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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 36 minutes ago, RaiuLyn said:

    Never really had a chance to look at his augments actually.

    *Checks his augment*

    Sweet mother of potatoes!!! That pyroclastic flow augment. How is THAT a thing!? It destroys Volt's passive ability.

    Safeguard, am I correct to assume that it has no range limit? As in all allies can get it no matter how far away they are? If so, Nezha basically can cast iron skin onto your friends whenever he wants and where ever he is.

    Nezha went from versatile to downright high Support DPS frame. I need to revisit him. Thanks!

    Yeah there's no limit as long as you can aim at it , & yep this is why he's my favorite . He's everything I'll ever need till a mech frame comes out 

  2. 4 hours ago, p3z1 said:

    Even with a Rhino Prime walking I can do that, due to 3rd world S#&$ternets ;p

    Are you doubting nezhas speed ? You can doubt him being a viable frame , you can even make fun of the way he looks , but never ... never doubt this guys speed . 

  3. 5 minutes ago, RaiuLyn said:

    Nezha is a mix of offence, defence and speed. Let's break his abilities down:

    Firewalker: Gives a small speed boost and a fire buff to your movement. Compared to Volt, it's not meant to be speed but it's meant to cause damage to pursuers while getting away from something, for example Infested.

    Blazing Charkram: It's a Glaive but lets you heal and teleport. The problem is it's hard to predict where the direction of the Charkam will go before teleport.

    Warding Halo: It's a weaker iron skin but lets you hurt enemies in close range. Helps Firewalker for not being knocked down while running through enemies.

    Impaling Spears: Stuns enemies and lets you do finisher attacks or buy you some time to revive allies.

    Passive ability: Oh boy, his sliding makes my Volt feel slow in comparison. Volt might outrun in terms of pure speed but you have to put a lot of power strength and duration to do it resulting in high energy consumption. While Nezha's sliding speed costs nothing. 

    Summary: He's versatile. He's not for everyone but once you figure it out, you will find Nezha is underutilised. 

    Don't forget his augments ! 

    Safeguard , is the most meta thing nezha has right now . Not really a fan of it but you can't deny it's usefulness when your surrounded by people who keep going down .

    pyroclastic flow, let's nezha actually kill something that's a higher level than 40 with his abilities . Favorite btw 

  4. I agree with the OP but I also agree with whoever who said making lokis decoy invulnerable will make him perfect . So yeah I'd just give it the snow globe changes & right now I believe there are other frames that need qol changes more than Loki 

  5. 7 hours ago, Arezael said:

    Unfortunately you'll come across this a lot on the forums - it's best to just stick with people you have a vested interest in (friends and family for example) when it comes to out-of-the box type ideas. You're seeing why in this thread.

    It was hard enough to convince people of the benefit of status builds, or conditional mods like Berserker which don't directly add damage. As soon as you add in 100%status-before-multishot, Primed Bane of x or other such examples - you'll find you're just wasting your time.

    Oddly enough people seem to understand the situational uses of a mod like Lifestrike though, particularly before the Hema and Hirudo were released. Funny how that works out eh?

    ^^ pretty much 

  6. 6 hours ago, Kuestenjung said:

    And I love people who think that the people liking melee rivens are the same that dislike the idea of augment slots.

    Noone voted disagree because that´s not possible in this forum.


    difference of opinion m8 . But eventually something going to happen regarding augment mods , also regarding money. There's too much buzz about it for DE to ignore forever. Just like everything else that was "never going to happen"

  7. 51 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Then that's the problem. A Warframe build is not somehow supposed to be a full build with all mandatory mods plus an Exilus mod plus an Aura plus Augments. 


    The point of all build-creation in Warframe and other games which make modding or skill trees or Talents or item load out or whatever is to make choices and fine tune your capabilities for the challenge at hand. What you are asking for instead is for everything to just be available, which defeats the point.

    Looks like majority of the people voted disagree with you . But sadly it seems de doesn't . Which is a shame,

  8. I hardly ever see them , I remember when she was first revealed people were really excited about her now I hardly see them . I saw one last month in Mot but that's about it . So yeah do you think she fell off from being one of the popular frames ? And do you think this happens to all warframes ? Cause to me it seems nidus' fame is still going . 

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