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Posts posted by AftieI

  1. (Caution! some pictures are quite large taken at my full resolution, this thread is totally serial and not intended to show off my adorabables little kubie ^_^) Edit: apparently my screenshot program scales the images down from full resolution.


    Hypothesis: Kubrows are descendants of modern birds.




    Egg laying species, while this is not exclusive to any one group, hard egg shells are found most commonly in Avian stock.


    Feathery Coat, while unconfirmed as I cannot physically interact with the Kubrows coat to find if it is made of fine feathers or not the fluffy and long but tall standing strands of the coat seem to indicate a more sturdy structure than most mammalian hair posses.




    Communal Nest made of branches mud and grass, Common throughout many species of birds, especially smaller finch like birds, some colonies such as in an African species can be truly massive and house thousands of birds which will band together to defend their nests.


    Talon like feet, the 'paws' of a Kubrow have a much more hand like appearance with long toes and sharp talons on the ends, the Kubrows also use these claws to attack with.




    Few teeth all of approximately the same shape, the few birds that have teeth, and their ancestors the dinosaurs have only one shape of teeth, something that sets mammals apart, with our multiple shaped teeth for different jobs, dinosaurs only had one shape (multiple sizes) to their teeth.




    There may be other evidence that I'm not thinking of to prove or refute my theory, and so I welcome any and all discussion,  also pictures.

  2. Their not obligated to give us anything for something out of their control, this isn't because of a patch they did or a server reset or anything on that order, this is because of an outside group/individual targeting them. You have no right to demand anything from DE.


    If I have any say in it I won't allow DE to give any compensation for this event because it is not their fault.

  3. ppl dont mind rehashing the same stuff in the solar system as the expectation is that theres something different after that, same as with WoW/others making you dungeon crawl till you eventually get to raids etc.

    Except raids are what im talking about when i say sit here for half an hour, their not exciting and if anything its a nightmare to try to coordinate 20+ people to not be stupid. I would rather have small rehashed dungeons for 4-5 people that are actually challengeing than any raid.

  4. even doing that your just doing the same old rubbish over and over, endgame should be somethign different and challenging, a place to roll with your 6x forma ogris and boltor prime to do something fun, not rehash the same old endless defence or survival runs that you do anyways when looking for prime gear or mods.

    which is the same thing you did through out the solar system, yet you don't mention that at all. Look play the game and have fun or don't, that's it, I gave an option for a challenge that is really fun in my opinion because its challenging and makes you think about how you move and what you do, instead of just shooting everything with your over forma'd prime/ogris or whatever


    I also haven't seen a single MMO "end game" boss that was anything more than stand here do this some times move out of the fire circle for half an hour because its HP is so bloated out of proportion to make it challenging.

  5. Bleh, there is no endgame in the way (some) people want, its not about grinding for the next purple or orange or whatever, its about using and doing what is fun/challengeing . I would be very disappointed if they put in MMO style gear progression and would likely stop playing because of nonsense like that.


    If you're just looking for a challenge, go into a T4 under geared, and have a ton of fun doing it.


    I don't think PVP should have any bearing on this game at all, I was against it being implemented in the first place, and it is certainly not END GAME content, there shouldn't be END GAME content at all, play the game have fun, it doesn't matter where you play or what missions you do or who you do it with just that you enjoy it.

  6. Unfortunate, I ran a T4 survival as a rank 10 orobon and had the time of my life making it to 40 minutes, tons of fun for every one, lots of panic and running all over the place and even though i went down in the end we still won the mission, so yeah... i generally laugh at people who make requirements like that. Games are for fun, not srsbsns unless you get paid to play like are a professional MOBA player.


    PS. i also went to rank 26 from 10 when i got out XD

  7. I thought about reviving this guy, but I said "too far, sorry" and left him.


    That's the kindest thing I have done.


    I am a terrible creature.

    and yet you are still loved <3




    I did remember one other thing that I think should be noted, it unfortunately is something that I did, as Loki in a T4 Survival at ~50 minutes, I suicided with my last gasp of energy to ensure my team could evac safely by sprinting across the map to activate the last life support pillar (saving it at 5% LS) I gladly took the loss of bonus for not making the evac so that my team as a whole would not fail. This is something I think all Tenno should consider when faced with failure or death, the success as a team should come before your personal record.

  8. Ive done lots of nice things, noble sacrifices and the like, but i would rather talk about what other people have done, for me and for others.


    A friend of mine gave a new player 200 plat because some jerkface charged the new player 200 plat for a darka prime blade.


    Some random stranger gave me a maxed Heavy caliber in exchange for a bronko prime BP, in addition to the braton prime receiver that the deal was originally for, when questioned he replied with <3


    i know there are others but for some reason i can't remember enough details about them to warrant writing them down :/ sowwy.

