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Posts posted by Reconsile

  1. 45 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

    If you're not entirely tech savvy I would recommend Malwarebytes to scan your PC with and just use the anti-virus software you already have (assuming it is all up to date).

    As for the chat suspension, sorry to say but that usually lasts up to a week - so you may be without chat until then. If you're gonna contact support about it, make sure to send in your EE logs (Warframe local app data). Directions below:

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    Nothing showed up besides registry errors. I could always check in the morning to if maybe the button is cracked or something for my space bar. Again, when I am in game, it will sometimes not work, then there was the incident that happened today. Probably not the problem but won't hurt to check

  2. 6 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    Personally, I searched and removed it myself. I think all Antiviruses are garbage, but if I had to pick one it would be Kaspersky.

    Would you say it is worth for a purchase? Looking on reviews, I see that it is consumes quite a bit of disk space, and it has an internet filter which does slow down the internet speed. I kindof have a S#&$ter laptop that isn't the best, but gets most jobs done. Not sure if the hit to disk space will blow my computer from playing games

  3. Just now, JSharpie said:

    There is a piece of malware that will pull you out of program and put you back in on certain keystrokes. I was hit by it years ago. I would look in to this. Scan your PC for any kind of virus or malware just in case.

    Is there any antivirus you would recommend? I used to run AVG, but switch to BitDefender recently after their massive upgrade

  4. I am not entirely sure what is happening, but for the past week, I have been noticing that my space button will refuse to work. Today, it completely shut off. Because of this, I am unable to use spaces like I am now for chat, and as such, all my text will be flagged as spam, and I am kicked/suspended. Out of game, my space bar works wonders, and never has a problem. I have no clue how to go about solving this problem.

  5. I personally got a crit/status hybrid. 25% crit chance is quite good for an automatic weapon, with a 55% status chance as well.

    As for Shred over Speed Trigger. Nothing I can find would suggest either give some hidden buff to damage. What most likely is happening is the effect on your accuracy.

    Faster fire rate = less accuracy. Fire rate does affect recoil. Holding the trigger will increase recoil and decrease accuracy, whereas burst firing will decrease recoil and increase accuracy. What area of the body you shoot for example the head, have different damage modifiers, making more accurate shots meaningful. The Grakata' fire rate will make the bullet spread large, however slowing the fire rate and shooting one bullet at a time can make it fire as precisely as the Vulkar, a sniper rifle

    EDIT Don't also forget, more fire rate means more ammo consumed per second. The reason why automatic weapons are less ammo efficient than burst weapons are because of the chance of overkill. Burst weapons have a set amount of bullets they use, for example the Sybaris. If you over kill, you will only waste 1 bullet out of the 2 shot burst. Whereas Grakatas, by the time you let go of the trigger, you most likely wasted 5+ shots

  6. I have never used the gunblades, so I wouldn't know entirely what you mean. However, I personally have not noticed screen shake during my play through, or rather, any screen shake that is noticeable. This however would most likely be enhanced by people sensitive to screen shaking. That being said, I do know gunblades have massive recoil. First, are you sure the problem is screen shake, or just the massive recoil? Second, have you tried turning Motion Blur off? I find the game is a lot smoother, and I honestly never notice screen shaking with it off.


    EDIT: There should also be an option to turn off HUD Shake as well. It might help reduce any screen shake you have.

  7. 9 hours ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

    I believe the Jupiter junction is the junction that one needs to unlock the planet Jupiter (it's on Ceres).  The Europa junction is on Jupiter, so I don't think it's possible to have Nova for this fight as a new player.

    Very true. Had a little bit of a lapse. Some reason was thinking Jupiter Junction was the Saturn Junction.

  8. Expect, when you @ someone, similar to when you link an item with [   ] it will open a drop menu of all potential names as you type the name. And just like linking an item, the name is highlighted. DE quite clearly has made the effort of tagging people easier. It is just a matter of clearing the tag/linking system from KickBot's blacklist imo. This obviously will never be a problem with an Item since mods and weapons are never in full caps. However this makes me curious about whether or not linking Octavia songs with names in full caps will cause the same problem?

