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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. I would like them to have better UI for the side mission first, most of the time i have to test each one of the mission to see which one i got. and some of hte mission is just kinda confuse like use warframe ability once but i have used it more than 10 times but still unable to finish it.

    Ur ult right?

  2. One factor in laggy games for why it takes so long to get what you're standing over is that the game is still trying to pick up other things.

    Oh I know what you mean. Like when I stand in a mod for 2 minutes before I actually pick it up.

  3. I like this idea, but there are some underlying problems.1) In laggy games, the game can't cycle through all the pickups fast enough to get the things you need before cycling back to start. For example, if you don't have a shotgun, and you are trying to get a mod in between two shotgun ammo drops, it sometimes can't figure it out fast enough and just tells you shotgun ammo full for 30 seconds.2) Known issues with energy pickups when you have been disrupted. You can pick up every energy orb in 10 meters, but if you are still in the disrupted phase, none of it does any good, whereas now you can deftly maneuver around them. Maybe this is just a cost of doing business, but it seems that you shouldn't be able to pick up things that are ultimately hurting you.3) The filter. I like to know if the resource I just picked up was a neurode or just some ferrite. With increased range, you will never be able to pay attention to that one line at the bottom long enough to figure out what you got. BUT: easy FIX - disable showing loot pickups for weapons you're not using and possible full weapons. AND/OR create a second display that shows things like credits, resources, and blueprints, preferably in a more visible spot and larger/brighter text.

    1. Not entirely sure what you mean

    2. May just have to stay extra far away from energy, but a very good point.

    3. It should have a separate place where it shows resources and bps then where it shows ammo and energy and health IMHO.

  4. I'm currently farming for Saryn, so I can't say much of her (other than that I want to build her :P).


    But, I played Nyx a lot lately and I can say that she is not an offensive warframe per se.

    Chaos and Mind Control are both excellent skills, especially since neither cares about the enemy's level - 1 or 100, they work just the same.

    Absorb is weirdly bugged (it acts in a completely unreliable way - sometimes it kills off everything, sometimes it does next to nothing) and it's almost always a better idea to use Chaos, since they're both aimed at crowds, and Chaos is much more effective.

    Psychic Bolts were intended as a long range attack power, but it's pretty wonky and buggy as well. I find it effective as a shotgun, blasting it in an enemies face for approximately 7x150 damage. Unreliable and costly (50 energy).

    Overall, she needs to be patched up and fixed, and Absorb (IMHO) needs to be reworked entirely.

    I still really like Nyx, though. Chaos and Mind Control are both fun and unique, and she has the top-tier Energy pool, so there's enough to spare for Psychic Bolts as well.


    Saryn might be more to your liking. I won't know in another 3 days for sure :P

    Absorb deals the damage out you take while in the bubble.
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