe:


    Let it be in here, if people want to play against eachother let them, but don't force people to play PVP (IE. make pvp only rewards that affect the whole game, such as mods warframes weapons) there should be nothing that you can earn in PVP that you can't earn in PVE, likewise, equipment should be balanced specifically for PVP and separate from the balance for PVE. Warframe Powers should be left alone, yes I know this means that ash and a few others will always be 'top tier' picks but nerfing the powerful ones will only detract from why that frame exists, and frankly in PVP games theres always one or two 'classes' that are top tier and everything else is useless in comparison.


    We shouldn't fight eachother about this issue, we all play the same game, but do need to realize that pvp and pve are very diffren things.

  11. I choose to believe that they came from bats, and that they were simply re-engineered by Orokin to lay eggs (easier for keeping in stasis).


    There's a book called After Man: A Zoology of the Future which speculates a possible evolutionary future after man disappears from the planet. There's a fascinating section on bats populating a secluded island and taking up various niches in the ecosystem there. The alpha predator the author envisioned was the Night Stalker...




    The thing gave me nightmares as a kid.

    That thing gives me nightmares now! I do admit though the kubrow nose and ears to fit a bat like speices being its progenitor.

  12. The individual breeds are yes, but who knows what species they originally took to start the engineering, its easier to engineer your companion if you start with something close to what you want to start with, also selective breeding is a form of genetic engineering, and something we have done as a species to other species for thousands of years.

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