  9. Just now, CorruptedSentient said:

    when you spend a hour on a mission (thats right i am still on it a hour later) it tells you to finish it and gives you 1 minute to finish it.

    Ah that. Well that isn't really being timed. If it is taking a person an hour just to complete their objective, then that person either needs to really learn the game, or farm more for better gear to be able to complete said missions. 

    With that being said, Valkyr junction really shouldn't be taking anyone an hour to do. She can be easily beaten if one has taken the time to learn the basic mechanics of the game. In which, Junctions do a semi decent job of stopping new players for progressing too far above their actual skill level.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Is using @ in any chat channel supported, as in does it alert the player mentioned, or is it just text that the player may or may not see?

    "@" someone will only show a red dot above the appropriate chat for the person that is being tagged for. Other than that, there is no real indicator. Tagging will not put an alert on other chats, but tagging does work on every chat.

  11. You got to learn how to properly use your Warframe, Sentinels and weapons. Jupiter is most likely going to be your hardest Junction, but the solution is quite simple. On the way to Jupiter Junction, you unlock Rhino, Frost, Mag, Valkyr and Nova (if you did Europa Junction). If will also have either Excalibur or Volt depending on your starting frame. All of those frames have some type of CC to slow down Valkyr or outright shut her down. Excalibur > Blind. Volt > Electric stun. Rhino > Ragdoll with 1 or Air Suspend with 4. Mag > Ragdoll Pull. Frost > Freeze, Slow and Armour Shred with your entire kit. Nova > Slow. Taxon > Artax 100% Cold Proc

    Utilizing these abilities as well as semi decent weapons will ensure a victory against the warframe with the largest base armour in the game.

    Also what is this about timed junctions? I can't seem to find anything about them being timed in the patchnotes.

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  12. I've been playing Warframe for about 3 years now, and I can pretty safely say, I know mostly what the do's and don'ts of Region Chat are. However, with talking in Region chat, I cam across a player with a name that was ALL caps, and a pretty long one. I proceeded to "@" him after a joke question he asked in chat, and was subsequently kicked by KickBot for "all caps spamming". I logged out and logged back in thinking it was just a kick and I could refresh, only to find out I was suspended from Region. Unfortunately I cannot accurately remember the player's name, but it was something like "THELONGESTDONGYOUEVERSEEN". Now honestly, I am not upset about the suspension. I can always just play the game or player another game instead of talking. However I believe this is a problem that should be brought up. Why punish people for using a tagging system implemented in game for simply "@-ing" a person that chose to use capitals? I understand that this is most likely just an oversight that almost never happens, and thus DE may not even be aware of this fault with their KickBot. I won't say this is a fix that is high priority, but I believe is should still be known and eventually fixed to decrease suffering over something that isn't a player's fault.

  13. I was just about the make the same bug report. I was leveling Limbo and akLato and I came across this bug. My Rakta Cernos works as intended with Limbo's kit, but my AkLato was able to kill enemies between the planes, but banishing enemies rendered them immune. First two images are me in the Rift with Cernos, second and third are me in rift with Aklato, and fifth is me in rift with banished enemy.

    EDIT Rip screenshot is roasting me my taking it when i missed two shots on the eximus



  14. 1 minute ago, (PS4)ExetSM said:

    No idea. I have never had any problem with such stuff, I think most of the words are common sense. Rascist, sexist, homophobic and such. But in your case I don't know. Maybe it's something down the line of "Press F4" is a common "joke" to pull on people? I do agree that it's unfair, sometimes ignorance is at fault, not bad intents.
    Maybe a list wouldn't be such a bad idea, but my guess is it would invoke a lot of useless debates about "well b**ch is just a word that's always been used yadadada *common privliege people whine*". 

