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Posts posted by AftieI

  1. The  maps are to an extent randomly generated useing tilesets, There is a map fo ryou in the upper left hand corner with a yellow excalmation mark indicating the direction towards your goal(s) for that mission.


    You cannot hurt allies, shooting them in the face with a shotgun doesn't do anything.


    Open containers/chests and break objects (anything green) to find ammo replenishment.


    Check the wiki for more information, ask for help in game, play with a team, the game is designed around co-op solo play is intentionally making the game harder for you.

  2. I solo alot to keep myself entertained, i toy with weapon combinations and tactics, using terrain to get a positonal advantage on the enemy ect.


    Oh ive played for over 217 hrs currently 400 xp away from rank 7, don't regret a moment of play.


    I actually kinda hope they keep solo play as hard as it can be, maybe make it more consistent with the spawns I like a good challenge, and I like that I can get that challenge even in a co-op shooter.

  3. I love/hate disrupters


    In one hand they add an awesome dynamic to a mob of infested and require you to be really careful with what you do and how you do it.


    In the other, their horribly fustrating annoying jerks who can effectively do 600+ damage in a single hit, in additon to stealing your energy which in alot of frames is how you prevent horrible deaths.


    In short, I want them to stay as they are because they actually make me sweat when im soloing.

  4. Big thanks!

    No problem, just remember practice makes perfect, it took me until i ranked it up to level 30 and then some before I felt I really got the hang of it, and I still don't get it to do everything I want it to do every time, (though I'm far more consistant than I was before)

  5. The Glaive works fine, if you're experienceing the bug with lag between you and the host either host games yourself, or learn to compensate by skipping the Glaive across the ground before letting it impact an enemy. It takes practice to get right but can be very rewarding, ive used it to deal heaps of damage to high level Ancient Disrupters and probably save my life with a little of luck and knowledge of how it bounces around.


    Things to keep in mind, it bounces based on where it hits the enemy largely in relation to their 'core' so i fyou hit the top of an enemy it will skip upwards, their feet downwards, left to the left right to the right, if the Glaive impacts the player again it will be caught, even if it hasn't made 3 bounces yet. You can bounce it off of walls using the same angles as enemies, except its up or down path is based more on the shape of the object you hit unlike enemies. After 3 bounces it returns to the player and will cut through anything, allowing you to mow down multiple enemies. It returns to the player's arm, so crouching will actually make its flight path lower (all be it only a small amount).

  6. Please no, gunblades, chainswords all that crap should stay away from a good game in a good setting.


    You adding a gun to a sword just infuriates my ability to suspend disbelif, the phsyical impracticality of such a device alone would make it worthless. Inorder to effectively use a sword you need to hold it a certian way, use a gun in the same fasion and you both can't aim it properly, nor would you be able to hold onto it if it had much recoil, anything much more than a .22 would probably kick itself out of your hand when you tried to fire it due simply to how you hold it. changeing the grip to work better as a gun would make it difficult to swing as a sword, and potentially break your own wrist in the process. Not to mention the weight of a blade would throw your aim off unless you could hold onto it with both hands (reasons why rifles are two handed weapons).

  7. In that case you may as well say since you can just use your AoE ult every time a Roller pops up they are perfectly balanced and everyone should STFU. What happens when i'm a Trinity, hmm? No AoEs there! Should I just die then?


    Why can't you people accept that the Roller is not challenging? It doesn't provide anything interesting to the table. All it does is take away from the gameplay. It has no distinct attack pattern. It doesn't interact with the environment. All it does is constantly roll at and stagger you repeatedly every time it so much as gently bumps against your ankle. And when there are more than 3, the only way out is to either mash the AoE button or hope they let you jump on a box, at which point the other dozen grineers immediately turn you into mince meat.


    I used to despise Shield Lancers and their knockdown shield bashes. I still do. But they are FUN to fight. I can run around them to make them stop charging. I can charge them in turn with melee in a duel to see who gets the hit. A Mag can even use an ability to yank his shield off. When you are bashed by a Shield Lancer, you are punished for it fairly, but in turn it is FUN to fight a Shield Lancer, because there are multiple ways of counter-attacking.


    The Rollers however do not provide that kind of fun. They are punishing without being an actual challenge. When your best hopes of killing a Roller is to hide on a box like an old woman hiding from a mouse (given that there are no Grineers around, which there are 90% of the time) or spray bullets at their general direction hoping their AI bugs out and they randomly get stuck on something, you know something is wrong with this enemy.


