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Posts posted by AftieI

  1. The only mission reassignment I don't mind too terribly is when the mission becomes extermination.

     just wait, you get a mission reassignment for extermination on a defense map, suddenly all the hopes of mods and xp are down the drain as you kill off a measly 78 grinner.

  2. To a point, but the harder bosses, high level defense missions and the like do require people to worktogether more, and are less I got the most kills and more, how can you help secure victory, such as frost with his great CC and protection bubble (Snowglobe), nyx's ability to incapacitate an army (though that doesn't really let her just kill them all either) excalibur's AOE stun and so on. There is teamwork, it just doesn't come up much in your more standard missions.


    One example of teamwork I see often is in spy and deception missions, where one person is a designated carrier, allowing the others full access to their loadout.


    I would like to see more of course, its a game set around teams, hopefully we will get more when the stealth system gets more love too.

  3. I agree something needs to be done about it, i dont' expereince it too much myself as I actually play solo most of the time, i only group for some bosses and when i want to run a defense mission. I honestly like most of the sugestions putforth here, so I'm not going to weigh on one more than another just voice that I think it needs to be worked out, at least before full launch. Get this stuff working properly while its in beta!

  4. what map are we talking about? theres one for the generic infested map a small ledge by a fence that you can stand on over a bottomless pit just ot the right of the left most ramp (when you're facing the warframe cryopod platform) the ancients can stll hit it (tentacle arm range) but the little ones gennerally cannnot.

  5. I have had a similar issue just now, however it happened as I was logging in, I joined a game where the host was in mid air I spawned on the edge of a platform and fell off, falling into the atmosphere of the zone where I could see the map falling away from me then suddenly be back beside me only to fall again, Forever.

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