    Honestly I would take whining over being suspended from a global chat. There are times when region because intelligent and I have enjoyable conversations about various things and all round having a fun time, until a trigger word is used and sighbot dabs on my corpse. I am also one of the players that tries to actively help the newbie's in region chat while they get drowned by the flood of others. 

    The point of being fair is that every one gets a chance, fair doesn't mean if i study hard to become a doctor, you get to become once for less work, it means you get to have the same chance of opportunities to do the classes and I did to also become a doctor. And with that meaning done, in all fairness, region does explicitly say no swearing. although they are lenient with that rule. Profanity filter does exist, but it doesn't mean we are allowed to use foul language nonstop. If DE one day does crack down on profanity, at least we got fair warning about it.

  15. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)ExetSM said:

    I think you are spot on when it comes to how the kickbot works. It identifies certain phrases which has been alarming in the past and as soon as they add it to the filter, to bot kicks those who uses it.
    Same as if you say "WTB" in Recruiting you will get banned, but just saying "I'm selling x" won't get you banned. It's the actual words that get's you banned, not the context of the message.

    Is there possibly a list released by DE on blacklisted words? I doubt there is, but without such info beforehand, it is quite unfair to suspend without warning on users that have freely used said blacklisted words until their addition

  16. 4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    You used the word pay, therefore your sentence was 100% completely and utterly about a financial transaction. How dare you conduct such matters beyond the realm of the Trade chat, for such a heinous act we shall entirely remove your regional chatting privileges for the foreseeable future!

    Such blatant disregard for the rules... I shake my head at you sir.

    So "pay" is the new trigger in region like "gay" was? You can say it freely now without getting a suspension. but even mentioning the word "pay" is grounds of suspension without warning?

  17. Not bug reporting or anything, I am honestly just curious why certain phrases that seem to me to not be offensive in anyway, or use any trigger words that flip Sighbot off, gets me, or others suspended from region for a day. One I am particularly interested in today is "Press F to pay respects." 3 days in a row I have been suspended, with 2 of those days to confirm if it was indeed the sentence that suspended me. I honestly can't make out why this is triggering a suspension as it is just a meme from Black Ops III. Is the automated kick system perhaps getting flagged from "press 'x' to pay for 'y', and think I am trying to scam someone but is not able to understand the context? What whacky phrases have you guys said that the kick system has just decided to cut you cold turkey?

  18. 11 hours ago, arch111 said:

    All information we have inside the gameworld has to be treated as fact. 

    Except, we already know this is not true as one example with Devs stating that, in-game you do not actually kill the bosses at each planet, they just run away. If we considered all information given to be treated as fact, surely we must then consider all visual information to be treated as fact, no? Not trying to making an argument about who is in the right, and i am also not saying you are wrong, however in my opinion, it just makes bad practice to have to treat some aspects as the game as well... a game and then certain others as canon parts of the universe. It is weird that, what is simple game play and what is lore needs to be dissected out to be distinguishable. On the other hand, i could just be overthinking this whole ordeal. We could just be in part of the gameplay where DE is half way between converted what was old lore when game was alpha into what we know now as the 4th year. I have seen similar retcon of weapons over their lifespan as new things have been added. For reasons i do not know why, and the wiki certainly doesn't mention this anymore, Braton used to be a corpus constructed, and shipped weapon. Rubico and Lacera were weapons made of sentient bones. And there is some other small things i have probably forgotten that DE is gradually changing, most likely for a new updated.

  19. 1 minute ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    Basically what I said; they try to make them look good so people will buy them. They do not 'make' deluxe skins look better than primes, because it's completely subjective. They TRY to make them look good.

    Sorry, wasn't trying to disagree with you. I guess i didn't click that my view of it and your view were virtually the same

  20. 2 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    True. The lore does get a bit wonky in certain places. I hope the web comic clears some of this stuff up

    If there is one thing Warframe lore has kept in continuity, it is their plot holes. To be honest though, i think this plot hole is because of the time when Saryn Deluxe was released. Sayrn was released (kinda lazy to look her up again) at least a year before Silver Grove, and her description just hasn't been bothered to be changed

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