    I suppose i may have been a little agressive with that post, allow me to tell you how I think of rollers and people who have issues with them exactly;


    They add an intresting change in dynamic to the standard Grineer makeup, they force you to react diffrently to an incoming squad against you. You can hear them coming a mile away (unless you muted the sound or have far too loud music playing) How you choose to deal with the threat is up to you, but if you have trouble with it, try a diffrent tactic.


    Every frame has a method of dealing with them with skills alone, not even bringing weapons into the mix, to use your own example: Trinity, use link, the rollers don't stagger you they stagger whoever you're linked to, even another roller, allowing you to easily pick them off one at a time (if you so desire) or let them stay because now their stagger is your stagger, link also is activated with a brief MOI (moment of Invulerability) meaning you can get it off even if a roller is about to hit you.

  8. Can I ask you....are there people in the game that do this now?


    And do you think this would to some degree give those people more incentive to work as a team?


    If you get one of these people in your group..just leave form a new group..hell you can even report them for griefing if you wish.


    I know how these people work, I've played a couple games before.


    The point I made still stands. This will offer people rewards to work as a team or to at the very least all be on the extraction zone at the end of a mission. If you don't like those people who troll..don't do public groups find friends, or just leave the group aftewards..its not the end of the world if someone yanks your chain..


    There are already people doing this in game now.


    There are, and i guess it would add at least a little ensentive, More than what they currently have.

  9. There is always going to be that ONE GUY that wants to do something to hurt everyone.


    There is no way to avoid that one guy..this is a step to encourage the millions of those "one guys" to not be a jerk for a change and get some kind of rewards for it.


    Think about it...if he wants to be the 1 jerk that doesn't make it to the extraction..he's only hurting himself double..no mission XP and NO honor points too also...he would have in effect proven how stupid he truly is.


    You obviously don't understand how they work, its fine to hurt themselves alittle as long as they hurt other people to, the reward for them is that th ey annoyed/hurt some one else, not any in game currency that they do or do not earn in addition to messing with others.

  10. I don't like the idea of only earning 'honor' if every one is at the pad, there will be that one jerk who intentionally stays off of it just so no one gets anything, probably the same guys who rush.

  11. Because nobody wants them removed "so that NO Grineer enemy provides challenge". That's a lie, and you know it is a lie, and WE know that it's a lie, so why bother telling it? To momentarily appear smarter and more in control than those awful noobs who complain about a thing?


    They should be removed because being stunlocked is not fun. The penalty for missing an enemy with a small hitbox, perfect turning, and no windup animation should not be "stunlocked for some random amount of time". Stunlock is death, because it's the same result: you don't get to play the game. Stunlock is worse than death, because you don't get to play the game, but you also feel like you should, and you're still getting shot while helpless.


    Once again, there can be an enemy that makes Grineer more challenging that isn't a terrible and terribly-designed enemy like the current Rollers. You want things forcing players out of cover? Okay, make it so some Grineer roller mines roll up to you, pop out spikes, and project a bubble that deals constant electrical damage. Now a roller gets you, you have to move away out of your advantageous position, but it doesn't stunlock you and you can still get away from it. Make it so the mini sticky mines thrown by Seekers don't blow up, they paint you as a target and make enemies lock on to you and start firing faster. Give Grineer back-rank medic units or shield projectors that force you to flank a group to get at the vulnerable one, because a head-on shootout just lets them heal. Do something that doesn't involve stunlocking, because stunlocking is awful.

    I've -never- been stunlocked by rollers, EVER, ive had 6 in one room little trying to kill me... all i had to do was hit my 3 as Ember and bam, they all die trying to get to me or as they pass, you always have time to do something -always- if you stand there and try to draw a bead yes you're gonna get stunned before you get a shot off, so don't do that, do something else, use slash dash if you're excalibur, do -something- to save yourself put distance between yourself and the rollers its not difficult they are not broken/imbalanced/overpowered/annoying/anything else they are just there to change the make up of an otherwise dull fight with more grineer.


    In the old days, it was simply mental to try and fight the infected unless you were well out of their reach. Lvl 30 gear or no. The game didn't reward you for being an amazing shot, or a skilled swordsman, you would get pummeled regardless. You were forced to get on a crate.



    Someone earlier in this post said that grinders add challenge to the game, and that we should respect this as it rewards skilled players. 


