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  1. I feel like Cinta's description is misleading or at the very least, poorly written. "The versatile Cinta can fire arrows in quick succession, quickly charge a shock wave, or fully charge a powerful focused shot." From this I got the understanding that Cinta can fire three kinds of shots; a tap for quick shots, a partial charge for a shock wave, and a full charge for a powerful shot. While this might be simply my understanding, I feel that it's not properly reflective of the weapon. As the shock wave is triggered with a "Perfect Shot," as referred to by the stats themselves, and the perfect shot window being smaller than on the similar Nataruk, calling it a "quick charge" seems quite disingenuous, especially as Cinta's base fire rate is the slowest of all bows. As for the other two parts of the description, the quick shots are the same as any other bow (and not all that quick in practice due to reload times), while the fully charged shot isn't really much different from the charged shot of other bows aside from the extra critical and status stats. As such, to me they seem somewhat redundant to be explicitly referred to, though the higher stats on fully charged shots can deserve a mention. I would propose a new description along these lines: "Draw the Cinta back fully for a powerful shot with extra critical effect, or perfectly time a release for a powerful shockwave."
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