  9. Although the Renewal projectile does feel a bit slow at times, I have to admit. 

    It probably is, but I haven't had enough of an issue with it that I think it warrants a complaint for re-balancing, I do admit though I play other frames much more than Oberon, hes not really my style, so i might not have enough use of his Renewal to make a good judgement on that.

  10. It does. Tried it with PvE and PvP, and when hitting an enemy, it staggers. 


    Then again, I am the type of player who will use everything to my advantage (combat pragmatist), so there is that. 

    I like you, that's exactly what i look at with every frame and gun I play with, oberon is very useful in capable hands, its kinda silly how incapable most people who make complaints on the forums seem to be.

  11. I like valkyr, angry kitty is angry and the katmonster likes angry kitties.


    She is very useful in survival missions too, going full rage and murdering everything and saving your T4S at 40+ minutes by being invulnerable while activating that last Life support pillar? Yeah that's the stuff i play this game for, you can keep your fancy sparklers i wanna be a damn badass that doesn't care about getting shot while tearing corrupted in half.

  12. no you don't have to run any specific mission, you just need to work up the cash to pay for 6 stablizers, which will last you quite a while, its a speedbump for using kubrows exclusively, you should just stasis them when you're not using it so you don't have to pay for their upkeep, and use your regular sent in the meanwhile. Before you start *@##&#036;ing about the warmup time after stasis, a little pre-planning can go a long way, wake the kubrow up a few hours before you're actually going to play with it, so you don't have to wait when you actually have time to play.

  13. bug: Using Mirage maxed HOM with a 51.6% crit Attica would redcrit over 75% of the shots for full damage even with HOM clones, tested in ODD on several attempts regularly shot 8k redcrit bolts from a level 23 attica stacked for crit and crit damage, from all 4 clones and my own bolt, i killed over 5 ancients and over 15 other infested in one volley.

  14. You people are doing this to yourselves you know, you get so worked up about something that you can't think straight until it comes out, when there's no guarantee that it will be ready, I'm sure their doing their best to make the deadline they set, but I would rather have a good complete update than a broken rushed one because people were crying for it to come before it was ready.

  15. Mod Name: Fatal Fury

    Rank: 0/1/2/3

    Polarity: V

    Rarity: Rare

    Stats: When taking lethal damage, the Tenno instead enters a short duration frenzy where she will then do 1.5/2/3/4 X melee damage or 1/1.5/2/3 X ranged damage and is immune to damage for 10 seconds, after which she is left at 1 hp and 0 shields the next time she would enter holdout she instead dies.

  16. Are they like sneaky down or something? the launcher worked fine, then I couldn't log in, when i put the right pw in it takes a long time to spit back an error, put in the wrong one (intentionally) and it comes back with an error quickly, then i logged out and the patcher is acting weird, it took it about 5 minutes to check for updates, and no news is posted up on it, any one else having issues or know what this is from so I can fix it? (assuming its my end)

  17. It's probably a indicator of how much you have played in one day. At the end of the mission, at the page thats shows credits and xp earned you also see a mission rating number, that number is added to your skill. If I'm not mistaken the skill value resets daily so you see the numbers fluctuate from day to day.

    That would explain the 2k drop I experienced recently, I was playing alot in the morning came back for my dayly login and noticed my score was at 30 where it had been almost 3k earlyer, i was looking at my weapon percentages before and noted massive number.

  18. I just noticed pretty much every post supporting slots being able to be gained without paying acual cash has multiple thumps down. I thought that was weird since most of my free to play friends complained about the limits, but then I thought about it for a secound... My guess is most of the free to play member's quit already so that would explain it, thus no one or very few of them are here to support the supporters XD


    pay to play members may be the heart of the game but free to play member's are the blood.


    good luck pumping without them.


    That's a pretty arrogant statment to make, you have no idea how many people have stayed or left, if other 'free to play' players have the same opinions you do or not. Its more likely they don't agree with the statements you make, or don't feel the need to upvote or downvote anything, or don't even look at the forums.

  19. They have said that they will be adding new factions with new maps as well as some new end game level bosses so just keep farming and remember it is a beta and as such is still a w.i.p.


    Exactly this, people seem to not realize what a real Beta test is, they expect it to be a seamless smooth experience like the glorified Demo's most MMO's have been giving lately.

  20. The 'prime' stuff isn't even all that much more powerful than the regular versions. But its an exclusive item for people who have given support to the Dev's. Just like the Vandal weapons were for people who were there for the specific event. Their not going to allow people to craft them as it would devalue the gifts they gave to people who invested in the game. No sooner would they allow people to craft the Vandal weapons as it would devalue them.

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