    Any enemy that removes my control of my character. Is not even giving me the chance to prove my 'skill'. Sure there are workarounds. I can shoot them at a distance, if I have the luxury. I can wall-run over them, retreat, use my powers, or maybe even....stand...on...a......crate. 


    Workarounds are for problems. Not challenging and rewarding enemies. If some of the suggestions on this thread regarding regressing the grinders stun effect were implemented, or maybe even removing it all together - they would become, challenging, rewarding enemies. Until then, they're practically hard-coded lag spikes that rob the player of control. Nobody calls an artist 'unskilled' if someone jolts their elbow every couple of minutes. Of course their painting is going to end up a mess. 

    except that any one with a half built Lato can shoot down 3 or 4 of them before they get to you if you're a decent shot. The problem alot of people have with rollers is that they just charge heedlessly into rooms and so are in the thick of them before they can react to them. If people took a little more time when moving from area to area (especially if Lotus gives you a heads up first) you wouldn't have any issues with the little bastards, outside of certian cirumstances (such as defense missions)

  13. On topic though, Aren't elevator doors usually closed when the elevator isn't on that floor?

    On the grineer asteroid maps there are several elevator shafts that are completely open when the elevator is down, and players gennerally just jump down rather than wait for an elevator.

  14. Or fix the problem where you can't gain new members after wave 5 like you used to. It used to let you replenish your ranks if some one left, right now with how the system prevents people from joining after the objective has been completed, it blocks new entires, which is why when some one claims and exists you're down a man.

  15. groups of Rollers create artificial difficulty, you can be gunning down a swarm only for one to hit you and then the survivors hit you and so on and so far.

    You have chances to escape/avoid/destroy every roller as it potentially hits you as long as you have a remotely decent warframe set up, every warframe has a fast cast ability that can deal with them in some way, loki can swap teleport stealth and/or decoy (im not sure how radial disarm interacts with rollers tbh) Frost can use Snowglobe which slows rollers and protects him from gunfire from grineer while he deals with the annoying bastards, Excalibur... he can super jump out,  he can slash dash and kill them all he can stun them with blind and he can use his 4 all of his abilites can deal with a pack of rollers, Ember can use her 2 or her 3 or her 4 to destroy them all, Volt can super speed out or ult and annhalate them all, banshee can use her 1 to push them back or her 4 to break all the things, Ash can teleport out, stealth and ult, Rhino can charge, invunerability stomp and ult all of which will deal with rollers, Mag only can ult, Nyx can use her 3 or her ult, Saryn can moult, potentially use her 1 if you're good and fast, or ult, and Trinity can just use link and let them kill eachother for you.


    Every frame can deal with them just fine, the only question is do you know how to use your frame? I see so many people in Excalibur (IMO the most OP frame) and they never use slash dash except as an escape, me? I slash dash all the damn time, it only costs 25 energy and thats easily picked up by almost any group of enemies you kill. I can keep going on things people don't do in their frames that they should, your abilites are there to keep you alive and to help you kill enemies, not just to make pretty effects when you're waiting for the team to catch up to you at the extraction point.

  16. If you wanted to unlock, you should've just left the mission when you were given the chance, not come here and whine about a very fun feature.

    This, very much this.


    I gennerally assume people who claim and exit on wave 5 are just trying to complete the map, but people who claim and exit on wave 10 are cowards.

  17. Everything of concequence can be gained through alerts, hell you can sell a frame, collect its parts again build it again, level it agian ad infinium if you so desire without spending a real life cent, you don't need more slots for anything in this game.


    Spending money on a game you enjoy is a good way to show your support, if you can afford it, FTP games are popular because you can play them even if you can't afford to buy a game. Learn some restraint, keep what you like, sell what you don't and just collect it/build it agian if you want to give it another shot.


    This game has a good modle for FTP games, its easily as neutral as LoL, as just like in LoL anything of concequence you can earn without spending money, the only things you have to pay for is cosmetics and bonus slots neither of which you actually need.


    EDIT: Forgot to mention, they don't actually expect you to spend every free moment playing, thats why they have the alerts show up on a twitter account, if something drops that you want, you can log in and pick it up then log back out again.

  18. I like what they did to the Gorgon, its no longer a Latron with more ammo, its actually a minigun for a change, as in you actually use it as a minigun to mow down packs of enemies, i think it should stay as is and you babies should stop crying about trying to use a weapon for something it wasn't intended for.

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